Roulette World

1130 Genting delicacies

"Two in one~~"

"Mr. Ye, do you have anything else? Let's take it out together, it will be easier."

Deacon Tong rolled his eyes, looking quite charming, Ye Zhongming and Gao Yi Zhao Xiangxue saw their scalps tingling, and looked away one after another.

It was Ye Zhongming who replied: "This is the last one."

The three deacons nodded, picked up the boxes and opened them respectively, and then showed slightly surprised expressions.

It's not because these things are too strange, but because these things are too common. To be precise, these things are in the last days, and no one pays much attention to them.

This is some good looking food.

There are exquisite snacks, delicious soups, fragrant dishes, and beautiful sushi strips...

Even just opening these food boxes, the aroma is enough to arouse the appetite of everyone in the room.

"This food box is quite thoughtful."

After taking a look at the food, Deacon Ouyang felt that the box he was holding in his hand was a bit special. When he looked closely, he found that it was all processed, with some light gray luster shining on it, and the material was also a jade-like material that he had never seen before. qualitative things.

"Using materials and spiritual power on the box, or... different types of materials, to ensure that the box has different functions, such as freezing, or keeping warm, and the most peculiar thing is that it can also be antiseptic."

Looking at Ye Zhongming meaningfully, Deacon Ouyang asked in confusion: "It's hard to imagine what kind of food Mr. Ye is going to sell."

Ye Zhongming smiled and gestured.

The three deacons looked at each other, picked up the food boxes one after another, and took a few bites of the food inside.

They didn't think there would be any poison in it. Ordinary poisons were useless to them. They also had special subordinates who could remove powerful poisons, such as the black wizard who healed the president of the royal family.

Besides, they didn't believe that Ye Zhongming would do such a thing. The interests of the two parties have already been connected to a certain extent. Unless there is a particularly big change, it is impossible to separate them. Now poisoning Ye Zhongming has no harm. Any good, unless he's crazy.

When the first entrance was made, the three deacons arrived without much surprise. These foods are indeed very delicious, and even in peacetime, they are rare. But their identities were extraordinary before, not to mention eating all over the world, but they often tasted and patronized many rare ingredients that ordinary people could not eat, and expensive restaurants that ordinary people could not afford.

They appreciated the delicacy, but they didn't feel that there was any value for people of their status to sit down and discuss.

In the last days, they may pay attention to nutrition, such as the trace element supplement tablets that Ye Zhongming sold just now, they know the function of this thing, know the value of this thing, then they can talk with Ye Zhongming, and even talk dry.

But if these things just taste good, well...they're just hehe.

However, before they thought about how to politely reject Ye Zhongming, their expressions suddenly changed, and they felt a change in their bodies.

This change was so obvious that the other Wuhuan Qian guards in the room rushed over one after another, and they were about to attack Ye Zhongming and the three of them.

At this time, he was stopped by Deacon Tong with a wave.

"Mr. Ye, make an offer!" Water Deacon's face turned red, not because of shyness, but because of excitement and changes in his body.

Instead of being angry because Deacon Shui directly expressed their purchase intention without discussing it, the other two looked at Ye Zhongming with anticipation.

It is a big taboo to express a strong interest in negotiating objects and a strong willingness to buy them during negotiations. These three deacons will not fail to understand this, but they seem to not care at all. They put their hands on these boxes and occasionally look at them The eyes looking at the food inside seem to be looking at the evolution potion... This is the first time I have seen the evolution potion.

Those fighters who were driven back didn't know why, they looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what happened to the deacons.

Isn't it just some food that looks beautiful and tempting? Even if you haven't eaten it before,

I have also seen pictures on the Internet, as for this?

Ye Zhongming smiled reservedly, his heart blossomed with joy.

Ye Zhongming thought those trace element supplements were the biggest business of this trip, but just before he left Yunding, the appearance of these foods gave him another big surprise.

Speaking of it, this is another benefit that the secret realm brings to Ye Zhongming and Yunding.

The reason is that Mia started to manage the logistics and support staff of Genting with Candy, Xia Lei and others. Because of the systematic management, they began to have a thorough understanding of these aspects. Several people classified the members of the support class and recorded each person's status in detail. Occupation and skills, collect formula blueprints everywhere, supply various materials for these people, and even set up a perfect reward system.

This is Ye Zhongming's suggestion. Of course, he just said that he thinks it will be easier to manage, and it will be more efficient in what he usually does.

But the people below did it with all their might, and they did it very well, far exceeding Ye Zhongming's requirements.

Under such circumstances, Miya conducted an experiment with a gourmet auxiliary professional by chance, and the result surprised them.

This gourmet planned to cook a delicious meal according to a recipe. He planned to use it to please the boss's woman, but he didn't expect that one of the ingredients, Yunding, was gone.

At that time, the flattery had already been photographed, so the gourmet had no choice but to tell the truth to Miya, and Miya didn't blame him, and she asked someone to help him find the ingredients carefully.

A few days later, when this material arrived, Miya took a special look and found that it was very similar to a plant in the secret realm. She found some and asked this person to use this thing to make a copy when she was free. See if you can succeed.

Neither she nor the gourmet thought about anything else, but after the food was cooked in a water and fire stew, some people tasted it and discovered the big secret.

It was originally a food that could quickly restore the evolutionary's physical strength and relieve fatigue. After eating it, it actually increased physical strength!

Not temporary growth, but permanent growth.

Evolutionary beings are very sensitive to their own physical state, will they start to be lazy after becoming a superman-like existence, and then only do it when fighting?

It's wrong to think so, evolutionists work far harder than they did in peacetime, even the laziest people will do all kinds of training, familiarize themselves with their bodies, their skills, and the feeling of fighting.

Give a simple example. For example, an evolutionary, he will often jump high and long jumps every day, and then record the data, keeping in mind that these are his current limits, so that he will not make mistakes in judgment when he is fighting mutant life outside.

Even some evolutionaries with obsessive-compulsive disorder will judge the data when they consume about one-third or one-half of their physical strength, etc., and strive to be accurate.

Because they know that any small mistake may lose their lives.

Even Ye Zhongming is like this. Many of his skills have reached 100% proficiency without fighting. If there is no limit, it is estimated that it can reach 10,000 or even 100,000 percent.

So when people who eat these foods find their physical strength has increased, it is conceivable that they will be shocked and excited.

This matter was quickly reported, but Ye Zhongming was not there at the time, Xia Lei, Mo Ye and the others all went to the secret realm, and in the end they could only find Liu Zhenghong who happened to meet.

No one is more interested in new things than this sister Liu. Although it is not her specialty, she doesn't care about it. Those involved in the relationship started a child's play experiment.

Facts have proved that a top scientist in the world has a brain that is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After wasting a lot of materials, she really asked her to make this kind of food.

Liu Zhenghong called this kind of food-Yunding delicacies.

To be honest, many people are hearing this word for the first time, and they don’t have Du Niang and other searches, so they can only be confused.

Liu Zhenghong made a move, and even gave these achievements special names, so naturally they couldn't be Fanpin.

Yunding delicacies, after Ye Zhongming knew the details of the production, he remembered a word.

same-sex substitution.

This homosexuality has nothing to do with the gender of life, it refers to the same nature.

I thought of this word because the most critical step in making Yunding delicacies is to use materials of the same attributes in the secret realm to replace one or several ingredients in the recipes of the gourmet chef!

In addition, some scary-sounding things were added to this food...some research results of Liu Zhenghong.

Not the imaginary flesh and blood, but the plant aspect.

Yunding has a professional gardener like Ye Zhongming who is as energetic as the sea, has the eighth-level to nine-level life like the Yanwang tree as the research object, and has a group of skilled people such as tree people to do research. Cognition is no less than that of mutated animals and evolutionaries.

Especially because he had to deal with the ninth-level secret realm holy father, and Yan Wangshu was one of his trump cards. For a while, Liu Zhenghong focused his energy on her.

With the cooperation of Yan Wangshu, who is crazy about becoming a human, the research results are remarkable.

Liu Zhenghong added some very magical things into the recipe, probably some plant gene fragments and catalysts.

What Ye Zhongming knew was Roselle fir, Ginseng melon, Piranha and Minggemi.

It is beyond Ye Zhongming's understanding of how it works.

Coupled with the special food equipment such as water and fire stew pots, and the professional skills of related professionals, all these aspects are added together, and a variety of brand new foods are released.

These foods, known as Genting delicacies, will bring many benefits to the eaters.

As far as we know, there are those that increase strength, agility, perception, hearing, vision, etc., as well as those that increase the power of skills, regeneration ability, absorption ability, etc. These rare aspects.

This is probably related to the different genes added by Liu Zhenghong, and the finished food will have their corresponding abilities.

As for how much these abilities can be increased, it is directly related to the level of the recipe, the level of the material, the number of same-sex substitute ingredients in a recipe, the concentration of gene fragments, and so on.

At least Liu Zhenghong and others have used the highest level of food in all aspects - Ye Zhongming's birthday cake, which can increase three aspects of ability, namely strength, healing ability and a little bit of damage sharing ability of battle pets!

The degree of growth is expressed in numerical values, amazingly staying at one-third of the increase in the relevant aspects of the previous evolution!

And the extent of those new abilities is even more difficult to judge, in short, there are just a lot.

Ye Zhongming was startled at that time. He realized that this kind of thing might become the third unique, absolute, and only epoch-making product of Yunding after the magic crystal weapon and gene life!

The reason for saying this is because only Yunding can make it, and the necessary factors such as secret land, fruit stew pot, and gene fragments are all unique to Yunding.

As for the growth ability of the food itself, if the food with the same performance is eaten continuously, the effect will attenuate, but the attenuation will be very slow.

This means that an evolutionary can eat the same kind of food for a long time to increase a certain ability. Drugs and so on have much better effects.

Ye Zhongming's confidence in coming here is also due to the appearance of Yunding delicacies. No one can resist the temptation of this kind of thing.

Of course, this is different from those trace element supplements, which are mass-produced and sold on a large scale and for a long time. As for Genting delicacies, they take the route of luxury and high-end trade.

"The very expensive." Ye Zhongming said leisurely.

He didn't hold it, nor did he want to raise the price, he didn't need to do this at all, what he said was the truth.

Yunding delicacy is a rare product, and its output is destined not to be very high.

First of all, each dish represents a gourmet recipe in the back. In order to collect this thing, Genting spent a lot of money, but it also needs to be lucky, and the number of recipes is not many.

Secondly, with recipes, it is not necessarily possible to find ingredients that can replace them in the secret realm, so this subtracts some from the small number of recipes.

In the end, whether it is the uniqueness of the water and fire stew pot, or the required additives such as gene fragments that are destined to have low yields, all restrict the cooking speed and quantity of this kind of food.

After deducting the needs of Ye Zhongming and the core members of Genting, there is still a quantity that can flow into the market, and a child can count it.

Therefore, this thing is unique to Yunding, rare, and has magical effects, so it will naturally be extremely expensive.

Ye Zhongming took out some, instead of leaving all of them to Yunding himself, he wanted to make a name for this thing first, create a limited luxury image, and then earn huge profits, and feed it back to Yunding to enhance its strength in other aspects.

As for whether it will make money or not, think about those luxury brands in the past, wild ginseng, cordyceps truffles, and restaurants with three Michelin stars. No matter how expensive they are, they are still sought after by the rich and powerful, and they still create Looking at the daunting wealth, Yunding delicacies are the same, as long as you take out this thing, you can definitely count the money lying down.

So Ye Zhongming gave a ridiculously high price, and he didn't counter the price.

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