Roulette World

1244th mixed joys and sorrows

The ghost eye swelled to a huge extent, but it still didn't explode. Ye Zhongming watched nervously.

Fortunately, the thing exploded in the end, and violent energy began to spew out. Because of the proof of the magic circle, almost all of this energy sprayed on the metalized Dihuang Wan.

Ye Zhongming stared closely, and saw that the metal wrapped around Dihuang Wan's body began to fade slowly, as if something was corroding them.

There is a show!

Subconsciously, he clenched his fists.

Ye Zhongming has been accompanied by Dihuang Wan since the end of the world. One person and one dog have walked all the way, and their relationship is extraordinary. It is better to say that they are the relationship between the master and the beast than the relationship between the comrades. I don’t know how much they have saved each other’s lives. Second-rate.

After Dihuang Wan fell into a negative state, Ye Zhongming tried his best to find a way to get rid of the state. He did not hesitate to hoard a large amount of materials and spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Mi Ya Xia Lei and others in charge of logistics have calculated that these materials are enough to be used many times, which means that after Dihuang Pills are cured, the remaining materials will be wasted.

But Ye Zhongming didn't care about this, and neither did the others.

As we all know later, it was almost impossible to collect all the key materials, so I had to try other methods.

It's just that after experiencing the failure of the soul protection cream again, Ye Zhongming felt like walking on thin ice. Even if the success was imminent, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

The temperature in the room gradually warmed up with the explosion of the ghost eye rib flower, but Ye Zhongming didn't care at all, he just looked at Dihuang Wan.

The rhubarb metalized body slowly melted away, and the negative state was gradually dispelled by these energies, gradually revealing the original body.

Outside the room, everyone was waiting nervously. The surging energy inside made them nervous just now, but now it suddenly became silent, making the place even more silent.

"Wow... woo..."

Faint dog barks and whimpers came from the cracks in the doors and windows. Everyone stopped breathing collectively, and then, led by Liu Zhenghong and Xia Lei, pushed open the door and broke in.

In sight, Ye Zhongming was sitting on the ground, holding Dihuang Wan in his arms. At this moment, only the head of Dahuang's huge body was surrounded, and the rest was lying on the ground. Everyone was surprised at first, and then saw Dahuang's tail standing upright. got up and shook them.

Although it was only shaken twice and then put down again, this action still caused a burst of cheers, and then the news of Dihuang Wan's recovery spread throughout Yunding Villa in an instant, and the whole Yingcheng also knew about it. The battle scared the mutant beings in the entire Yingcheng to tremble. I don't know why these humans are going crazy.

These people in the warehouse department of the ogre chain were also baffled, and looked at the surrounding Yunding people in a daze, with a confused look on their faces.

Only Zhenghua had guesses. After all, he knew that Yunding had just taken away the ghost-eye edge flower. Everything that happened now should be related to that mutated plant.

In the room, Liu Zhenghong had already taken Ye Zhongming's place, and personally took two assistants to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Dihuang Wan, and stopped after a while.

Facing Ye Zhongming and other people's expressions of concern, Liu Zhenghong patted Dihuang Wan's dim golden hair and said: "Because it has been metalized for too long, Rhubarb's body is very weak, and as you have seen, the evolution level It's dropped quite a bit."

Everyone was silent, just now everyone discovered that the current Dihuang Wan only has a five-level evolution level, and obviously the side effect of revenge and counterattack still exists.

"There should be no problems with the various organs of the body, that is to say, there is no danger to life. As for how long it will take to recover, and how much of my own ability is left, I can't say that."

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhenghong stroked the thick hair on Rhubarb's neck, stood up and walked out and said, "After I go back, I will prepare some recovery potion for Rhubarb to drink. I think you will be able to see the Rhubarb dog basking in the sun tomorrow."

"Okay, the rest of the time is left for you to catch up with Rhubarb, but don't take too long."

When everyone listens,

Immediately smiling, unqualified people gathered around to watch, while the core members had already rushed over, chirping with 'Zhuang Chong'.

Ye Zhongming followed Liu Zhenghong out of the house, just now he saw Miss Hong winking at him.

"Is something not going well?"

Knowing that Sister Hong would not let herself come out to talk alone for no reason, Ye Zhongming asked in a low voice.

Liu Zhenghong looked equally serious.

"Although it is not absolutely certain, but... rhubarb should not be able to evolve in the future."

Seeing the terrified and sad expression on Ye Zhongming's face, Liu Zhenghong was also very sad.

"When we are conducting mutated life experiments and improvements, if we want to ensure the stability of individuals, we must cut off their connection with the magic crystal. That is to say, we cannot use artificial means to allow genetic life to evolve. Shentang has This kind of technology is not yet mature, and the life they created needs to be in a deep sleep to maintain the evolutionary level."

"You mean, there's nothing we can do about Rhubarb's situation?"

Ye Zhongming interrupted Liu Zhenghong with a look of anxiety.

Liu Zhenghong didn't take it seriously, but instead patted Ye Zhongming on the shoulder, "Listen to me."

"I have never given up on this aspect, and I have done a lot of experiments. I have accumulated a lot of experience. The current situation of Rhubarb is very similar to some of my experimental subjects, but the problem of being cut off from the magic crystal is man-made. , one is the sequelae."

"We can do this." After a pause, Liu Zhenghong spoke out the thoughts in his mind, "Wait until Dihuangwan's body recovers a bit, let it evolve in the normal way, and see if it works."

"If not, then it depends on your choice."

Ye Zhongming was slightly taken aback, "My choice? What choice do I have?"

Liu Zhenghong looked in the direction of the laboratory, and then continued: "If you want to let Dihuang Wan stay with us safely, then you don't have to do anything, as long as Dahuang is alive and we can see it."

"Behind." Ye Zhongming asked bluntly.

"If you still want Dihuang Pill to continue to evolve and become a partner fighting side by side as before, let it grow and progress with us, then maybe I have a way to try."

"I can't guarantee the success rate, but at least 70% or more."

"What if it fails? What will happen to Dihuang Wan?" Ye Zhongming is most concerned about this.

"Seriously injured, the evolution level will continue to decline, and may even drop to the normal state before evolution, but it will not be life-threatening."

Faced with such an answer, Ye Zhongming took a deep breath and asked that sentence.

"what way?"

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