Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and fifty nine kingfish

Novel: Doomsday Roulette Author: Magic Update Time: 2019-02-14 23:45

This is the edge of the lava sea, and the magma is bright red. According to the statement on the earth, it is about 700 degrees.

Evolvers, or fighters who practice secret techniques, or mutated beings, naturally have a much higher temperature tolerance than ordinary people, but there is also a limit.

Especially humans and humanoid races, the structure of the body determines that they do not have good resistance to this high temperature.

Although the holy father is a top level nine expert with extremely powerful abilities, if he really goes all out, he can probably survive in this extreme temperature for a period of time, and he may even use some of his skills to break through the magma, The fallen red hair pulled back.

However, this guy is very reluctant to use his own strength when chasing the red hair, so how can he venture into the magma.

What's more, there is a huge shadow covering the sky right now, and the ninth-level monster called a beast by the Holy Father is watching him. If he uses too much force, the beast will definitely take the opportunity to try to attack If he can eat the holy father, then it may really be able to break the space rules of the secret realm by itself and go to another place.

How could the Holy Father be willing to make wedding dresses for others?

He glanced at the lava sea that had completely returned to its original state, and then at the terrifying shadow hidden behind the black clouds in the sky, shook his head, turned and left.

There was no movement in the shadow of the sky, until the figure of the Holy Father had completely disappeared, and the huge black cloud slowly pressed down on the lava sea, and a pair of huge eyes like a full moon opened, scanning the slowly tumbling magma.

But as if it was unwilling to bear the high temperature, it quickly rose into the sky, then retracted towards the distance, and gradually disappeared.

Everything seems to have returned to calm.

It's just that under the current lava sea, this is not the case at all.

A strange life is surrounding the comatose red hair with great interest, and from time to time, it will lightly peck a few times on the red hair's body that has been melted by the magma and only has bones left.

The skin and flesh of the red hair had completely disappeared, and what was left was only bones that seemed to be carved with thorn patterns, and a few clusters of light on the head, chest, elbows, and knees.

The Skeleton Dragon Seat did not disappear, but was tightly attached to the red hair's skeleton. The Light Soul Demon Whip that had been exploded by the red hair reappeared on her body probably because it had merged with the red hair. On the neck, it was only dim, leaving only some light spots attached to the bones.

If judged by normal standards, the redhead should be dead at this moment.

However, her bones withstood the extreme magma and only slowly sank.

The lives around are almost transparent fish, each of which has a purple magic crystal, and these guys are all seventh-level existences.

I don't know what these seven-level magma fish like on the red-haired bones. They peck a little bit, and the lines of those thorns fade a lot, and the light clusters also start to fluctuate, as if they will go out at any time.

These magma fish seem to be absorbing the energy of the red hair.

After pecking at the fish, many fish showed signs of excitement, constantly wagging their tails, and some unique signals were transmitted, causing more and more magma fish to gather here.

Soon, the red-haired skeleton was completely surrounded by these magma fish, and the thorn lines on the skeleton completely disappeared, and even the Light Soul Demon Whip completely disappeared after the light flashed, and was swallowed by these fish.

However, I don't know why, after these fish are full, the energy enters their transparent body and turns into their energy, but it seems to be different from the nutrition they needed before.

After digestion, some adverse reactions began to occur.

They began to spit out some red and white substances from their mouths, and because they were very close to the red-haired skeleton, these substances stuck to it, and soon, the entire red-haired body, including the skeleton dragon seat, was covered with this substance , even filling the gaps between all the bones.

The entire red-haired corpse turned into a mummy-like existence.

Maybe it's because of the aura of these guys on the red hair, these strange fish are constantly playing around the red hair, and even stop on her body.

Until a kingfish that was obviously much larger than these magma fish appeared, looked at the red hair curiously, and seemed to be thinking about something in its fish eyes. swim down.

The rest of the strange fish followed behind, walking wantonly through the lava.

I don't know how long it took, but the bottom of the lava sea was already visible. The magma that was originally more and more colorful suddenly turned into a terrifying and translucent light white here. The temperature rose sharply, and many strange fish couldn't bear it anymore and left Go, but there are also some powerful existences, continue to follow the eighth-level fish king.

The red hair was pushed to the bottom of the sea, where there was a huge furnace!

I don't know how such a building appeared here, and how it was not melted in such a high temperature, but some dilapidated furnaces stand on the bottom of the lava sea, and in the furnace, there is a black On the metal table, there is a silver metal hammer on it!

The red hair was pushed onto the metal platform by the strange fish. The strange fish sucked up the metal hammer with its mouth, twisted its body, and smashed the metal hammer towards the red hair's body.

The collision is silent, but there is a sudden wave in the lava sea, and the magma begins to roll, and it starts to pass from here to all directions. Those magma fish that can withstand the temperature here are probably the elders and backbones of the population. They rise and fall in the turbulence of the magma sea, But did not leave.

This turbulence was quickly reflected on the surface of the sea, and the entire red lava sea seemed to have turned into a real sea, and began to raging and roaring.

The beings who cursed the abyss were trembling with fright, and fled away from the lava sea one after another. They felt that a terrible magma eruption was coming.

On the bottom of the sea, Wang Yu hit the red-haired body one after another with a hammer. After hitting it more than a dozen times, it suddenly looked at a subordinate. The subordinate turned around and was about to run away, but Wang Yu's body quickly swam to this subordinate By his side, he swung his tail and pulled it towards the red hair, then quickly followed, and smashed it down with a metal hammer in his mouth.

The subordinate's body was smashed on the mummy, and the transparent blood and body fluids as well as bone and flesh immediately covered the red-haired body.

Wang Yu's hammer fell again, and at the same time, a majestic force enveloped its men, preventing them from moving.

In this way, monsters were constantly being "sacrificed". The hair has been completely covered by the monster's flesh and blood.

Finally, Wang Yu put down the metal hammer and slowly landed on the red-haired body. His abdomen twitched again and again, and a fiery red bead was spit out by him. It smashed into the red-haired body!

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