Roulette World

One thousand and forty-two Ye Zhongming is here

It seemed like a simple quick kill, but in fact, it showed Ye Zhongming's determination and courage.

From the sudden start of shooting the three-flowered blood bullets to the application of various negative states to this eighth-level master, it was almost completed at the same time, for the sake of two words, suddenly.

In order to achieve the goal, Ye Zhongming used most of the state abilities in his hands, and the earth elves also consumed a lot of energy such as jumping gravity. After all, the opponent is an eighth-level existence, and the gravity change is too small and it is easy to break free.

Then there was the attack of Disha Yueren, which should have the strongest attack ability, but Ye Zhongming used it as a false move. His real killing move was Ling Xiao's cutting.

The current Ye Zhongming is wearing a green-level glove, and he is not stingy with his mental power at all, so the light spots cut by Ling Xiao can attack the opponent crazily, and broke the person in an instant defense.

Ye Zhongming was really surprised by the fighting skills of that person who turned into white jade hands, and actually stopped Ling Xiao from cutting, but the Shayue Blade of the falling purple sword was enough to solve the following matters.

He raised his head and poured a bottle of mental power recovery medicine to supplement the consumption just now. Even with Ye Zhongming's abnormal recovery speed, it was a bit overwhelming.

The battle ended really quickly, and Ye Zhongming did take advantage of being caught by surprise and others didn't know his ability, but as long as there was an accident in one step, then Ye Zhongming would enter into a dogfight with that person, which would not only make the plan of the Dawn Temple Success, even the final outcome is hard to say.

Ye Zhongming is indeed strong, and indeed has the strength close to that of an eight-star evolutionary, but if he really wants to fight the eighth-level master here, he can't guarantee that he will win.

Thinking about the strength of King Heyan back then, Ye Zhongming still has lingering fears now.

The direction he went was the city wall.

In the current city, there may indeed be other eighth-level powerhouses mixed in. They may have found various kings, and even Xia Bai who has not appeared until now. These people will indeed fight harder against such a strong player, with fewer wins and more losses.

However, he is very clear about where the key point is now. Once the city wall is lost, it means that the royal city is about to fall. After seeing the quality of the Dawn Temple army, Ye Zhongming really has no confidence to let Yunding or the posthumous people fight with these people.

On the top of the city, Ye Zhongming immediately found that the soldiers of the Dawn Temple had established a line of defense near the city wall on the Ice Crystal Road, and countless soldiers wearing bright armor were frantically rushing to both sides.

Looking from the inside of the city, the left side of the gap is the main attack direction of the Holy Light Cylinder team. These weapons made by the Light Acolyte are really powerful, and beams of light are fired from the cylinder. The targets were all... melted by these beams of light.

Perhaps these beams of light did not cause as much damage as the arrows like the dark clouds outside the city, nor did they destroy as many equipment as the boulders shot in by the catapults.

However, this kind of melting of flesh and blood that is visible to the naked eye when it touches the light still gives people a huge psychological impact. Whenever these holy light tubes are fired, it is obvious that the posthumous people and the soldiers of the Yunding coalition have some flustered.

Those equipment also cannot survive encountering the holy light, whether it is a giant bow or a giant crossbow, whether it is a magic crystal cannon or others, as soon as they touch it, they will immediately turn into pitch black and lose their function, as if they were scorched by fire.

Ye Zhongming knew that it didn't take too long for the enemy to break through from the ice crystal road to the city wall, but under the impact of the holy light tube, this side had already penetrated hundreds of meters.

And this kind of weapon does not have too high requirements for the manipulator. Those users of the holy light tube who died under the counterattack of the coalition forces will be replaced by others immediately, picking up this metal tube and continuing to attack.

Unless there is no energy, these weapons are extremely strong, and only a very small part is damaged in the attack. Of course, this is also related to the strong protection of the fighters who use them. In the face of attacks, they would rather use their bodies to resist than let the holy light tube was attacked.

In terms of the situation, it is true that the people from the Dawn Temple have the upper hand.

But the casualties they paid were also greater. Not to mention that the thunderstorm towers on the second floor of the city wall had already started attacking, but the resistance on the city wall caused the death of soldiers one after another.

At close range, the two combat styles of the coalition forces made the people in the Dawn Temple very uncomfortable. The posthumous fighters' combat methods are more ancient. When facing enemies with heavy shields in front, they will use long spears and battle axes to break through the enemy's formation, use bows and arrows for short-range projectiles, and cover attacks with throwing spears and hatchets.

On the other hand, Yunding and other people from the earth will use firearms and magic crystal weapons, skills and occupations, and even use war beasts and all kinds of strange equipment to attack.

The interweaving of various attacks caused great damage to the Dawn Temple. Although they had opened up a 100-meter front, at least thousands of people died within a short distance of 100 meters.

This is a road of attack paved with corpses.

This is not counting the accidental support of the coalition forces here in other positions that were not engaged in the battle.

On the right side, there was no holy light tube unit, but the progress was unexpectedly fast, tens of meters longer than on the left side, and even on the attack line, the number of casualties was much smaller.

Ye Zhongming took a closer look and found the problem.

The arrows attacking the team here is composed of a strong team. The weakest aura emitted by these people is also at the level of five, most of them are at level six, and there are four leaders who are obviously higher than them , Those are all seventh-level existences!

The eighth-level top masters are going to block or even clean up the high-level coalition forces, and these six- and seven-level people are used as vanguards to attack the defense line!

Among the posthumous people, besides Wang Zun, is there a seventh level?

Yes, but the number is very small, and they are the core figures of each super tribe, second only to Wang Zun, and they are all leading warriors of various tribes to guard their own defense areas.

The mobile force without a specific defense zone had filled in when the Dawn Temple broke through the city wall through the Ice Crystal Road, but it was obviously defeated by the vanguard and Yangos and lost its effect.

Now, some soldiers are relying on the spirit of not fearing death to stop these people. Although some casualties were caused to this leading soldier on the chaotic battlefield, they were not large, while the coalition forces suffered heavy casualties.

It has to be said that the attack plan of the Dawn Temple is meticulous and orderly, closely linked, and no matter what it does, it is very purposeful.

If this situation continues, and the attacks on both sides of the Ice Crystal Road continue to deepen and occupy longer and longer city walls, then the defense of the royal city will gradually disintegrate, and the army of the temple will immediately break through in a short period of time. the city.

If that person can stop Ye Zhongming, then this vanguard team will definitely be invincible.

Unfortunately, Ye Zhongming came.

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