Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and forty-three certificates of the law circle and the certificate of legac

Yunding Villa suddenly became lively.

This is not because the ogre team has brought a lot of things. For the current Genting, these have not caused any waves.

What makes them excited is that the boss is going to save Dihuangwan.

Many people still remember the scene of Rhubarb sacrificing himself and saving Genting.

Dihuang Wan was originally a symbol of the villa. When it became metalized, many people who had lost their feelings felt sad again.

After that, even though Dihuang Wan was strictly protected by Ye Zhongming in a house and could not be seen from the outside, many people would still take a look at it when they passed by, as if this could restore Dihuang Wan as soon as possible.

The people in Yunding had heard before that the boss had a way to treat Dihuang Wan, but because some ingredients could not be found, he was stranded.

Later, before the Battle of the Secret Realm, after the Mingshui Feast, it is said that he got some more things and tried to rescue him, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful.

But now, because a big box was carried up to the top of the cloud, some core members couldn't stand the pleading of their subordinates, and revealed a little information about this thing and Dihuang Wan. This is great, the news spread, almost all the people in Yunding who are qualified to enter the villa and have nothing to do have come.

After continuous development of Yunding Villa, the interior of the villa, especially the core area where Ye Zhongming is located, except for the guards, can only be entered by captain-level personnel, and the researchers of the laboratory also work and live here.

But there were quite a few of these people. When Ye Zhongming came, these people had already completely surrounded the place where Dihuang Wan was.

Ye Zhongming knew what these people were thinking, so he couldn't say anything.

In fact, he was still very apprehensive.

Because he has already failed once.

Before that, he got the soul cream in Mingshuijie, which is a good thing that can clear away the negative state. Ye Zhongming thought it could, but after using it, it only made the metalized state of Dihuang Wan lighter, but not completely recover.

Logically speaking, Ye Zhongming should also be happy, after all, the metallization has been reduced.

But he knows that this doesn't mean it's a good thing. After all, maintaining the previous state is completely a side effect of the storm of revenge and counterattack, which is very simple.

However, after using the soul cream, the nature may have changed. Ye Zhongming is not sure whether Dihuang Wan can be kept safe in this state.

So he was a little anxious.

The ghost-eyed ribbed flower was a condition for him to cooperate with the Sioux. It was the race in the sky that brought the news, indicating that this mutant plant could solve the problem of rhubarb. That's why Ye Zhongming added this thing to the list.

After entering the room, Dihuang Wan was still standing there in that posture, the metallic smell on his body was not as strong as before, but it was still like a lifeless statue.

Ghost Eye Ridge Flower was moved into the house, and Xia Lei also came in. After asking in a low voice, she began to prepare the things Ye Zhongming needed. After she was ready, she shook the hand of her man, and then took everyone else out up.

Ye Zhongming adjusted his state, opened the box containing the ghost-eye flower, pulled out a dagger in his hand, and gently cut off all the leaves of the mutant plant.

During this period, the Ghost Eye Ridge Flower continued to radiate energy, and the temperature in the room instantly dropped a lot, and ice crystals formed on the doors and windows.

People outside not only felt it, but also saw a thick layer of ice congealing from the cracks in the doors and windows. Apart from being worried, there was also a trace of anxiety.

Can it work?

In the room, Ye Zhongming displayed his top scorching flame combat skills, trying hard to resist the extreme temperature.

Although physically uncomfortable, she was very happy in her heart. At least the current performance of Ghost Eye Ridge Flower was exactly the same as the information obtained by Ye Zhongming.

After cutting off these leaves, Ye Zhongming quickly crushed them into juice, and sprinkled them evenly on the Dihuang Wan that was already covered with ice.

Then, he took the ghost-eye edge flower out of the box, endured the cold, and placed it directly in front of Rhubarb, aiming at Rhubarb's head.

In the next step, he cut his own wrist and drew a circle with blood starting from the Ghost Eye Ridge Flower and the Dihuang Wan as the center.

Finally, he took out two scrolls from the space, took a breath, threw the first scroll on the ground, within the range of his blood circle, and used the second scroll on the ghost-eye edge flower.

There is no light, only silent shattering.

The ice crystals and cold air in the room were shattered little by little, turning into countless powders, floating towards the ghost eye on the ghost eye flower, and once it got close, it was sucked in.

Soon, all the powder in the room was sucked into the ghost's eye, and the thing swelled several times as a result, changing its color from the dark purple it was before to the sea blue it is now.

Ye Zhongming waited quietly. Now that's all he can do, and the rest depends on God's will.

The first scroll is the proof of the magic circle, which is a kind of scroll that turns everything within the range into a small space where energy cannot leak out. It has no effect alone, the only function is probably to have a fusion ability, what is the specific use of this thing, and what it is used for, few people know, including Ye Zhongming.

The second scroll, called the 'Evidence of Legacy', was originally a tasteless thing. Its main function was to resist the skills of mutated plants and cause it to backfire. After that, the body of the target mutated plant exploded to form the original The frenzied flow of power, these frenzied energies, also have miraculous recovery effects.

There are restrictions on the use of this strange scroll, that is, it takes a little longer to prepare for use, and it takes several seconds. This alone almost reduces its value to zero.

There is no way, let alone a few seconds in the battle, even a few tenths of a second can completely decide life or death.

Also, the target can only be mutated plants.

But many people know that the skills of mutated plants are not as obvious as those of mutated animals. Sometimes they really have a 'moisturizing and silent' appearance, which makes people hard to guard against. When using this scroll, how to grasp the timing?

Once it is not well grasped, it may be fatally hit, so who would dare to use it?

Another point is that even if all the above are successful, this scroll can be used to play its real function, that is, to absorb the ejected energy, but the energy is scattered, and it cannot accept much at all. The function is only to let the body Restoration does not increase strength.

Taking such a big risk, but not getting much benefit, who would try it?

The combination of these factors has resulted in the disliked and forgotten status of the testimonial of bequest.

At least people like Ye Zhongming, who have been reborn once, don't know the existence of this kind of scroll. If he didn't order the people below to inquire about it, and happened to find such a scroll, he still doesn't know there is such a thing.

In this way, the cooperation of the two scrolls, together with the ghost-eyed ribbed flowers, gave Ye Zhongming hope.

He remembers very clearly that the most critical thing in this process is whether the ghost-eyed ribbed flower will be exploded by energy, and only when it explodes will there be a 'legacy'!

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