Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and ninety four top flowers

This sound caused the people on the city wall to collapse almost instantly.

They don't understand how these monsters rushing out of the flames can carry such a powerful fire, which can not only ignite the city wall, but also destroy the city wall so quickly?

It can be said that the city wall is one of the main sources of confidence for the posthumous people to resist the attack of the Dawn Temple, and it is also the most powerful means. This is not only about the strength of the city wall, but also the defensive structure built on the city wall.

For example, the condescending advantage of military strength, such as the installation of various defense equipment, all of these are based on the city wall. Once the city wall is gone, the so-called defense system will completely collapse, and the outcome of this war is almost certain.

All kinds of howling sounds came and went from the city wall, hoarse, and spread far to the camp of the Temple of Dawn.

Now there are only two of the three giants of Dawn. Standing next to the tower of power of the gods, looking through some flames that have not been extinguished, they all found the panic of the posthumous people and the earth people's coalition forces, which made them Feel the slightest pleasure.

"Your arrival, Holy Father, brings not only a boost to morale, but also victory, just like countless times before."

Anyone can hear the joyful feeling of Zai Li's voice.

Rong Zhi's death still can't make him feel relieved.

The holy father sat under the tower, watched the battle ahead, listened to the compliments from his subordinates behind him, and just smiled faintly.

"When I was young, my master told me everything about posthumous people. At that time, I understood that this is a disgusting species, and they are not qualified to share everything here with us. Their Existence has no meaning other than to make this space collapse more quickly."

The words were plain, but everyone who could hear them felt a surge of confidence reaching the horizon and an incomparable contempt for the posthumous person.

"Before your attack was not going well, in addition to lack of preparation, the narrowness of the mountainside also hindered the use of our temple tactics."

The holy father narrowed his eyes slightly, and the red figure thrown into the magma sea flashed in his mind.

"Of course, there are also reasons why those people on Earth are helping."

"But now it's different, I'm here, then everything will be over."

"Holy Father Myriad Venerables!"

Some soldiers shouted wildly on the side, and some of them who were close even knelt on the ground.

The holy father's attitude towards these ordinary fighters was obviously stronger than that of several giants. He turned his head sideways, waved his hands with a smile, and let these fighters stand up.

"Everything depends on your bravery. Let's fight together for the future of the Temple of Dawn."

"Holy Father Myriad Venerables!"

More people knelt down, including those who just got up.

At this time, a large amount of liquid was suddenly poured on the city wall, and then some rays of light exploded in it. In an instant, a layer of gray substance solidified on the city wall, and quickly dried and solidified with the temperature, covering most of the city wall. The sound that represented the collapse was immediately stopped.

"It seems that our opponent is not useless." The Holy Father was not annoyed at the fact that the victory he was about to slip away. Action tells these savages that they... are doomed to be eliminated!"

Following the voice of the Holy Father, the soldiers of the Temple of Dawn standing behind roared, and put the one-meter-long short spears on their backs on the ground. Each of them had a bundle of twenty spears.

Then these carefully selected warriors with extremely strong arms began to draw out their short spears, and threw them collectively in the direction of the royal city under orders.

Short spears were thrown by them, slicing the curve in the air, and there was a harsh sound, as if something was howling on their spears.

Many soldiers of the Dawn Temple who were charging looked up, and saw a series of spears that were gradually lighting up quickly surpassed them, and landed on the city wall of the posthumous man one step ahead of time.

"It's the top flower!"


so much! "

"I thought this thing had been lost, but I didn't expect there to be so many!"

Many Shuguang soldiers recognized these things and shouted happily.

Some newcomers had never heard of Dinghua, so some inquiries rang out, and some veteran soldiers in the reserve team who were preparing for the battle gave them a brief introduction.

It turns out that the top flower is a long-range attack weapon that has been rumored to have been lost. This weapon has some exquisite carved structures on the spear body of the short spear, which can help the short spear to fly a longer distance under the same throwing force, and Very fast.

Just like now, these short spears can do what catapults can do only by relying on manpower.

The horror of the top flowers is not limited to this. After they are blocked, they will explode as a whole, and the fine metal pieces will cause indiscriminate damage to the surrounding targets within a certain range. Because of the special materials and craftsmanship, this attack The power is huge.

This is an extremely useful weapon for any type of battle, but the manufacturing process is said to have been lost, and the metal required for the material cannot be smelted by the current technology of the Dawn Temple.

It's just that the top flower is reborn now, and it's not known whether it has regained control of these lost things, or the temple has always kept a large amount of inventory.

Seeing the top flower whizzing away in the air, the holy father waved his hand again, and the herald at the side saw it and blew a strange horn. The unique sound spread out, and some people in the front row stopped step, and put the metal box on the ground, the concave hole on the box was aligned with the city wall, and after the mechanism was pulled, a series of thick steel cables shot out from the inside, passing through the still burning The flame wall was nailed to the city wall that had been protected by that layer of gray matter.

Looking from one side, there are at least a thousand such iron locks piercing into the city wall.

After completing this, these people turned their heads, and someone behind them had already led a huge monster. These monsters are very common in secret realms. They are called coolie beasts. They have no attack power and are docile. The only advantage is that they have Brute force.

The soldiers tied the rope on the other side of the metal box to the coolie beasts, beat them hard, and made them pull back.

The soldiers who thought they were going to rush to the city wall stopped immediately after seeing the iron locks, took out their longbows or crossbow arrows, and began to suppress fire on the city wall.

From the beginning of those flames to the first batch of warriors wearing special fire-resistant armor began to shoot freely, all this happened in a very short period of time. , dealt a huge blow to the posthumous people and the Yunding coalition forces.

It's just that no one knows whether this kind of blow will be devastating.

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