Roulette World

1197th The Last Race War (Part 2)

"Two in One~"

It was the posthumous people who had been evacuated before, and there were some evolutionaries from the earth mixed in.

These people were not allowed to fight, because they were not suitable for such a high-intensity race battle.

There are many reasons for this incompatibility. Some people are old and unable to sustain a long battle, and some are disabled and have limited mobility. Some people shoulder the responsibility of educating the next generation and are living knowledge reserves. Some are women, children and adolescents who are the future hope of the deceased.

Some people on earth have low evolutionary levels, but they have some specialties in shooting or long-range attacks. They were unable to fight here because of the imbalance of strength.

But these people completed the attack that silenced the Dawn Temple just now.

This war is a life-and-death battle between the Dawn Temple and the posthumous people, and it is a key battle for Yunding Villa to have one more resource base than other forces in the future.

Everyone wants to be a part of it.

Their strength is weak, but their desire to fight is very strong. They are not even afraid of death, and are willing to sacrifice for this royal city.

After careful discussion, Wang Zun, Ye Zhongming and others made this small plan, which is to let these people play their role at a certain moment.

Facts have proved that these teams with tens of thousands of people can do something that will impress everyone.

Just now, it was these people who used tens of thousands of bows and arrows or long-range skills to instantly kill this elite cavalry team that was the first to rush into the royal city.

This is collective power.

Taken alone, each of these people cannot be compared with the knights in the Templar ranks. The gap between the two sides is too great, and one knight can even kill hundreds of such people.

The bows and arrows shot by these people, or the skills they threw, might just be innocuous to the knight.

But when there are too many of these attacks, and there are too many to avoid, they will become extremely deadly without pain or itching.

Tens of thousands vs. two thousand seems to be a difference of more than ten times, but you must know that this is not a math problem. Each cavalry only needs to face a dozen bows and arrows. They didn't rush in in a row, and those bows and arrows didn't shoot every knight one by one.

If I had to use something to describe it, it would be that these bows and arrows and skills, and another cavalry, two cavalry, collided together.

The final result was that both sides suffered losses, and the entire army was wiped out one after another.

It's just that the sacrifice of the Dawn Temple was an elite group of 2,000 people, and the sacrifices of the posthumous people and the Yunding Allied Forces were tens of thousands of feather arrows and some energy skills.

In this instant contest, the posthumous man won completely, but this method can no longer be used again.

The Knights Templar of Dawn will definitely start to pay attention to defense when they are prepared. Their follow-up troops and long-range troops will also try their best to suppress the forces in the city.

Once entangled, these people who are not strong or even have some disabilities will be quickly eaten by the jungle.

So after completing an attack, they quickly withdrew to the earth, and Xia Lei was waiting at the gate of time and space.

The rest will be handed over to other comrades in arms.

Many people looked back at the city and their colleagues who were fighting in the city when they left, as if they wanted to imprint this moment in their minds.

The second Dawn Knights rushed in under such circumstances. Then came the third branch.

But at this time, due to the defeat of the Dawn Temple's air force, the defense equipment on the city wall began to turn their guns and aimed at the troops outside the city. This is enough for them to suppress the temple's long-range troops and cause a lot of casualties to these charging knights.

On the other side, the saint looked at the templar soldiers who were constantly being killed by magic crystal weapons and giant crossbow arrows, her fingers tightly held the scepter, her chest heaved violently, obviously angry at the sacrifices of the soldiers .

Her eyes fell on the Holy Father, and she said anxiously: "Holy Father, I may need you at this time..."

But before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the Holy Father raising his hand.

"Any war requires sacrifice. You must learn to fight without me, not just to fight, but to win."

The Holy Father's voice reached the Holy Maiden's ears very clearly.

"It's impossible for the posthumous people to block the gap again. The victory has already been divided. I don't need to take action. The children can end this war by themselves."

Looking at the constantly firing devices on the city wall, the Holy Father sneered, "That's their last madness."

"But..." the saint said a word, but the absolute obedience to the Holy Father that she had cultivated for a long time prevented her from continuing. She also felt that the Holy Father was obviously displeased because of her words.

She was silent, but seeing those soldiers who usually kneeled in front of her and saluted respectfully were shot and killed mercilessly, she was suddenly a little confused.

Is it necessary to pay such a price for the purpose? Can't this method be used to prove the bravery and loyalty that the clansmen have proven countless times?

Now that victory is certain, why can't it be relaxed and must be forged with blood? !

The saint misses her mount very much at this time. If the dragon is still there, she can rush to the city wall and burn all the weird but powerful weapons brought from the earth, clearing the way for the knights!

"Holy Father, let's go!"

On the one hand, the other two giants asked the Holy Father for instructions. They felt that if a powerful team of sharp knives could rush into the king's city at this time, then the battle might be resolved more quickly.

The Holy Father was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The two giants immediately greeted their men and began to move towards the battlefield.

"Holy Father, I'm going too!"

"You stay!"

The saint who wanted to go with her was stopped by the holy father. Faced with doubts, the holy father had no one to explain to her.

The saint stood there, looking a little lonely.

The heavy infantry team prepared by the posthumous people to break the city came in handy at this time.

Posthumous people have almost no cavalry, not only because they are not good at domesticating monsters on a large scale, but also because they are poor, and cavalry is the most expensive type of arms, whether on the ground or in the air, posthumous people do not have this capital.

But for posthumous people, although they can't afford large-scale cavalry, it also means that all their soldiers are infantry.

As long as they have a solid armor and a heavy shield plus a long hair that is not easy to break, then they are powerful heavy infantry.

Facing the cavalry regiment of the Dawn Temple, the heavy infantry of the posthumous people confronted it head-on for the first time.

Many people's eyes fell on this place. Both sides knew that this was the last barrier of the royal city. If the heavy infantry failed, then there was really nothing that could stop the front of the temple.

The two sides collided in the roars that came from the deepest part of their bodies.

Broken limbs and dripping blood became the only theme at the moment.

Some people say that those who have not experienced war cannot understand the importance of peace. In fact, from another perspective, those who have not experienced cold weapon wars cannot understand real wars.

Because the cold weapon is more direct and bloody, it can tell everyone who sees it that you should be afraid!

Even the most seasoned fighters have forgotten the experience they are proud of at this moment, and can only swing their weapons instinctively to kill anyone who is in a different camp from him.

The knights disappeared like an avalanche flooding the forest, and the heavy infantry of the posthumous people fell in pieces like harvested wheat.

Life becomes extremely cheap at this moment.

A team that was almost disabled rushed through the fire blockade of the defense equipment on the city wall, and arrived at the back of the Knights. They were the team that threw the top flower.

Under the cover of their comrades, they came to the fiercest battlefield, and the temple weapons in their hands began to fly in all directions. Side penetration.

The posthumous reserve team in the royal city began to mobilize to intercept these enemies who attempted to enter the interior.

Outside the city, horns sounded one after another, and almost all the warriors of the Temple of Dawn began to charge, because that was the signal for a general attack.

After officially invading the posthumous people at the end of the cold season, the Dawn Temple finally launched an attack on the final strategic target at this moment.

It may not be said that the turbulent waves hit the shore, but it is not enough to describe the troops rushing under the king's city like a tide. Even those air cavalry regiments that have been crippled have regrouped and flew towards the king's city, trying to give the posthumous People cause a little trouble.

The holy girl glanced at the holy father, took a few steps abruptly, then looked back at the old man who was also a teacher and father, and shouted expectantly: "Holy father!"

The strong man at level nine moved his gaze from the city wall to the face of the saint, stared at the face for a few seconds and said, "Go."

The saint nodded, turned around, stepped on the mount she had not subdued Yangos, and rushed towards the royal city.

At this time, she can't help but fight, and she must also fight, because she is a saint.

Protecting herself and the mount with the scepter, the saint would look at the sky from time to time, but there was nothing there except the falling sky knight.

"Go up, go up!"

Such voices could be heard everywhere in the royal city. Those who could fight all rushed to the gaps and various boarding places, and neither side had a reserve team.

This battle is like a meat grinder in the market, and countless lives are lost every moment, which can almost be regarded as the essence of the Blue Secret Realm.

This kind of battle has been going on, and the two sides began to compete fiercely at the city wall and the gap that was punched out. In the past ten minutes, the temple has advanced tens of meters, but after a while, the posthumous man regained it. . After a while, the Templars gained the upper hand again, but they couldn't hold on for long.

From half an hour later, the two sides were already fighting on the corpses of their respective comrades.

From a certain point of view, the charge of the Knights was a failure, because they did not break through the defense line of the posthumous heavy infantry and drove straight in. However, there were too many follow-up troops in the temple, and they had an absolute advantage in number. The combat power should also be stronger, so even if they are dismounted, they can still suppress their opponents.

If it weren't for the good things produced by Yunding in the hands of the posthumous people, perhaps they would have been defeated.

After two hours of fighting, some Templars finally rushed to the city wall. Although they paid a very heavy price, they succeeded in the end.

The two sides on the ground were also completely disrupted, and fell into a melee. In a large area inside and outside the walls of the king's city, the flames of war were burning everywhere.

Another city wall collapsed, another team from the Dawn Temple rushed from there, and some posthumous warriors went to stop it.

"Xia Lei! Xia Lei! Let's do it, our people are going to be wiped out!"

Hong Xiang Wang Zun, who was covered in blood and had a deep scar on his face, found Xia Lei who was also fighting fiercely with the Genting team. He shouted loudly, begging for support.

He knew that there were backhands at Yunding, which should be prepared for the ninth-level holy father, but at this time, he hoped to use these methods in advance.

There is no way, if this kind of fighting continues, the posthumous people will be wiped out!

Even with the support of Yunding and Earth, the time is too short after all, and they can't really compete against the temple. Under the leadership of the Holy Father, the Templar Army, which took out all the things in the bottom of the box, began to gradually take the initiative on the battlefield after several fierce battles that disappeared.

If this continues, the disadvantage will become greater and greater, the battle damage will become higher and higher, and the speed of sacrifice will become faster and faster!

Perhaps before the ninth-level holy father can do it, he has already been completely defeated.

In fact, Xia Lei also knew, and she didn't expect that when the Dawn Temple went all out, the battle would end in just a few hours, which completely overturned her perception of this kind of battle.

It is not that the earth has not experienced the era of cold weapons, but none of those crucial decisive battles lasted for a long time, at least a few days.

But now...

She glanced at the Yunding and Earth coalition forces who also suffered heavy casualties, gritted her teeth, and gave the order to use the war fortress.

She had to wait until Ye Zhongming woke up from his deep sleep, and then she would have a terrifying eight-star evolutionary and a powerful seven-star evolutionary.

The two war fortresses that received the order came out of the bunker, and under the control of the operator, they began to pour out their firepower.

Short-range missiles instantly covered the two gaps, blasting the temple army there to pieces, and then the nuclear machine guns began to spit out energy, harvesting the extremely fragile lives in front of it, even evolutionists, in this kind of earth and roulette With technology, nothing can be done.

With these two terrifying war machines, the situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed, and the posthumous people in some places even started a counterattack.

"I don't care what those are, kill them!" The blood-stained saint, who had long lost her holy appearance, pointed her scepter at the two war fortresses, shouting hysterically, and at the same time led people to rush there.

But the posthumous people also know how to protect themselves, and they are desperately blocking any enemies who try to approach, which prevents the temple people from reaching there in a short time, and can only watch them wantonly slaughter their comrades.

The saint screamed in anger, but there was nothing she could do for the time being.

"This was originally prepared for me!" A voice suddenly floated into the battlefield, suppressing all the voices, a person suspended in mid-air, the cold candle room facing the war fortress!

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