Roulette World

1140th needle bird big change

"Two in one~~"

Gan Lan hated it to death, and hated herself.

She really wanted to express herself in front of Ye Zhongming.

Hot on the outside and cold on the inside, decisive in doing things, willing to let go at critical moments, this is Gan Lan's strengths, such a personality is more likely to become the boss. Nalan is indeed in charge of most things now. Mina has a quiet personality and is not as thick-skinned as Gan Lan. She is also willing to let her good friends do what she is good at and lead the continuous development of the team.

But this does not mean that Gan Lan should not be strong. On the contrary, she may be far less tough than Mina.

She was unwilling to admit defeat even in front of those powerful forces above, let alone in front of a man who despised her verbally but gave her enough benefits!

So she made a mistake.

This mistake is actually not too big on the outside, it is nothing more than being unfamiliar with the new equipment, and the extremely slight discomfort that occurs during use.

Usually, this kind of incompatibility has little impact, or experienced evolutionists can completely avoid it, as long as they wear new equipment and practice with their companions, or find a mutant life that can be crushed by strength to get acquainted with it.

But although Gan Lan had a few minutes of familiarization time, it was still too short, and she couldn't let her fully use it. It can be said that it is a bit hasty.

So when she was operating, one was not good, she didn't control the retreating muscles and the balance of the body, and she made a little sound when she landed.

These holes in the ice corridor are like lights with sound and light controls. The sound can be triggered, and they can also be triggered if they are blocked. The food of Gan Lan is enough to make the whole place enter a state of eruption.

Ye Zhongming and Gan Lan were attacked by surprise.

If he had rushed here in the ice fog at the beginning, he might not have been in a hurry, because this was the worst case, but when he came here suddenly, let alone Gan Lan, even Ye Zhongming was not prepared enough. After all, just now he felt that he could walk across safely like this all the time.

The overwhelming ice weapons instantly filled the corridor, and countless ice worms flocked frantically to the best food heat they longed for.

Even with Ye Zhongming's defensive power, he had to use his burning skills to resist when he suffered such a sudden blow.

Gan Lan was even more unbearable. Except for the first time she entered the cave and was attacked like this, she was not trapped in the middle of the corridor, as if after she touched the hole here, countless ice worms covered her protection. She felt the temperature of her body drop sharply, and she might be frozen into an ice sculpture in the next moment.

But the first time, she was only a few meters away from the entrance, and she ran back immediately, but now she is in the middle, the area with the thickest ice fog.

Fortunately, her brand-new battle armor gave her enough protection, not only protected the vitals like the neck, but also the back of the hand was well protected, and with the gloves and mask prepared before, the ice that came in through the gaps could be penetrated for a while. The number of worms was far less than Gan Lan thought.

Subconsciously, she activated the fire blowing skill, and a ball of flame sprayed out from the battle armor. The fiery red color reacted violently with the surrounding ice mist, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated, but before it could evaporate, she encountered When it reached the low temperature outside, it was frozen into large pieces of ice, and was taken aside by the icy fog that hadn't stopped. After hitting the wall, it shattered with a crisp sound.

Both of them reacted, and they were both correct. As long as they survived the momentary discomfort, Ye Zhongming would actually pull Gan Lan and escape from here.

But everything was not as Ye Zhongming expected.

He has understood the power of ice mist and soldiers and insects, but he can't understand the characteristics of such things in a short time.

For example, the ability to conceal the breath.

When the ice mist erupted, Ye Zhongming's breath was covered.

At this instant, the needlebirds waiting at the entrance lost contact with their masters.

They instinctively rushed into the ice fog.

The needle bird is indeed the life in the secret realm,

It is extremely resistant to the cold, but the temperature here is still too low, and there are countless ice worms inside, and they are alternative genetic lifeforms that have been modified in the laboratory.

No one can tell whether they can adapt to this place. Even Ye Zhongming just wants them to wait and see the situation to exercise, but he doesn't want them to rush directly into the thickest ice fog like this.

As soon as these needle birds came in, they immediately became the targets of those ice worms. There are more than billions of these little monsters here. They all went to Ye Zhongming and the two just now, but both of them issued fire skills, which is theirs. Natural enemies, they can't pass by for the time being.

But now another heat source suddenly appeared, they were naturally happy, and they all swarmed.

So a very strange scene appeared on the screen. Because there were too many ice worms, and although the body of the needle bird expressed a lot, it was not to the extent of being giant. There is a layer of ice worms on top of the cold, and then it becomes thicker and thicker, and finally turns into several huge ice worm spheres!

It cannot be denied that the needle bird is very powerful, especially after Liu Zhenghong's transformation, not to mention the most successful work of Yunding Gene Life Laboratory, it is also one of the best. After all, except for the unstable gene, other aspects are almost perfect .

But the ice worms here are too special, and the temperature is no less than the coldest place in the cold season in the secret realm. After they came in, they were immediately trapped here.

The ice fog not only cut off Ye Zhongming's connection, but naturally also cut off them, so when Ye Zhongming and Gan Lan quickly broke through the corridor and reached the other end, the needle bird was completely trapped in the third corridor of the corridor. one-third of the place.

They have been completely covered, forming several balls of ice worms on the ground.

Among the hockey pucks, the needle birds did not give up. They were still struggling violently, trying to get rid of these pervasive insects, but the space left for them was too small, and they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. No matter how powerful the beak and venom are, they can only harm tens of thousands of small bugs, but these bugs are almost countless, and the amount they kill is simply insignificant.

Soon, the needle birds could hardly move, and the ice worms completely subdued them. Even though there was a lot of reluctance in their eyes, it was useless. This tiny thing was like the natural enemy of the needle birds, trapping them in the here.

There are too many ice worms, they desperately bite the skin of the needle bird to absorb delicious heat, but the body surface area is limited, and the number of insects that can be absorbed is after all a small number. In this case, what about the other ice worms that finally have food? can give up.

At the beginning, they wanted to squeeze out the same kind in front of them. They didn't have strong limbs, but they had a strong mouth. They wanted to bite the same kind in front of them who were having a good meal. The sharp mouth easily broke the body of the same kind. A few bites from one ice worm, or a bite from several ice worms together, can kill the same kind in front.

This situation started when they covered the body of the needle bird, and after the needle bird stopped struggling, it completely broke out and turned into a battle for food. In a few seconds, the insects that died under the mouth of the same kind had already died It was more than the needle bird that had been killed by all kinds of methods just now.

Naturally, those insects in front would not be reconciled, they turned around to fight back, but just as they let go of their mouths, the ice worm next to it took its place and began to suck heat. Attack the attacker and go to take back your position.

The situation was chaotic, and the competition among the ice worms had completely become a life-and-death battle.

In fact, this happens every time food is found, and ice worms survive this cruel competition.

Every time food appeared, a large number of ice worms would die, and most of them were killed by their own kind.

These little bugs are feared by people because of their strange attacks, powerful feeding methods and countless numbers, but they must always carry out cruel elimination battles because of their numbers.

This kind of battle will continue until the prey dies and the temperature is completely reduced. Only in this way, the war between ice worms will stop.

If it was any other life, it would be dead now, the ice worms would have already bitten through every inch of its body, absorbing all the heat, even if it didn't die from the injury, it would have been frozen to death long ago.

But the needle birds are not dead, they are still persisting. This has something to do with their characteristics. These guys have been "opened" and "bruised" in the laboratory. After their bodies have been modified and their genes have been modified, their vitality is not ordinary mutant life comparable.

They may not be perfect, but they are definitely a kind of experimental body that is going towards perfection.

Liu Zhenghong can't make them the most mature works for the time being, but he also gives them unlimited possibilities.

It was this kind of strong vitality, and it was this kind of vitality that gave the needle birds a few seconds of persistence, which made things change dramatically.

As long as the needle bird survives, the ice worms will be fighting, and when their lives are threatened, the ice worms will naturally find various ways to save their lives.

At the beginning, they would choose to fight, and they would turn around and fight desperately with those who wanted to bite them to death, but there were also some, especially those ice worms who had won the position grabbing battle before, knowing that even turning back to face the battle would basically kill them. , so they chose... to drill into the target's body!

The needle bird's skin had been bitten a long time ago, and there was not a single trace of it intact, especially some blood vessels had been torn open, and there was warmer blood inside.

It's like a dam opening to release flood water. These ice worms are going inside one after another, one is to pursue a more delicious heat source, and the other is to avoid the wolves of the same kind behind them.

But what they don't know is that needle birds are modified lives. The lives of these guys have infinite possibilities. It is one of their characteristics to absorb genes from the outside world to enrich themselves.

Otherwise, when Liu Zhenghong handed them over to Ye Zhongming, he would not have told Ye Zhongming to let him control the speed of evolution, otherwise there might be uncertain consequences.

There are, of course, good and bad consequences.

On the bad side, it is naturally a direct general collapse, absorbing too many and too complicated genes in a unit of time, exceeding the limit of the body, then it is sure that the genes will all be messed up and die directly.

The good thing is the smooth absorption and fusion, with the needle bird's own genes as the main body, absorbing the advantages of other genes, strengthening itself, and finally becoming a brand new and powerful life in a certain sense.

In fact, Ye Zhongming brought the needle birds today and let them evolve continuously. The bird was killed.

Now that it has been promoted to the fifth level of life, the genes are not stable. The main reason is that the time is too short, and the needle bird has not been fully absorbed. After all, those lives also have strong strength, and it takes a little time to integrate.

But when these ice worms entered the needle bird's body, the needle bird naturally activated the absorption feature to resist the invasion of life-threatening, but the needle bird couldn't move after that, so naturally it couldn't absorb it anymore and could only be slaughtered.

If the ice worm had no infighting, the needle bird would have nothing to do but wait for its own heat to be absorbed, and finally become a freeze-dried corpse.

However, these guys fought because of too many and limited food. In order to survive, some ice worms broke through the needle birds' bodies and entered their bodies.

The absorptive capacity can be used again.

Either the needle birds are lucky, these ice worms not only entered their bodies, but also because these little things are very weak, absorbing and fusing their genes is very simple, almost instantaneously, so when the ice worms enter the body , They were absorbed by the needle birds one by one.

The ice worms naturally didn't know what happened. They found that the target's body could still enter after they had already entered many of their kind, so they were not polite and rushed in one after another.

In this situation, the needle bird frantically absorbs the energy and genes of the ice worms. Although the little worms are weak and each one does not contain much energy, they can't hold up. There are too many of them, almost countless. It gave the needle bird a constant source of energy.

At the beginning, these energies can only protect their lives, but after a while, these energies can repair their bodies and injuries.

Of course, some changes are also taking place in the needle bird's body. The cells and genes cannot be observed with the naked eye, and drastic changes have begun to take place.

This change is directly reflected in the body of the needle bird.

Their whole bodies began to turn white, and the sharp beaks that were originally long became shorter, but shone with the brightness of ice crystals, and the poison sacs on their bodies also changed their structure, and white things were being mixed into them...

Even if Liu Zhenghong is here at the moment, she probably won't be able to tell what kind of changes are taking place in the needle bird in a short time.

Naturally, this change is not without cost. The needle birds are also suffering from the rejection caused by the influx of the same gene fragments. Their bodies tremble violently, and endless pain is attacking them.

There was a bang bang sound, two snowballs exploded, and the two had turned into pure white as a whole, but a brand new needle bird with black lines appeared in several parts of it, and the ice worms scattered away, already You can't feel the temperature on them!

As for the other ice puck, there was no movement. Finally, when the ice fog dissipated, it revealed a body that had lost its life inside.

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