Roulette World

1255 I disagree!

"How big is it?"

Because of his strength, Ling Kun is now basically in charge of the posthumous people, with Neo and Hong Xiang as assistants.

"It's huge." Zai Li gestured, "I don't know exactly how many there are, but in short, they cover the plains, the mountains, and the rivers."

"I think they are out in force."

Zai Li's words left everyone present speechless for a long time.

Whether it is Ye Zhongming, the saint, or these Wang Zun who have lived in the world for many years, they are all stunned by this number.


Yes, too many to count!

Ye Zhongming, Xia Lei and the others who were sitting next to him had also seen the city besieged by zombies, and the millions of them had put Yunding in danger at that time, almost being breached.

That was the result of relying on the strong city wall to defend bravely.

You know, the number of zombies at that time was only a few million, and although there were few human evolutionaries, there were more than six figures, and this was not counting the hundreds of thousands of posthumous warriors who joined the battlefield later.

Also, in the zombie population at that time, there were very few mutated zombies with the ability to fly, and Yunding hardly encountered too many threats in the air.

But it is different now, the air power of these monsters accounts for almost one-fifth or even more of the total number. Without the protection of the strong city wall, how can the royal city be defended.

"Actually, in the face of monsters, it is not that we have fought against them with all our strength, but at that time, we had to surpass these monsters in terms of the number of top experts. At least, there were even more existences at the ninth level. For them, there will be no grade crushing, but now..."

Zai Li sat down a little slumped, and said in a voice that he himself found obscure: "That monster of level nine... is here."

The scene was silent again, and everyone knew what that meant.

In the past, the posthumous people and the Temple of Dawn belonged to humans, and there was at least a ninth-level holy father sitting in the town. Even when the holy father chased and killed the red hair to the cursed abyss, the ninth-level monster only showed up and retreated up.

As existences of the same level, as existences of the top level, they all know each other well, and fighting with each other has no other result than causing the space to collapse in advance.

But now it is different. The ninth-level existence on the human side is dead. There is a serious gap between the two sides in terms of top-level power.

A ninth-level monster doesn't care about the consequences like the ninth-level holy father. It is said that this monster king is much younger than the holy father. It doesn't care too much about the energy consumption in the body. Even if it is consumed, it can still Absorb it from the sea-like hands, or plunder it directly from humans.

In other words, when the two sides fight, human beings have to face a complete ninth-level life.

Without God's Light of Retaliation, without the Spirit Feeding Totem, without the knife in the back, how would these people here deal with a level nine perfect body?

Maybe people only need one breath, and everyone sitting here will die.

"What happened to the last monster attack on this scale?" Ye Zhongming said suddenly.

The saint looked at Ye Zhongming and said: "Probably before hundreds of thousands of falling sand days, monsters multiplied for a long time at that time, and the number was beyond imagination. There were so many that the Yemo Plain could hardly hold them, even if they passed through very The cruel elimination made many monsters evolve rapidly to consume each other's numbers, but they gradually reached the limit of tolerance, so the kings of monsters at that time - Meixi and Kofi, launched a war against us."

Probably the posthumous person and the people in the Temple of Dawn remembered the records of the war at the same time, and Ling Kun also hissed and said: "The war lasted more than 3,000 sandfall days, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and many inheritances were cut off. Fortunately, in the end, our two kings and the holy father and holy daughter of the temple joined forces to kill the two kings among the monsters without hesitation, and then started to fight back. It took hundreds of falling sand days,

It was only then that the monsters were completely driven back to the Night Demon Plain. "

After that battle, they recuperated for a long time, until now, the monsters once again showed signs of a full-scale invasion.

However, this time, human beings no longer have four ninth-level powerhouses, not even one.

Ye Zhongming looked at the lines on the table and thought about something.

"We need to make a decision now. How to deal with these monsters. I think there is only one best way."

The saint's gaze first turned around on everyone's faces, and finally fell on Ye Zhongming.

"what way?"

Ling Kun Wangzun also looked at Ye Zhongming, and then asked the saint.

Ye Zhongming lowered his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

He already knew what this method was, and he believed that the kings had also guessed what the saint was going to say, but Ling Kun still asked. Obviously, on this issue, the posthumous man and the Temple of Dawn stood in tacit understanding. together.

"We completed our migration to Earth before the monsters came, and then... closed the gate of time and space, and completely abandoned this place."

What the saint said did not surprise Ye Zhongming at all.

Can the posthumous people, together with the Temple of Dawn and Yunding Villa, be able to resist the attack of monsters? The answer is obvious, if the fight starts, there is no chance of winning.

So fighting must not be able to fight, so the only thing left is to escape. Where can I escape?

Even if there is a place to escape, why does the army of monsters keep chasing him? Taking a step back, even if they stop chasing, the secret realm will collapse at any moment!

In this case, since everyone has a plan to migrate to the earth, why not implement it in advance. Although the time is too short, many people will not have time to leave, but most of them can still leave. It is better than everyone staying here Wait for death!

Whether it is a posthumous person or the Dawn Temple, no matter how you look at it, this is the best way. It is nothing more than a question of leaving early and leaving late.

This method is also the method that is most in line with the interests of the posthumous person and the Temple of Dawn.

But this method is good for both of them, but it is not good for Genting!

Why did Yunding desperately help the posthumous people against the Temple of Dawn? Why help these people migrate to Earth? Isn't it just to treat the secret realm as your own back garden? Isn't it just to use this place as a resource base?

But once this method is implemented, everyone pats their butts and leaves, the gate of time and space is closed, and the connection with the secret realm is completely lost, then everything that Yunding has done before will be in vain! Does Ye Zhongming dare to open the secret key again? What if the level nine monster didn't leave?

The sneer at the corner of Ye Zhongming's mouth came from this.

"this way……"

"I disagree!"

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