Roulette World

1258th The embryonic form of the War Rat Legion

Ye Zhongming's method required the cooperation of many people. After he said it, he immediately arranged for the manpower to start. But before the things here were done, he received the news that the red hair was in a coma.

He hurried back to Yunding, and saw the red hair who was sent back by Xiaohu and Yun Shao all the way.

There is also the language woman who follows.

Sitting by the bed, listening to Xiaohu and Zhan Pingkang tell the story in detail, Ye Zhongming remained silent for a long time.

As a life created by him, the red hair has always had a close spiritual connection with Ye Zhongming. Even after the redhead was reborn this time, this connection has not been severed, it has only become more controllable.

As long as two people think about it, they can almost communicate with each other, just like twin sisters.

But now, no matter how Ye Zhongming tried to contact the red hair who was close at hand, he couldn't get any response. This feeling was like... the red hair was already angry.

The current red hair is indeed very similar to a dead person. If she is not still warm, no one would think she is dead without breathing.

Park Xiuying and other medical professionals have used their skills before, but they have no effect.

"How about that undead fish dragon?" Ye Zhongming asked suddenly.

Xiaohu immediately replied: "It looks a little weak, except that it seemed to be in pain and was struggling and restless at the beginning, it can be seen that it is getting better."

The undead ichthyosaur is getting better, but the red hair has been in a coma... This strange situation makes Ye Zhongming scratch his head.

"Let me take a look." A voice came in, and then Liu Zhenghong's figure appeared in the room.

Approaching and briefly observing the condition of the red hair, Liu Zhenghong said directly: "Go to my laboratory, it's convenient there."

Now she is Ye Zhongming's only hope. He listened to her orders and immediately went to the life gene laboratory with red hair in his arms. He stayed there and told sister Hong about the situation before leaving.

The current situation of the red hair is still uncertain, Ye Zhongming can only wait.

After leaving the laboratory, I saw Xia Lei waiting for me outside.

"The Mouse King is here, and I can't find Red Hair to send it a message. This guy is a little anxious."

After agreeing to Ye Zhongming's conditions, the Shu King felt relieved a lot. As for the hundreds of thousands of disciples and grandchildren, although it hurts, he doesn't care too much. As long as he is given some time, he can make up for it by breeding. .

At the same time, Shu Wang was very satisfied with the first genetically improved offspring that Yunding handed over to him. What the newborn mice showed made Shu Wang feel that the cooperation with Yunding was really the right thing, and it was already considering it. , Should I hand over the offspring of one of my partners to see the effect.

However, even though he was very satisfied with the cooperation, he couldn't dispel the Shu King's fear of Ye Zhongming. It was still afraid that the King of Cloud Top would attack him. If he could, he really didn't want to face this man.

But this time it was for delivery, it had to come.

In a huge burrow near Yunding, Ye Zhongming saw the Shu King. This guy still seemed to have all his subordinates, hugging each other, as if he could feel safe in this way.

In fact, that's the only way it can feel safe.

Because of the red hair and the secret realm, Ye Zhongming was naturally in a bad mood, and he didn't have a good attitude towards the Mouse King, which made this timid guy leave his 100,000 men and run away by himself.

The remaining 100,000 mutated rats cringed, half lying on the ground, looking at the King of Cloud Top with flickering eyes, waiting for their own fate.

"Come with me!"

Ye Zhongming said, and brought these mice to the secret realm.

When passing through the gate of time and space, these timid guys also caused some disturbances. Many low-level mutant mice tried to escape, and many of them were killed by the soldiers of Yunding.

When they arrived at the secret realm, people from the genetic laboratory came, and under the supervision and coercion of the Yunding team and the posthumous people, they installed a small device made by Ye Zhongming at Liu Zhenghong's request on all these mutant mice.

This is quite a time consuming process,

Just installing these devices took three falling sand days.

After that, the experimenters took out a lot of things, arranged a large amount of mysterious liquid on the spot, and injected them into these devices respectively.

During this period, these mutated mice will naturally not be too honest. This process is accompanied by bloody killings. When everything is done as required, there are only a little over 90,000 mutated mice left.

This consumed two more sandfall days.

There is news that the vanguard of the monster army has crossed the hillside of the undead.

"Zhong Ming, you really only brought so few people and... these mice?"

Facing Ye Zhongming who was about to prove his conjecture, Wang Zun Hong Xiang was a little worried. Although he would not encounter human obstacles and obstacles this time, it was by no means a smooth road. As the army of monsters formally entered the human territory, breaking the According to the rules, their range of activities will expand countless times.

If Ye Zhongming's guess is right, the ninth-level life really came for the gate of time and space, then once it senses something, it is very likely that it will run towards Ye Zhongming. At that time, how to deal with it?

Regarding Wang Zun's worries, Ye Zhongming just smiled: "It's okay, if that guy really comes, it doesn't matter if there are more or less people."

"Then, take care."

This is the only thing Wang Zun can say and do.

"Don't worry, the saintess will respond in front, and we will make good use of the vast space of the secret realm."

Just like that, Ye Zhongming led Xia Bai and her team, Yanggos who had almost recovered, and more than 90,000 mutant mice, and rushed towards the Dawn Temple.

Along the way, the team kept encountering teams and ordinary people who migrated from the temple. This kind of family migration is sometimes very spectacular, especially when some big towns are together, the dense crowd, the The apprehension and uneasiness on everyone's faces made Ye Zhongming feel the sense of participation in witnessing history.

On the third falling sand day, Ye Zhongming opened the key to the secret realm, and it lasted for two hours.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Zhongming went back to check on Hongfa's situation, but to his disappointment, Liu Zhenghong hadn't made any breakthrough for the time being, so he had to wait.

Back in the secret realm, Ye Zhongming continued to lead the team forward, and began to fight against the army of mutated rats. Some monsters became their targets, without any rules or organization. After Ye Zhongming found the traces of monsters in the sky, he let the mutants The mice swarmed up.

Every day, the entire team is either advancing or fighting, and the team attacks everything in sight except humans.

Every day, Ye Zhongming would open the door of time and space for a while, deal with matters in Yunding and then come back.

The team was advancing in this state, and the army of mutated rats slowly underwent drastic changes.

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