Roulette World

1228th alien race

"Isn't it a little bullying for us to ask for so many?"

Looking at the mountains of magic crystals, materials, herbs, ores, monster eggs and cubs in front of him, as well as boxes of ancient books carved on ancient animal armor, Liang Chuyin hugged Ye Zhongming's arm and muttered in a low voice with.

When Ye Zhongming came back, he brought the news of cooperation with Dawn Temple, and many people were shocked.

It's really... Those conditions even feel harsh to themselves.

Then, after knowing that Ye Zhongming wanted a lot of combat skill secret books and Fenglei twins, everyone felt a little sorry.

Just letting the Dawn Temple go from the gate of time and space to the earth, so many conditions are required, no matter how you think about it, you think it is killing people.

To put it bluntly, this is a toll, but the price is so high that an entire highway can be built.

Ye Zhongming admitted that he was suspected of being a lion, but he didn't think it was a sky-high price like everyone else.

"Before the end of the world, every country was particularly concerned about the invasion of alien species, and even formulated relevant laws and regulations specifically for this, because alien species would destroy the local ecological balance and produce immeasurably serious consequences."

Ye Zhongming watched the staff of Yunding counting the magic crystals, and his heart was unexpectedly calm, as if these things that he fought to death for them in his previous life had lost their appeal.

"For example, the water hyacinth in our country, that is, water hyacinth, has spread to most of the waters of the world, and the American white moth has caused great damage."

Liang Chuyin looked at the ordinary people in the Dawn Temple who were constantly approaching in the distance, and said with her mouth open, "You mean..."

Ye Zhongming nodded: "Is the posthumous person strong?"

The net red girl was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Powerful, if they hadn't had internal strife before, if they hadn't been attacked by the Dawn Temple on a large scale, causing many tribes and even kings to fall, they would be stronger than anyone on the earth now. A force is strong, and a complete resistance zone will not be their opponent."

When the topic was brought up, the net red girl thought well, and continued to analyze in depth: "Strictly speaking, they are a population, a country, or a powerful organization with countless years of experience in the end of the world than us. Such an organization has Thousands of fighters, with millions of backup forces and more people, once they enter our world, they will definitely crowd out or even invade our living space, isn't that true?"

Ye Zhongming cast an appreciative glance.

Powerful foreign races, driven by interests, usually use brutal and bloody methods compared to their weaker or even weaker local races.

Indians are the best example.

"But..." Liang Chuyin tilted her head, looked at her man and said, "We have a very good relationship with the posthumous people now, and you let them live on our earth. I think that's the reason, but... There should be nothing."

After several battles, the fighters in Yunding and the posthumous man basically have a seamless connection, and they trust each other very much. This comrade-in-arms relationship also affected Liang Chuyin.

Whether it was the sacrifice of the pool guards or the deadly battle of Wang Zun, Liang Chuyin felt that these people were trustworthy friends. Even though they were foreign races, their physical structure was no different from human beings.

Similarly, Miya, as a sister, has a very good relationship with Liang Chuyin.

"Of course I know that the posthumous person has experienced common suffering with us and has a deep friendship and relationship. This is a fact." Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes and told his wife what he would never say to others. : "But you should also have heard the term sharing joys and sorrows. Some people can share joys and sorrows, but they can't share sorrows, and some people can share sorrows, but they can't share joys and sorrows."

Patting the net red girl's hand, Ye Zhongming continued: "When the posthumous people go to the earth, we must help them build a new home, then have you ever thought about it, when they gradually recover from these few wars? have regained their vitality, with their population base and relatively mature age system,

With their perfect power structure and tribal form, they are bound to become powerful in a short period of time. At that time, what should we do if there is a disagreement with us? "

Liang Chuyin hummed for a while, but couldn't answer.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she also knew that what Ye Zhongming said might happen. Even father and son brothers might turn against each other because of rights or interests, not to mention that Yunding and posthumous people are forces in different worlds.

"But after all, our friendship with them is built with blood and human life. We can't use simple force to solve the problem. So if we want to prevent them from becoming our new problem, we must... integrate them."

Ye Zhongming said the last four words in a very low voice.

"Huh? But..."

Before Liang Chuyin finished speaking, Ye Zhongming nodded: "Yes, it's fine to be friends, but if you want them to submit to our Genting, no matter if it's Ling Kun, Hong Xiang or Neo, they won't agree. "

"Looking at the three candidates for the pool guards they have recently selected, you will know that they must rebuild the holy pool, and with the holy pool, there will be a royal city. They will restore the existing ruling structure."

Rather than saying that Ye Zhongming is explaining to Liang Chuyin now, it is better to say that he is clearing his mind.

"With Ah Tao as a breakthrough point, these small tribes will truly submit to us. Slowly, we have to do some things, some things to let the posthumous people gradually integrate into our Yunding. The means may be a little dark and dirty, but this It is necessary, we must make the posthumous people a part of us in the future. In this way, not only can the threat of them as 'alien species' disappear, but also strengthen our strength to deal with what may come soon... …choose."

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath and began to return to Liang Chuyin's original question: "As for the Shuguang Temple, aside from the posthumous person and our friendship, there is actually no difference between the two. For the posthumous person, I am more inclined to be gentle. It tends to merge, and for the Temple of Dawn, it must be controlled and utilized, and even erased from the earth when necessary."

"Because they are our enemies?" Liang Chuyin asked.

"At least there is hostility." Ye Zhongming smiled coldly: "We killed so many of them, even if we cooperated in the end, can these enmities really be forgotten? Maybe it is possible now, but wait until they develop on Earth Get up? It is estimated that at that time, they will try to kill us."

"Saint, the future Queen of the Dawn Temple, is not a simple role."

"So you want so many things to hurt them? Just to suppress them?"

Ye Zhongming hummed, "I put them in one place and let them fight continuously. While weakening them, they will create benefits for us. Once they show any unwillingness, let them really disappear."

"Where do you put it?" Wang Hongmei was very interested in this.


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