Roulette World

One thousand two hundred and fifty-nine confirmed

This change is visible to the naked eye.

When they first came to the secret realm, these mice were very weak. Even though Ye Zhongming had asked the Shu King to provide "high-quality" subordinates, the fact that could not be ignored was that, except for those individuals whose genes were mutated and combined with the advantages of their predecessors, the rest The mutant rats have weaker individual abilities than other mutant life forms of the same level.

Even those individuals with the largest number are not only weak, but much weaker.

But now, the situation is changing dramatically.

The first point is that these mice have grown bolder and are no longer as cowed as they used to be.

When the mutated mice are not hungry, it is difficult for them to erupt with the viciousness of other mutated lives, even when they are acting in groups.

Only when the target is very weak and the number is small, they will choose to attack.

Of course, this situation will change when they are hungry, and the mutant mice will become bloodthirsty in order to survive.

In the secret realm, these mice would still be like this at the beginning, but what they didn't know was that in the small device fixed on them, one of the several structures contained some stimulants and the like. Drugs, following Ye Zhongming's control, these devices began to inject drugs into these mutant mice.

They become irritable and crazy, and they are not afraid of death when they meet their opponents.

Victories one after another, delicious feasts one after another, made these mice become brave even without the stimulation of stimulants.

Evolutionary life is always changing. The mutant mice were timid before, because of their nature, and also because they have been hunted and killed in Yingcheng. Over time, they will be like this.

But once the ferocity is released, every battle must be won, and the instinctive cruel genes in their bodies will explode. Now even sometimes they don't need Ye Zhongming's orders, and they will rush over by themselves when encountering monsters.

The second change, their evolution level is speeding up.

The more monsters were killed, the more energy the mutated mice absorbed, and the evolution rate would naturally increase. Especially for those relatively low-level 'cannon fodder' mutant rats, this change is even more obvious. Since these days, some of the best cannon fodder rats have evolved twice!

As for the level of evolution that is already slightly higher, the evolution is also going on, but it is not as obvious as the low level.

In this process, that small device is still playing a role, even a key role.

One of the medicines hidden in it is also the most core one, which are some genetic medicines developed by Liu Zhenghong, which are not leading, but auxiliary.

The role of these medicines is to make these mutated mice have a higher probability of having a good evolutionary direction during the evolution process, and show a more powerful specific state.

Because of the quantity and the fact that these drugs are only auxiliary effects, there are still many mice that do not achieve the expected effect, but the number of successful ones is significantly greater.

I believe that in the next battle, under the survival of the fittest, the mutated mouse army will undergo a reshuffle, and those who are not strong will be gradually eliminated.

The third change is the 'thoughts' of these mice.

In the small device jointly developed and manufactured by Liu Zhenghong, Le Dayuan and Ye Zhongming, a medicine has been slowly injected into these mutant mice. The only function is to make these guys 'obedient'.

In essence, these medicines are the biggest function of this device, and they are also the embodiment of Yunding's genetic technology.

Slowly change the genes of the mutated mice, so that they can escape from the range of 'rats' to a certain extent, out of the control of the mouse king, and finally become the real 'Genting Rat Army'.

It is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. Without the exquisite structure designed by Le Dayuan, without Liu Zhenghong's gene injection, without Ye Zhongming's craftsman profession, all of these would not be possible.

This plan is not perfect. It started when Liu Zhenghong found out that these mutated mice ate experimental waste and came up with the idea.

It may have taken a while to start research and manufacture, but this amount of time is nothing for a pilot project, and it can even be said to be hasty.

It's just that these preparations are based on Genting's existing materials and technologies, so they can be formed quickly.

Ye Zhongming was not completely satisfied with the effect.

For example, after some mutant mice are injected with stimulants, they will always be in a manic state and have aggressive behaviors towards their own kind. For example, during the evolution, although most of the mutant mice will show the ability that Liu Zhenghong wants them to show, there are also some genetic disorders, and they died during the evolution. Busy for this reason, clear out these mutant mice that died due to evolution in time to prevent others from cannibalizing each other.

For another example, when evolution and medicine were used to change these mice so that they were willing to obey orders, some individual brains were irreversibly damaged and turned into silly mice.

These are all imperfect plans, and it is also another reason for the loss of the War Rat Legion besides fighting.

On the 15th falling sand day when Ye Zhongming led the rats marching towards the Dawn Temple, when he got the exact news from the monsters, the number of the Rat Legion had dropped by more than 20,000, leaving 70,000. some more.

After opening the key to the secret realm again, Ye Zhongming returned to the earth, and all kinds of persuasion came immediately.

In particular, several of his women persuaded Ye Zhongming that since it was confirmed that the ninth-level monster came for the gate of time and space, it would be too risky for Ye Zhongming to take such an action. The news showed that the monster army had turned around and was chasing towards Ye Zhongming's team. Although the two sides were far away, who could guarantee that the ninth-level life would stay in his army, what if it chased after it alone? Who can resist!

But Ye Zhongming also had his own ideas. He felt that although he didn't understand the reason, but after so many days, the ninth-level life hadn't chased him alone, so there was a great possibility that it would not leave his army. In this case, He still has to go to the Temple of Dawn according to the established goal.

That is also part of the agreement with the saint.

For such persistence, the others were very worried but had no choice but to prepare as much as possible for Ye Zhongming's previous orders.

Just when Ye Zhongming was about to return to the secret realm, news came from the genetic laboratory, saying that Liu Zhenghong asked him to go, and Ye Zhongming went there without delay. He was overjoyed by the first words of Sister Hong when he arrived. .

"Redhead woke up."

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