Roulette World

One thousand one hundred and ninety five land under the city

"Two in one almost~~"

Whether it was Hong Xiang Wang Zun or Mo Ye, it was the first time that the two people in charge of commanding the city wall felt so bad.

The Dawn Temple had also been attacked before, and even broke through the city wall to a certain extent. Some of the methods used during the period caught the posthumous man and the Allied Forces of Yunding Villa by surprise.

But at that time, Wang Zun and the Yunding people did not panic. They knew that everyone was working hard, and whoever could win in the end was determined by who was more open-minded.

The Dawn Temple has a way out, but the posthumous man is fighting with his back, and it is clear at a glance who can fight to the death.

No one doubts the strength of the enemy, but they also know that they will be more determined.

Because Wangcheng is a holy city, it is a shrine in the heart of the posthumous people, and it cannot be desecrated, so everyone will try their best to protect it. Unless something irreversible like the collapse of this space happens, even if all the posthumous people go to the earth , this place will still be the root in their hearts.

But this belief was shaken when the Holy Father came.

The oppressive power of the ninth-level powerhouse brings an overwhelming advantage. This unrivaled image makes the morale of the posthumous person inevitably low. Now that these methods are used, it is even more important to make this kind of The low and infinite magnification made even the commanders feel extremely bad, let alone ordinary soldiers.

The brief chaos of the defense equipment on the city wall is the best proof.

"You can't let them succeed! You can't!" A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked over. A seventh-level patriarch of the posthumous clan shouted hoarsely. Dinghong, who caused a lot of damage, saw his morale shrinking, and the patriarch became angry.

"So what about the ninth level? Did their Dawn Temple just have a ninth-level powerhouse? In history, haven't their ninth-level powerhouses attacked us? Yes, yes! But have they succeeded? No ! They have never captured the royal city! So children, what are you afraid of?!"

The patriarch's voice was already torn apart. He jumped onto the top of the city, ignoring the obvious intensified attacks on him from outside the city, and spoke to the posthumous man. On the city wall, only his voice echoed.

"Today, many of us will die, but so will our enemies. But I believe that when all our enemies are dead, some of us will still be alive! When all our enemies are dead, there will be Definitely including their Holy Father!"

The airflow around the patriarch's body erupted, blocking those long-range attacks, but some that could not be bounced hit his body, causing his body to bleed.

"I don't know what these iron chains are, but I can feel the trembling of the city wall. The flames just now have made the wall on which we live have become very fragile. If there is no magical repairing mud from the earth friends, it may have collapsed now. "

The patriarch patted his chest and said: "The friends on the earth have done enough for us. I don't know how many people are buried in this land that is unfamiliar to them. Just now, they helped us again. In the future, they will continue to help us." will help us even more, and now, it's time we do something for them!"

"Children, who wants to follow me to cut off these iron chains? Then follow me!"

As these words were uttered with the loudest voice, the patriarch jumped down from the top of the city, and the silver front moon produced by Yunding in his hand directly slashed down with the momentum of the fall. The light of the knife swept across a large area, and finally chopped On the iron lock closest to his body.

The soldiers on the top of the city looked down one after another, and even the people of the Dawn Temple who were attacking the city were stunned. They had never seen such a desperate person.

Leaving aside the question of whether jumping off such a high city wall will cause you to fall to your death, even if you have special skills, you can fly or stay in the air. The height is no problem for him, but now it is a siege battle, and it is completely outside the city wall. In the control area of ​​the Dawn Temple, if he jumped down like this, he would be killed if he didn't fall to his death.

This is almost a jump to death!

But many people don't think this person is a fool,

On the contrary, I feel that this kind of behavior is full of something full of color.

Even though the two sides were in a state of hostility, the warriors of the Temple of Dawn who saw this scene also sincerely admired the posthumous patriarch from the bottom of their hearts.

Not everyone can give up their lives when needed.

In the long river of history, there are many epic stories and characters, but in each era, the number is actually small, and few people are so lucky to experience such stories in person.

Now, maybe this is the beginning of such a story, but no one has this awareness.

With a bang, the sword and the iron lock collided, but the result that many people expected did not happen.

The patriarch's seventh-level strength and the silver long knife did not cut off the iron chain.

Exclamations sounded from different places, which was an unexpected scene.

Only some people in the leadership of the Dawn Temple who know what these iron locks are will mutter a naivety in their mouths.

The patriarch's miss, obviously also surprised him. Relying on the strength from the blade, his body kicked his legs in the air, and the long blade swung out again.

There was the second sound of gold and iron clashing, and the patriarch landed another knife exactly at the position he had hit just now.

This time, there are even sparks coming from above.

But... still not broken!

Many posthumous fighters find it incredible that a level 7 powerhouse, even with a blunt knife, will not fail to cut an iron chain twice.

Some sharp-eyed people found that although the iron chain was not completely broken, there was only a slight connection left. As long as there was another knife, it would definitely be broken, and even if you don't cut it again, it will break by itself when the coolie beast exerts its strength. .

The Dawn Temple naturally cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening. Whether the city wall collapses or not is directly linked to the victory of the war. These iron locks are the key to determining whether the city wall can still exist.

So the attack came like a shadow, and the seventh-level patriarch was immediately enveloped in the attack.

This kind of situation where hundreds or even thousands of people attack a target in the air, even if Ye Zhongming encounters it, he must defend it with all his strength. This seventh-level patriarch obviously does not have that ability, although he has already He tried his best to avoid many attacks, but his whole body was still severely injured, and he was about to die.

But the posthumous man who had risked his life roared again and again. He no longer defended himself, but braced himself on the city wall, turned his body around, and stepped heavily on the iron chain. Under the powerful force, the iron chain broke, and the coolie beast over there immediately lost its balance and fell far away, causing the surrounding Dawn Temple army to fall into chaos.

On the other side, the patriarch once again used the power of the rebound to stimulate the final potential, and threw the whole person out. A brilliant light flashed on the silver sword. The blade met a nearby iron chain in this explosion, and then released The sound resounded throughout the mountainside.

After the sound, the saber and chain broke together!

After all this was done, a short spear with a top flower appeared on the patriarch's body. This weapon exploded on his body, and the patriarch immediately fell from the air like a rag.

It's just that there was a relieved smile on his face, as if telling those clansmen who were watching him from the top of the city that he deserved to die.

This kind of iron chain may be the same as those top flowers. It is a strategic-level thing in the Temple of Dawn, and it is even specially prepared to deal with the royal city of the posthumous people. So many times it failed under this city wall, so what about the Temple of Dawn? Will be willing.

Now, maybe they don't know how many years of preparations are finally coming in handy, and the effect looks very good, the victory is almost in sight, and they are very happy to see the helpless look of the posthumous man.

But there happened to be a posthumous person who cut off two iron cables in such a desperate way. How could this be possible!

The attack didn't stop, even though the patriarch was dead and fell to the ground, some weapons still landed there, and the body that was already shattered by the top flower instantly turned into pieces of flesh and blood.


I don't know how many roars came from the city wall, and I don't know how many soldiers of the posthumous people jumped from the top.

Many people who have seen this scene with their own eyes will never forget it many years later, because this act of going to death is actually stupid, but it gives people the deepest shock.

These posthumous warriors who jumped down actually did not have a high level of evolution. Even with the help of Yunding Villa, most of them were only fighters of the third or fourth level, and their equipment was even worse. Most of them could only hold white weapons .

But they didn't think about what they could do by jumping down, whether they could cut off even one iron chain, they only knew that this would make the enemies angry and afraid.

At least half of the people who jumped were members of the patriarch's clan. Seeing the leader's tragic death, they were already red-eyed. Although they couldn't rush to fight the enemy, they could finish what the patriarch hadn't done.

The phrase "come with me" has been echoing in their ears.

These warriors do not have the strong strength of the patriarch, and cannot use their swords during the fall, but they also have their own wisdom. Using their strength against their bodies, they try every means to slow down the falling speed. When they are near the iron lock, they use their own Grasp the iron chain with your hands or some utensils, and the rest is to slash these things that may determine the battle situation.

Soldiers kept jumping down, and they were constantly nailed to the wall by the attacks of the Dawn Temple in the air. There were also soldiers who didn't grab the iron chains, and just fell straight to death under the city.

No one wants to see this kind of suicide sacrifice, but under the premise that the defense equipment cannot be adjusted immediately to break the iron chains, this seems to be the only and the most effective method.

Many posthumous people and the commander of Yunding discovered at this time that the attack on the Dawn Temple was actually mobilizing the weapons on the city wall all the time, from the sky, mid-air, and ground...all of them were attacking. , It is to make the posthumous person overwhelmed.

"Throw the good weapon down to them!"

Some people started shouting and threw their weapons down. Most of these people were from Earth, some from Yunding, and some from Yingcheng who volunteered to join the war.

Their equipment is much better than that of the posthumous people, especially the fighters in Yunding. Although few people have learned how to jump from these posthumous people, they are also moved by this spirit of sacrifice. They know very well that these fighters who jumped Even if the iron lock is cut off, it will fall to the ground, and if it does not fall to death, it will be killed.

But they still did it without hesitation.

These people are worth letting them surrender their weapons!

Some obviously high-level weapons were thrown down, and many of them were green-level. These weapons were blocked by the enemy, and many of them were successfully caught by the soldiers hanging on the chains, and then swung out. For this war, make their contribution.

Both sides adjusted their attack focus here as if they were crazy. The dense equipment and energy rays converged here, bursting into clusters of brilliance, reflecting the space already occupied by the smell of blood.

The chains were constantly being cut off, and those warriors who cut off the chains chose to grab the outer side. They swayed to the ground with the broken chains, and then roared and launched a one-man charge. Almost no one could Rushing to the front of the Dawn Temple, all of them were smashed to pieces on the way.

Blood, as well as soul, pave the way for this land below the city.


With a loud noise, a section of the city wall suddenly collapsed under such circumstances!

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