Roulette World

1131st change order

The three deacons of Wuhuanqian agreed to the price.

Naturally, they will definitely find someone to find out whether the functions of these so-called cloud top delicacies are really as magical as Ye Zhongming said.

Among them, Ye Zhongming also compromised on the timing of the payment of the money, also for the sake of reassuring the hearts of these deacons.

He has confidence in Genting Cuisine and doesn't care much about these details.

Although Ye Zhongming said that he would not bargain, if the things could not impress the three deacons of Wuhuanqian, it would undoubtedly be no different from bragging.

They agreed to the price, and they were convinced in their hearts, because Yunding Delicacy broke some things that had already solidified in the hearts of the three deacons.

This kind of thing is called order.

Since the end of the world, roulette has formed a unique order on the earth, which belongs to the order of roulette, that is, everything is based on roulette, and the rules of roulette replace other rules.

From evolution potions to professional scrolls, from bloodlines to skills, from all kinds of equipment to all kinds of war beasts, to all kinds of endless mutant lives and monsters...

Everything seems to be arranged by the roulette wheel, the once familiar world is completely changed in an instant, and no one has the power to change anything. What people can do is to evolve, learn, manufacture, and live according to the requirements of the roulette wheel.

Gradually, everyone has become accustomed to this change and this rule.

But for this kind of thing, the three deacons found a clue from Ye Zhongming's few words and the changes in his body.

This kind of thing seems to have changed some formulas.

This is the same as genetic life or magic crystal weapons, changing the rules of roulette!

One or two can be said to be luck, it can be said that some of the best high-intellectuals on the planet discovered some loopholes in the roulette wheel.

But what about the emergence of a third thing? Is that also the case? Or did Yunding Villa begin to master some kind of code, some real secret that could break through the shackles of the roulette wheel?

This idea just flashed in their minds, and they didn't decide on it, but as long as they had an idea, the few of them didn't mind spending more money to invest in the future, and they didn't lose anything anyway.

That's why it's so easy to talk about the price of Genting delicacies.

In the end, the two sides also talked about the control of Mingshui Street. Ye Zhongming was extremely tough. Using the information he knew about this place, Shengsheng reached an agreement with the three deacons.

In the agreement, Wuhuanqian will try its best to help Ye Zhongming go to some places, and in the end, he will pay a lot of money to buy the degree of completion and guarantee in Ye Zhongming's hands.

The guarantee is that Ye Zhongming will not sabotage the operation of Wuhuanqian, and when necessary, help them break through several difficult adventure locations.

"Mr. Ye, how do I feel, we have signed an unequal treaty."

The two sides settled everything, established a real interest relationship with each other, and even talked a little casually. Deacon Ouyang shook his head with a smile, and joked half-jokingly while walking out with Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming also laughed, without explaining anything, just said: "In the future, Deacon Ouyang will know that many things have different meanings. Looking back, maybe I was the one who lost."

Everyone laughed and left here together, and then separated at the door to set a time for adventure and cooperation together.

Seeing the backs of Ye Zhongming and the three leaving, the smiles on the faces of the three deacons disappeared, and Deacon Ouyang and Deacon Shui turned their heads to look at Deacon Tong.

The male and female deacon nodded with a serious face.

"The boss of Yunding knows Mingshui Realm far better than we imagined. I gave you a wink at the time because I knew from what he said that as long as he wants, he can create a lot of trouble for us to control this place. Instead of doing this, it is better to cooperate with him, although there will be some losses, but compared with not being able to really control this place, these are nothing at all."

After explaining these,

Deacon Tong continued: "These things, logically speaking, it is impossible for outsiders to know such details. Under the circumstances that our people can't leak it, it means a lot of things."

Pointing to the sky after speaking, Deacon Tong was a little tired, "Let's just leave it at that, what do you think, don't conflict if you can not conflict with such forces, after all, things will be too complicated in the future, who can say for sure."

The other two deacons nodded and said nothing more.


"Boss, if we do it ourselves, maybe we can get more."

Zhao Xiangxue, who was by Ye Zhongming's side, was very puzzled that Ye Zhongming had given up some adventures to explore just now, and felt that relying on the strength of the boss could definitely get a lot of benefits.

Ye Zhongming looked ahead, and next to his ears was the sound of music from an unknown bar in the entertainment area. Although he was a little far away, he could still hear a strong sense of rhythm.

I don't know how many people are releasing their pressure and venting their remaining energy inside.

"It's not that simple." Ye Zhongming replied to his subordinates: "What things are not just temporary gains and losses. It seems that we have given up some now, but what are we giving up? It's just what we thought we could get. But we didn’t really get it. Even if we don’t give up, we don’t necessarily get it. And it’s conceivable that the higher we go, the more adventurous places we enter, the more conflicts we will have with Wuhuan money, trade It’s not a good thing to have a rift between partners before it even starts, because we’re going to make money from them.”

Gao Yi and Zhao Xiangxue nodded. It's not that they don't understand this truth, but they are a little unwilling.

"Also, there are still fewer people coming this time, and the secret realm is facing great pressure. It is a point to preserve a little more strength. If we hit all those resource points, we don't know how much we will lose. Potions, puppets, and equipment are all costs. It is a good deal to get a sum of money and play a supporting role on the side."

Ye Zhongming will not explain anymore when he said this, but he knows that he has another purpose for doing this, which is to reveal the news. He wants to see what will happen later, and he, like the other three deacons, subconsciously watched looked at the sky.

Having settled these matters, Ye Zhongming's purpose of coming here has been more than half completed. Taking advantage of the time before the next adventure, he found Li Qiang, who had already 'bought' him from Wuhuan Qian come over.

"Boss Ye, I remembered one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

"On that spaceship, I saw a kind of life!"

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