Roulette World

1196th: The Last Race War (Part 1)

The method of cutting the iron chain by the posthumous man really shocked the people in the Dawn Temple. The act of giving up their lives made them, who are also flesh and blood, feel a little fear in their admiration.

They are a little confused, can such an army, such a posthumous person, be defeated?

Even if he wins in the end, can he still live?

The army of Dawn Temple is indeed well-trained, but this does not mean that they have lost the ability to think.

However, the collapse of a section of the city wall made their new negative emotions disappear.

These iron chains were constantly cut off and interrupted by the attacks on the city wall. After just such a short effort, there were not many people who were still connected to the city wall in the end.

But there are still some connected to the city wall.

In a certain place, there were about twenty iron cables connected side by side, none of which were broken, and this was the last one to collapse.

Although only the outer wall collapsed, and there was an inner wall to protect it, the inner wall couldn't compare with the outer wall in terms of strength or height. Basically, without the outer wall, the defense of this position It will be directly reduced to one-third of the original or even less.

What troubled Wang Zun and the Yunding commanders the most was that in order to defend this section of the collapsed city wall, it was necessary to let the surrounding firepower cover this side.

But city defense is a matter that affects the whole body. If the defense forces of other places are mobilized, it must be compensated accordingly, and the defense of the entire royal city will change accordingly.

And this kind of passive change is impossible to completely avoid without any loopholes. Since there are loopholes, it is almost certain to be caught.

Many people's hearts sank.


The holy father looked at the collapsed city wall and waved to the air force on standby. These guys immediately picked up the top flowers assigned to them and started to take off in an orderly manner.

The larger number of land cavalry formed a formation in silence, and the forward slowly adjusted its direction, aiming at the place without the protection of the city wall.

The holy father took a look, and seemingly casually patted on the power of the gods. The dazzling light struck again, hitting the inner wall of the collapsed city wall, which was far from the defensive ability of the outer wall, and was directly shot out. a huge gap.

At this moment, Wangcheng lost the protection of the city wall here.

"Rush in!"

These three words were uttered from the mouths of the soldiers of the Dawn Temple, and spread like an infection.

The cavalry moved, and under the cover of those comrades who rushed to the city wall before, they began to rush towards the breach. As long as they entered the royal city, they would basically announce the destruction of the spiritual city of the posthumous people.

"Block them!"

This is the response of the posthumous people. In addition to the soldiers guarding the city wall, the army on standby in the city also gathered towards the breach. If the city wall is gone, then they are the city wall!

The air force of the Temple of Dawn came to the battlefield first. They stared at the attack of the deadly instruments on the city wall, and threw out the top flowers in their hands. When the top flowers were used up, they threw the spears and hammers tied to the vultures. Go down, kill and injure as many posthumous people on the city wall as possible, and provide guarantee for the advance of the ground troops.

Of course, it would be better if the air defense force of Wangcheng ignored them, and these fighters would let the posthumous people know what is the power of the most expensive troops in the Dawn Temple.

The ground was trembling, the Knights of the Temple of Dawn had rushed up, and those comrades who were on their way out of the way one after another, which relieved the pressure on the top of the king city for an instant.

Almost all the city defense equipment, at this moment, when the outer space was slightly weak, suddenly all aimed at the Templar Air Force harassing in the air. Intensive attacks were overwhelming.

Many commanders of the Dawn Temple were stunned, and even the remaining two giants and the saint frowned.

In doing so, the posthumous man completely gave up on blocking the charging cavalry. Could it be that he was not afraid of them rushing into the royal city?

If it is necessary for the commander to choose between air and ground forces to attack the city,

All will choose the former. Because the former can be compensated and expelled in various ways, but once the ground troops represented by cavalry flood into the city, it almost means the end of the battle.

That's why the people in the Dawn Temple don't understand why the posthumous person would make such a choice like giving up.

But they are never fooled, and they think there must be something going on that they don't see.

The air riders also didn't expect that when they were fighting back and forth with the one below, the enemy would attack them frantically. In just a few short breaths, nearly one-third of the vitality was destroyed.

The defense equipment above the royal city has been proved to be fatal to the eighth-level existence.

All kinds of roaring giant crossbow arrows and magic crystal weapons poured into the limited space, which was almost devastating. The reason why they didn't show such power before was because these weapons were scattered in a wide defense area.

Now, when they are about to destroy your air force as if they have made an appointment, they have shown shocking power.

Even though the general in charge frantically controlled the troops to retreat as fast as possible, but by the time they left the battlefield, the famous and most feared Air Cavalry Legion of the Dawn Temple had been completely disabled.

Those who can or come back, none of them survive.

Everyone's face was gloomy, and even the Holy Father, who had been calm before, was now as dark as water.

Although there are many troops in the Temple of Dawn, those who really become elite are nothing more than knights, guards and air cavalry. Now, air cavalry is useless. If you want to form a large-scale combat power again, it is estimated that you will need to recuperate for several years or even For more than ten years, waiting for the young vulture to grow up.

"Since they are looking for death, let them die."

The Holy Father made a decision, and all the knights began to charge. He also knew that the posthumous man must have something to rely on, so he did this, but now neither he nor anyone else has any other choice.

Only fight to the end!

Regardless of casualties, break through any so-called tactics and win the final victory.

Under such circumstances, the first knight group charged into the royal city roaringly, and suddenly fell silent after bursting out with shouts of killing all over the sky.

As a result, there was a moment of silence on the entire battlefield.

"Continue!" The Holy Father's voice resounded throughout the space, and the knights who had started to slow down slapped their mounts again and continued their charge.

In the royal city, the first cavalry group with a number of 2,000 people rushed in. At this moment, all of them died, and blood and corpses piled up in the royal city.

And in the direction of their charge, there are countless figures leaving quickly.

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