Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and fifty eight jumping into the sea

Novel: Doomsday Roulette Author: Magic Update Time: 2017-08-2300:07

The monsters in the City of Colors all have one characteristic, that is, they look similar.

There is no way, the buildings and decorations of the city are just a few types of materials, and the colors of their bodies are the same after transformation, so the evolutionists who enter here can only distinguish them by size.

However, the size of the body cannot represent the level of strength, and neither can the difference in materials. Up to now, evolutionists cannot distinguish the strength of these monsters with their eyesight, and they can only know after fighting them.

So when so many monsters rushed at one time, everyone couldn't decide which one to attack first, so they could only subconsciously aim at the one with the closest distance and fire.

Among this batch of monsters, more than a dozen were obviously speed-type. A person in charge of attracting monsters from the Nalan team accidentally got entangled by two of them, and was immediately overwhelmed by the rushing ones behind.

"Fight while retreating!"

Ye Zhong uttered a cry, and led the people to retreat while attacking.

If it is Yunding's own people, they will know what to do without reminding them at this time, but Nalan's team obviously lacks this tactical quality. Some people are passionate, shouting and wanting to rush over desperately, and some people stay by Ye Zhongming and others. , intending to continue hugging their thighs, and some people have already started to turn around and run away.

The gap between the teams is reflected at this time.

With clear orders, these people stabilized. Under the firepower of Ye Zhongming and Li Qiang, they began to attack by throwing stones and iron bars.

These things can be recycled.

If Li Qiang said that he was deliberately saving bullets before, he is now firing with all his strength, and the bullets in the gun are almost connected in a line.

Monsters continued to die in such attacks, and the road of charge gradually turned into a road of death.

Ye Zhongming sometimes feels lucky, because although these monsters are transformed from various buildings, at least after transformation, the head is still their deadly part, which gives Li Qiang and him a chance to kill with one blow .

Otherwise, Li Qiang's shooting skills would be greatly reduced for monsters whose bodies would only die if they were completely destroyed.

However, these monsters are not far away, and because they have to kill the speed-type beings that are close first, the shooting accuracy is obviously not as high as before. After the team solved the first batch of monsters, the rest of the color monsters had already kill.

The two sides entered into close combat.

At this time, the Nalan team, which had been able to play a great supporting role in the Genting four before, was no longer able. It wasn't that their strength was weak. These monsters were at most one level stronger than them, but their numbers were not as many as humans. In this case, it is not impossible to fight.

But the will to fight, the Nalan team can't be said to be excellent.

They only held on for a few seconds before they began to collapse because some people ran away.

Gan Lan and Mina felt ashamed and wished they could find a crack in the ground.

Gao Yi yelled loudly, even facing an opponent who was several times taller than him, he still raised the door panel and big sword to attack. Although Li Qiang and Zhao Xiangxue were long-distance professionals, they did not escape. The relatively dexterous body of the monster was tossing and turning, looking for an opportunity to attack.

And Ye Zhongming even entered the God of War mode, retracting his gun and raising his knife, he charged forward even higher than Gao Yi, and started to attack the monster's camp completely by himself, under the flash of the knife, almost no monster could face him round.

This situation made Gan Lan and Mina hate even more for caring too much for their subordinates. When they really needed to work hard, they lost their courage and even lost their eyesight. Can you live?

About a dozen monsters rushed into Nalan's team and began to wreak havoc, while the rest were held back by Ye Zhongming and the others.

Gan Lan and Mina roared,

The pretty faces were a little distorted, and they would not retreat either. Some loyal subordinates followed around them, but they blocked most of the monsters rushing in.

The previous collapse of the evolutionists of the Nalan team was completely caused by lack of fighting will. Now there are only a few monsters chasing these people. Gradually, they also reacted. Many people stopped and began to call their companions to fight. It was already scattered enough, a dozen or even dozens of fighters dealt with a monster, and quickly gained the upper hand, and the kill was completed after a while.

When they felt that there was nothing wrong before, and they got back those shining stones and iron bars and started to return to the team, they saw that the battle ahead had also ended. Stared at these people, but said nothing.

The two of them knew that if they went out, they should reconsider the future of the team.

After killing this group of monsters, Gao Yi was slightly injured, but not seriously, and also pierced through the second block.

On the nameplate, the threesome's completion rate has reached more than 6%, and Nalan's team is about to reach 1% completion rate.

The final reward here depends on the degree of completion. Ye Zhongming looked at the comparison between the threesome and no man's land. The gap is still obvious. After thinking about it, he made some bullets for Li Qiang and started to execute the new one. plan.

Here, Gao Yi, Zhao Xiangxue, and Liqiang continued to lead the team, leading Nalan team into the next block, while Ye Zhongming went to another brand new place.

It is very risky to do so. After all, no matter how good Ye Zhongming is, he is still alone. Once some accident happens, he can only deal with it by himself.

So Gao Yi and Zhao Xiangxue disagreed at the beginning, and even Li Qiang, who had always been cautious, expressed objection.

But Ye Zhongming still insisted on his own idea, and told the three people that they lead the team alone, the speed can be slower, and the monsters can be killed a little bit. In the case of enemy troops, the Nalan team can still help .

Also, it's best to pay attention to making up the knife, that is, to grab some of the completion of Nalan's team. Ye Zhongming was there before, so you don't need to care about it. Ye Zhongming, the combat effectiveness of the three will drop, and they will rely more on Gan Lan and the others. If you don't pay attention to making up the knife, you may be robbed of a lot of progress by the Nalan team, and the loss outweighs the gain.

After arranging everything, and giving the three people a few bottles of healing potions, Ye Zhongming disappeared alone in another block.


When Ye Zhongming was in the Mingshui Realm to strengthen his strength to deal with the war in the secret realm, the enemy he was most worried about was standing in a field of lava, looking at a very embarrassed woman opposite.

"You are very smart. Your strange life, which was created by people, has regenerated its thinking, which surprised me."

The Holy Father had his hands behind his back, dressed in coarse linen, and covered with white hair. Before the slowly tumbling magma, his face was reflected a little red.

The red hair looked at the powerful existence in front of him, coughed twice, but his eyes were firm.

At this moment, she is in a very bad condition, with several obvious collapses on her body, and one foot is a little twisted, obviously these places are all broken.

The red-haired one was holding the almost invisible skeleton dragon seat. At this moment, the red-haired exclusive seat had lost its legs and fell apart, leaving only a backrest.

And the Light Soul Demon Whip, as if it was going to dissipate dimly, rested on the red-haired shoulder, without the spirituality of the past.

"Dirty things." The Holy Father took a look at the two pieces of equipment and commented.

The red hair struck, and some light spots flew from her mouth. She looked at the opponent in front of her with disdain, and said in her unique crisp voice: "You are much dirtier than me."

After the Holy Father found her, the red hair has been on the way to escape. With the help of the speed of the Skeleton Dragon Seat and the characteristic of the Light Soul Demon Whip to absorb soul power at any time, she continued to escape at a high intensity.

She didn't choose to flee in the direction of the posthumous king's city. Although she knew that her master was there, the red-haired, who already had completely independent wisdom, didn't want to do that.

She didn't feel that her master was the old guy's opponent.

In this case, she felt that it was her responsibility to hold back this powerful enemy for her master.

As for how long it can be delayed, and what consequences it will have, the red hair never thinks about it.

Especially when she could no longer feel the master's aura in this space, she came directly to the Night Demon Plain and to the cursed abyss.

It would be best if the terrifying existence there could kill this old guy, so that when the master came here again, he would not encounter him just because he was looking for him.

It's just that things are a little different from what the redhead imagined.

The existence of the same level as this old man did not appear here.

"You think I don't know what you're going to do? Do you think that beast will dare to come out when I come here? You are wrong. At our level, we are trying our best to avoid conflicts. I wouldn't come here casually before. , because that is an infringement on that beast. But now that I am chasing you, it will not be unclear, and naturally it will not meddle in its own business."

The holy father said in a condescending tone, he didn't mind letting the red hair live longer, and he didn't even think about whether to absorb her like this, although doing so could replenish a lot of energy, but it was far from letting her It's appropriate for her to recover before swallowing it.

In the royal city, the holy father knew that there must be something waiting for him. Although the barbarians of the posthumous people were not liked by him, he knew that those people would have something special to deal with his arrival, and he could save more. Energy is always good.

"You don't exist here, and you don't know the rules here. This is your sorrow. And your self-defeating behavior will be of no use except to delay the time of destruction for you invaders."

The red hair suddenly smiled: "Old guy, don't say you are so great, what you say and do can't cover up the fact that you are dying, you dare not use too much of your own energy, because then your life will be destroyed. Reduce, you will not be killed by others, you will die yourself. You say that other people are invaders, but you are using your level and strength to plunder the energy in this space. In order to keep yourself alive, you do nothing Concerned about the existence of this space.”

Perhaps it was on the verge of life and death, even though the redhead who could speak fluently but never liked to express, began to continuously say some things that she had realized after being chased by this old guy these days.

"It's the same with the existence you call the beast here. You are all selfish guys, invading the living space of other beings to continue your life. Otherwise, you would have changed to death long ago. The law of this space should not have monsters like you. After you die, the energy should feed back to this world, so that this place can exist for a few more years, but you don’t, you don’t want to die, and absorb everything that is useful to you here !"

"I'm filthy? Yes, I never deny that I was born from a filthy corpse, I'm a living corpse! But you, and that guy here who dare not show up, are far more than I'm much dirtier!"

The red hair said this in one breath, with a vivid expression like a human being. She said that she was a living corpse, but the emotions she expressed now were stronger than any human being.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are going to do. You have to absorb my life and store the energy so that you won't consume your own when you are attacked by others. This way, isn't that what you do? Is it right? While absorbing the lives you like, you use the energy contained in these lives to deal with me. Otherwise, with your strength, why bother to kill me or catch me!"

The holy father had no expression on his face, but his eyes on the red-haired man were no longer as relaxed and playful as before, but turned indifferent.

"Old fellow, don't think that you are sure of victory. I know that you will return to your army and want to leave here through the space gate opened by my master, but you will not succeed. You will die in the royal city, my Master will kill you."

"That Tiny Reptile"

The Holy Father sneered.

"Small?" The red hair struggled to straighten up, and then inserted the skeleton dragon seat on the shore of the lava sea, and sat on a broken bone with only half of it.

"If he is small, how can he be my master?! Old guy, just give me a few more days, and I will be able to enter the next level. You are aware of it, so you did not hesitate to use a little of your own strength to get it. Drive me here. You are afraid, afraid that after I become an eighth level, you will not be able to catch me!"

"You think so, it's just that you don't understand the difference between the eighth level and the ninth level."

Facing the Holy Father's answer, the red hair sneered disapprovingly.

"It's just, old guy, your plan is destined to fail. You can't absorb mine. It's just a pity that you can't keep walking with the person who gave me life."

After finishing speaking, the already dull Light Soul Demon Whip on the red-haired neck suddenly burst into a strange fluctuation, as if it had changed from a dead thing to a... tempting cake!

It began to exude, a huge and pure soul power of life!

The holy father's face changed suddenly, he could already feel that when this huge soul power appeared, the animal moved!

This damned life actually released its own energy completely by using this piece of equipment, which directly affected another ninth-level existence who was also eager for energy to continue life like the Holy Father, and blatantly robbed it.

"Two idiots!" The redhead used a phrase she had learned to describe the two level nine beings who had been duped. With their legs, they used their last strength, and with the Skeleton Dragon Seat, they fell into the sea of ​​lava.

The power she intentionally radiated disappeared in an instant as she was submerged in the magma, leaving only the holy father who was forced to stop halfway through the charge, looking at the huge shadow covering half of the sky!

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