Roulette World

1254th Uncertain Language Po

"It doesn't look like it's injured, and everything seems to be normal. It's really strange..."

Doctors and nurses from Xiaohu and Yunshao teams surrounded Hongfa and checked carefully, but found nothing wrong at all.

Xiaohu, Yun Shao, and Zhan Pingkang stood outside, all frowning.

"Old Zhan, go and rest, you are seriously injured, leave the red hair to us."

Blindfolded with one eye, Xiaohu is much more stable outside when he is alone than when he is in front of Ye Zhongming or Xia Lei. Now that the red hair is in a coma and Lu Yi is in a coma, he is the backbone of the team.

"Yeah, it won't help if we all stand here. You and your people should go to rest. Now that we are not in the villa, we may not encounter anything. The faster you recover, the better for us."

Yun Shao also persuaded, "Uncle Lu also needs your care. Although his injury has been healed, it will take at least one day before he wakes up. You should pay more attention."

Zhan Pingkang felt that he was responsible for the red-haired coma, but he thought that he couldn't do anything here, he could only take people to rest, but still left some people in good condition to cooperate with other Genting teams to take charge of vigilance.

Signaling Yun Shao to watch here, Xiaohu turned and walked outside, crossed Yunding's defense line, and came in front of a man and a cat.

Or rather, a dead cat.

At this moment, Yupo is very embarrassed, at least from the outside.

Just what can be seen, she and the black cat have more than five deep bone-deep wounds.

However, even for such a language woman, Xiaohu did not dare to underestimate her, and was even very nervous.

He knew that Yupo and Hongfa didn't fight each other. These two lives fell in love and killed each other for an unknown period of time. Later, even though they both worked for Genting, once Ye Zhongming's restriction was lost, Yupo was out of control. Disappeared in the apocalypse.

Now we meet again, even though Yupo seems to be seriously injured, even if she brought the black cat to rescue the Yunding soldiers who escorted Lu Yi to break through, Xiaohu still dare not relax at all. All the Yunding teams here seem to be loose, but in fact They are all on alert.

Because now Yupo has an orange magic crystal on her forehead, and so does the black cat. Because behind Yupo and Black Cat, there are more than 200 zombies, although not many in number, but basically all of them are above level five! Among them, there are at least thirty of the sixth level, and four of the seventh level!

The most powerful red-haired coma on Yunding, and Lu Yi, who is also a seven-star evolutionary, are in a coma. Only Xiaohu and Yun Shao are seven-star. It's not enough to see in front of the black cat.

Xiaohu was really afraid that Yupo would become violent.

"Redhead, what happened?"

Yupo's language ability is the same as the evolution level, and has also been improved. She looked at Xiaohu and asked the question in her heart.

She only saw the red hair in the air from a distance before, but when she came back later, the people in Yunding had already surrounded the red hair.

Although I haven't seen this old opponent up close, Yupo can feel that the red hair now is different from before. Not only does the smell of the past disappear from all over, but there is also an aura that makes Yupo palpitate. It was as if... she was no longer a match for this acquaintance.

She was very strange, and she didn't have as many thoughts as humans, so when she faced Xiaohu, she asked what was in her heart.

But Xiaohu misunderstood it. His understanding was that Yupo was trying to test the situation of the red hair.

He coughed and said, "You know, she with red very special. After the battle just now, she seems to have entered some kind of mysterious state. Maybe her strength has improved again. By the way, I have already spread the news. , Our boss is coming soon, you, do you want to wait? Our boss may have something to say to you."

Xiaohu felt that he could only answer in this way, but he couldn't tell Yupo that the red hair was in an inexplicable coma, and he also wanted to mention Ye Zhongming. He knew that Yupo had always been afraid of the boss.

Yupo turned her head and thought for a while, with some doubts in her eyes, but she didn't express anything,

She just nodded, turned around and brought the black cat back among the zombies. She sat down on the ground, closed her eyes, and the black cat lay obediently in her arms. Xiaohu scratched his head, not knowing what Yupo meant, so he could only ask his brothers to be more careful.

"Brother Hu, you've collected them all."

A subordinate came to report, and Xiaohu immediately walked over under his leadership. On the ground, there were dozens of corpses, all of which were various types of monsters, as well as the murdered two-faced monster.

"Brother Hu, I found a problem first."

It's still the same medical professionals as before, but their complexions are even worse than when they saw the red hair in a coma at the moment.

"Say!" Xiaohu said in a deep voice.

"I found some substance from these red tentacles of this monster. I accidentally touched a little bit on my hand just now, which made me dizzy for five or six seconds. If they hadn't used a lucid spell on me, I guess I'd faint too."

This medical professional is a five-star evolutionary person, and he is already considered a master among the humans who are currently evolving towards an average level of four-star evolution. Such a person, just a little bit of that substance, almost passed out?

"You mean, that's how redheads got tricked?"

Xiaohu pinched his chin and asked, and got an affirmative answer from this man.

After thinking about it, Xiaohu looked around at Yupo in the distance again, and finally made a decision.

"Send the news back, let the boss send someone to respond, we... stay where we are."


The secret realm seems to have stabilized recently, and the number of earthquakes is not so frequent. This change makes people feel a little more at ease.

When Ye Zhongming came here, the saint had already arrived.

After the negotiations on the end of the previous war, the heads of the posthumous people, the Temple of Dawn and the people on Earth sat together again.

The difference is that this time, everyone has a common goal.

"The army of monsters is about to cross the hillside of the undead. If they maintain their current speed, after dozens of days of falling sand, the vanguard troops will reach the royal city."

Zai Li, one of the only remaining two giants in the Dawn Temple, marked the location of these monster army on a map, with a serious expression, even a little bad.

As the Taoist regiment, that is, the boss of the Shuguang Air Force, the current Zai Li is almost a bare commander. There are less than 500 people who can fly to the sky, whether they can fight or not, and there are only less than five hundred of them. More than two hundred, it can be said that it is the heaviest loss among all the temple troops.

But now, Zai Li was not in the mood to think about it. He took the two hundred empty knights to investigate in person, and brought back news that made him tremble!

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