Roulette World

1227th they were killed in battle

The camp was brightly lit, and there was no fighting, but the excitement seemed to have not dissipated here, and there were signs of becoming more dangerous.

"Do we really want to be loyal to such a saint?! To a woman who inserted her weapon into the body of the Holy Father?!"

A middle-aged man walked back and forth in the tent, his expression excited, and his words spread outside the tent, where thousands of soldiers were listening silently.

"The temple is our belief. We fight desperately for the honor of the temple. Not only us, but also our ancestors, and even our descendants will still be like this." The voice of the middle-aged man was low, but sonorous and powerful, very infectious force.

"However, what we believe in is the honor of the temple, and what is honor? Firmness, fearlessness, bravery, sacrifice, and unity!"

"We have always been adhering to this. From our hometown to here, we have gone through arduous marches and fierce battles. Countless of our companions have died. Now, in our home, there are more relatives waiting Let's go back!"

"But look, what are we doing now?" The middle-aged man pointed to his surroundings. Through the gaps between these tents, he could faintly see many posthumous people and Yunding soldiers patrolling in the distance. Basically all concentrated in their camps.

"Are we defeated? No! If so, why are we waiting here like prisoners? Why is this happening?!"

Looking at the mid-level officers in the tent, the middle-aged man looked asking.

"Because our Holy Father is dead!"

"Because our Holy Father was killed by his own people!"

"Because the woman who killed our Holy Father is surrendering to our enemies!"

"Because this woman who surrendered has no sense of glory in the temple at all. She is a shame and a traitor to our entire race!"

"Brothers, do we really have to obey her orders, obey the orders of a person who killed the Holy Father? To call brothers and even bow down to those who killed our comrades-in-arms a few days ago?!"

"Then what kind of Templar warriors are we, what honor do we have?! How can we... be worthy of the ancestors who gave us life and soul!"

The middle-aged man became more and more excited as he spoke, and he waved his arms vigorously. The officers below and the soldiers outside were also excited by the enthusiasm he aroused. These troops were originally those who were most loyal to the Holy Father. The order of the two giants, now that the holy father died, he was still killed by the holy woman, and the dissatisfaction in his heart had already accumulated to the brink of explosion.

Now, I heard that the people represented by the saint are negotiating with the posthumous Yunding coalition forces. Some details came back, which made them even more uproar. They felt that this was betraying the interests of the Temple of Dawn, a compromise almost surrendered.

There are even some rumors circulating in the army, saying that the saint has decided to marry the leader who came here from another dimension and become his woman in exchange for better survival for herself and those close to her.

For the Dawn Temple people who have been kings in this space for countless years, this is incomprehensible and unacceptable.

However, even if these people couldn't understand or even hated the saint for killing the Holy Father, there was still some inertia in their hearts—the inertia that the saint was another symbol of the temple.

Under this instinctive inertia, they can oppose the saint, but they cannot accept what the saint does that insults the temple in their opinion.

"Brothers, we should not be silent anymore, otherwise, we will lose our faith and soul and become walking dead!"

"Then what should we do?"

An officer stood up and asked with clenched fists.

"Resistance!" The middle-aged man's eyes were bright, and he said firmly: "Only by resisting can we have a glimmer of hope. Only by overthrowing the Holy Maiden's inheritance of the temple can we win the future. How can a person who killed the Holy Father Can lead us! What qualifications does she have to lead us?!"


One officer hesitated to speak,

He still felt a little bad.

"No but, unless..." The middle-aged man came to the officer in an instant, and when the other party was unprepared, he inserted his two fingers directly into his eyes, "Unless you are a saint, no, the lackey of the witch! "

After a brief scream, the officer's body fell to the ground.

"It's time to avenge the Holy Father!"

After the middle-aged officer finished speaking, some people under his arrangement began to shout the slogan of revenge for the Holy Father, and the surrounding soldiers were gradually infected and joined his team.

However, this atmosphere only lasted for half a minute before it was interrupted by the vibration on the ground.

The shouting gradually weakened and became extremely quiet, and many people began to look for the source of the vibration.

Soon they found what they were looking for, and this guy was really too tall.

"It's that kind of metal monster!" Someone started to shout, and the horror in their eyes became more and more intense.

The middle-aged officer led the people out of the camp and found that they were surrounded. The posthumous man and the Genting soldiers had crossed the cordon of the Dawn Temple and entered the camp at some point.

"It's that witch! She betrayed us!" At this time, the holy father's loyal officer didn't know what was going on. It was the saint who wanted to use the hands of Yunding to get rid of them, the unstable factors in the temple. .

The improved war fortress that has been repaired revealed its ferocious face. The energy machine guns were preparing for these temple fighters. At the same time, the main battle team of Yunding raised the grenade rocket launcher, and the rest were black magic crystal spears. Most of the posthumous warriors held magic crystal grenades or shortaxes and spears produced by Yunding, and watched them covetously.

Xiaohu, who followed the team, waved his hand, and guns fired in the entire camp.


The saint and Ye Zhongming stood far away, watching the massacre, the former remained silent for a long time.

Even if she decided to do this, when everything actually happened, the saint still felt a deep sense of guilt.

"If you want to survive well in the new world, this is a must." Ye Zhongming comforted him, because he would do the same.

Within any force that is at the moment of life and death, there is absolutely no voice of opposition allowed.

"When our people arrive, I will ascend the throne and become the first queen of the Dawn Temple. I will allow my people to thrive in the new world forever."

The saint took one last look at Bloody in the distance, then turned and left.

"They died in battle, for the Dawn Temple!"

:. :

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