Roulette World

1139th Frost Corridor

"Two in one~~"

"You asked me to come down to do this?"

Squatting on the ground, trying to hide her exposure, Gan Lan asked the busy man opposite with an expression of disbelief.

Ye Zhongming was repairing Gan Lan's armor.

Repairing things is different from remanufacturing. This is a direction that craftsmen need to explore by themselves.

When making things, professional skills and blueprints are required, and there are relatively strict rules and regulations.

But repairing things is different. It tests a craftsman's understanding of equipment, materials, and professional proficiency.

For example, when repairing a piece of equipment that is mainly based on water attributes, it is not possible to add fire attribute materials, and it is necessary to pick other things that are conducive to fusion, and it is also necessary to grasp the timing of adding materials and so on.

In short, repairing equipment is relatively labor-saving for craftsmen who have mastered this skill. The difficulty is that they need to understand the characteristics of repairing equipment, which is sometimes a waste of time. For ordinary craftsmen, it will be more laborious, and basically it cannot be repaired.

So no matter which craftsman they are, as long as conditions permit, they would rather remake a piece of equipment than repair it.

Ye Zhongming also had the same idea before, but when he came down with Gan Lan in his arms, he casually checked the equipment and found that it was quite in line with his requirements, so he changed his mind and decided to repair it for her.

"Or do you think?"

He raised his eyes to look at the shivering woman opposite him, paused for a while, took out a pair of red bracelets from the space and threw them over.

These are two horcruxes, which were made by Ye Zhongming when he was practicing his hands before. They are not very powerful, but they can continuously emit fire-attributed energy. As long as the abilities in them are not activated, they can be used as a mild heat source to a certain extent. .

"Hey, good stuff." Gan Lan was on the verge of collapse before, but she's much better now, especially after knowing what she was asked to do, she felt a little relieved.

Putting on the wristband, the body immediately warmed up a lot, and the surrounding cold air was also blocked by most of it. At least at the entrance, it could barely bear the biting cold anymore.

But Gan Lan suddenly realized that Ye Zhongming spoke to her with casual contempt.

"I know I'm not strong, but you also need me, don't you? Don't put on such an attitude that I don't have anything!"

What Ye Zhongming asked Gan Lan to do was how she came here before, and how she still does it now, as a guide, leading Ye Zhongming the way.

In Gan Lan's view, this is her value.

"You..." Ye Zhongming hesitated for a moment, and said: "Although I can't say it's optional, after all, you can provide me with first-hand information, but without you, it won't have much impact."

Gan Lan was stunned for a long time with her mouth open, looking at this man who was focusing on her armor, she had the urge to rush over and bite his delicate face.

Compared with deliberate, this kind of contempt, which seems to be telling the truth, is even more depressing.

"Don't brag, for me, you can pay 10% of the reward, if I'm really so dispensable, would you do that?"

Hearing Gan Lan's words, Ye Zhongming gave her an appreciative glance.

Being able to think of these proves that at least Gan Lan is not a woman with big breasts and no brains.

Speaking of this, Ye Zhongming couldn't help but glanced at a certain part of her that couldn't be completely concealed even though she hugged her tightly, and said in his heart that it was really big, and the first two words of this word were indeed suitable for her. .

Except for Xia Lei and Miya, at least none of the women Ye Zhongming has met is Gan Lan's match.

"What you said makes sense, and I can tell you the reason directly." Ye Zhongming didn't know what materials were added to Gan Lan's battle armor. The scorching flame combat skill appeared in his hand, melted the materials almost instantly, and then added them. At the same time, the gap in the battle armor that he filled up with another material liquid gave off a glimmer of light, repairing the damaged place glisteningly.

This made Gan Lan look a lot closer.

She found that the man's side was very warm, so she took two steps closer.

"Be cautious." Ye Zhongming stared at the battle armor, his hands kept moving, "Be more cautious, exchanging 10% of the income for further safety is better than being reluctant to die here because of an accident."

Gan Lan was silent for a while, then muttered, it turns out that she is also a ghost who is afraid of death.

Ye Zhongming heard it, but ignored it.

He never denied that he was afraid of death, and that was all right. Those who deny that they are not afraid of death do not necessarily mean that they are not afraid of death. Having been reborn once, he knows very well that only when a person is alive can he have infinite possibilities, and when he dies... even his hair is gone.

A moment later, this battle armor that was about to be scrapped burst into the brightest light, and then a piece of equipment that was almost completely different from before appeared in Ye Zhongming's hands.

This thing has really been transformed beyond recognition by Ye Zhongming. It can be said that it is already a brand new piece of equipment.

Ye Zhongming looked at the women's armor that had turned blue, and curled his lips slightly.

Being able to raise the level was somewhat beyond his expectations.

In this piece of equipment, Ye Zhongming did not add national specialties, but used more stored materials, based on the almost omnipotent thing like ghost gold, combined with other materials, and the method of manufacturing horcruxes to restore .

Unexpectedly, at the moment of completion, it broke through the level limit and became blue equipment.

When Ye Zhongming repaired this piece of equipment, he only had one idea, which was to increase or enhance the ability of the fire attribute.

This piece of equipment was of the fire attribute before, and Gan Lan had to pay a huge price to get it, which is why Ye Zhongming didn't throw it away.

After being repaired and improved by him, the equipment is more capable in this regard.

It's not as simple as Guangguang can produce a temperature that can resist the low temperature here. There are not only low temperatures here, but also those ice worms, and those frost monsters that have not been seen yet. These are the things that this armor will face. of.

Although Ye Zhongming only let Gan Lan come down out of caution, that's true, but there is one more familiar person, at least he can help him, warn him or something.

In this case, it is natural to try to ensure her safety on the premise that Ganlan is a five-star evolutionary.

Therefore, in addition to being able to withstand low temperatures, this battle armor also added excellent defense.

Ye Zhongming carefully found that some of the wounds on the previous armor were not actually left here, but those left here should be the 'masterpiece' of the Frost Monster. He looked carefully and knew that kind of monster At least one kind of attack is very sharp, and it is effortless to cut through the green-level armor, so he added some special materials, so that the armor not only increases the defense, but also has good toughness, which increases the armor resistance. Effect.

In order to deal with ice worms and the ability to absorb heat, this battle armor also covers every part of the body as much as possible, so the style is that of a high collar, hips, and hand guards, almost close to a battle skirt.

These alone made Ye Zhongming consume a lot of materials that can be integrated with the original materials of the armor, which can be said to have cost a lot of money.

The horcrux method gave the battleframe the ability to attack, one of which is called 'Blowing Fire', which can consume mental power, release flames from the battleframe, and burn the surrounding targets.

Of course, the release method of this ability is simple, which is also a characteristic of Horcruxes, but it requires a lot of mental power, both in terms of power and duration. In Ye Zhongming's view, even if Gan Lan uses it, it is currently impossible to use it. Play to the limit of this ability.

But after all, this women's armor is a good thing.

Gan Lan has long been dizzy from the sight. She even worked so hard to get the previous green armor. She spent an unknown amount of savings, and now she saw a person in front of her who not only repaired the armor , and was directly upgraded, which was completely beyond her cognitive range, so she couldn't help but be surprised.

Recalling that she and Mina got the five-star evolution potion from this man, Gan Lan finally realized that the man in front of her had reached a situation that they could not understand.

"Put it on, get familiar with it, and then we'll go in."

After Ye Zhongming said something, he stopped caring about Gan Lan.

Naturally, he can bring Zhao Xiangxue down. Whether it is from the perspective of evolution level or attributes, Zhao Xiangxue is a more suitable role than Gan Lan.

It's just that none of my subordinates are familiar with Gan Lan. Second, there is a great danger here. If something goes wrong with Gan Lan, Ye Zhongming won't do anything, but if Zhao Xiangxue falls here, Ye Zhongming can To be distressed for a long time.

This is the difference between our own people and our own people.

Taking advantage of Ganlan's familiarity with the battle armor, Ye Zhongming once again stretched out his gloved hand into the ice fog that was about to dissipate. This time it took much longer than before, for a few minutes, and he could see Ganlan behind him. He was worried, for fear that this old man would be frozen into a stick by ice worms inadvertently.

Later, seeing that Ye Zhongming's face was still normal, Gan Lan was relieved and began to concentrate on experiencing her new armor.

Ye Zhongming shrank his hands, and a layer of frost had already formed on his palms.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are white bugs the size of rice grains in the frost.

This is the ice worm.

Feeling the slowly weakening heat in his body, Ye Zhongming didn't show any expression on his face, but he was already extremely surprised in his heart.

These little things can actually bite through their own skin and start to absorb their own heat.

After a rough count, there are probably more than 500 ice worms on his palm now, but not all ice worms can break through Ye Zhongming's skin, only about a hundred of them have this ability, and the rest Already dead, just frozen in the ice.

Ye Zhongming felt it for a while, and then his palms began to turn red, and the ice layer melted away in a few seconds, and the ice worms inside were burned to ashes whether they were live or dead.

"Are you also a fire attribute?" Gan Lan's eyes widened when she saw this scene. Although she has the main profession of Soul Fire Burner, apart from releasing her skills, she doesn't have the ability to move the fire element out of her body, let alone the ability to calmly extend her palm into the ice dance for a few minutes without getting hurt. Now she finally knew why Ye Zhongming dared to say that he was able to get the reward here. It turned out that he was a powerful fire attribute professional.

It's just that Gan Lan wants to remind Ye Zhongming that here, people with fire attributes are not enough. Even if you can pass through the ice corridor with your shoulders, you still can't meet frost monsters. Not only are there many of them, The fighting power is also extremely powerful.

But she, Ye Zhongming, looked thoughtful, and decided to wait until she passed the ice corridor.

Ye Zhongming estimated in his heart the limit he could bear. That is, once surrounded by these ice worms, how long he can last.

Although this kind of prediction is not very accurate, after all, he is not sure whether there are more powerful ice worms, or the reaction of the body after a full-scale confrontation when the whole person enters the ice fog, but this can at least give him a standard.

The final conclusion turned out to be that even at a normal walking speed, he could pass through this channel smoothly, which made many forces talk about it.

It's just that the consumption will be greater, and the mental power will drop by one-seventh or eighth.

Ye Zhongming thought, and released the needle bird.

These guys have now evolved to the fifth level, and the speed is so fast that Ye Zhongming's scalp feels numb. In terms of speed, strength, etc., they are far superior to evolutionaries of the same level. Just like Gan Lan, only a needle bird It can be dealt with, and it probably won't even take two minutes.

Taking it out now, Ye Zhongming remembers what Liu Zhenghong said back then, saying that this thing has strong adaptability, but at the same time the genes are not very stable, and you need to go into various forms of battle as much as possible to familiarize them with the body.

The extreme environment here is undoubtedly a special battlefield, and Ye Zhongming wants them to 'exercise'.

Ye Zhongming attached great importance to the rapid improvement of these guys' evolutionary levels. If he could increase to one level again, it would be equivalent to having a few more level-6 masters around him, and his own strength would undoubtedly be greatly enhanced again.

Ye Zhongming was very cautious, first released one, let it fly closer to the ice corridor, and called back immediately after being contaminated by a piece of ice dance.

The needle bird chirped twice in displeasure, and with a shake of its body, those ice worms were thrown away. Ye Zhongming took a closer look, and only a few ice worms bit it, rubbed by its wings and those short fluff. Flashes, quickly cleared.

And needlebirds showed good resistance to low temperature.

Ye Zhongming felt relieved when he remembered that these guys were originally monsters from the secret realm and had to experience a terrifying cold season every year since they were born.

He turned around and asked Gan Lan, the woman said she was ready, Ye Zhongming let her lead the way, and he followed behind her, as for the needle birds, he left them where they were.

Gan Lan is an evolutionist of the frequency insight sub-professional, and she really has her own way. Her speed is not slow, her body sways from side to side, and her route keeps changing. She can find the best route among the densely packed holes. Ye Zhongming admired this perception ability.

Ye Zhongming followed behind her, and the two of them did not trigger any holes in the first half, and reached the middle section safely.

But before they were happy, Gan Lan didn't know why, her body shook suddenly, and when she landed, she made a little force and made a little noise, and the entire ice corridor immediately became irritable, and countless holes began to emit thick ice fog.

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