Roulette World

1304 Grade 8 rhubarb

"Two in One"

Seven consecutive lightning attacks covering an area of ​​100 square meters rushed into the building. The whole building seemed to be trembling under such attacks. At this moment, the glass on the rest of the floors shattered and fell from the sky, crackling. fell to the ground.

In front of the window, there was no trace of Huaoao, and there were even some less serious collapses there.

Ye Zhongming just took a look, put away the roaring mechanic, and led the team to rush forward at full speed. Without the harassment of Xiaoao, it only took a minute for the team to rush to that floor.

He believed that the people there could not escape!

At this moment, on that floor, the middle-level members of the Hung Hom Freedom Army have undergone a huge baptism, and their condition is extremely miserable.

Of the five hundred people, more than one-fifth were lying on the ground, and half of them had turned into charred corpses. In addition, there were no more than twenty people who could still see signs of survival!

Although the other people were still standing, their hair was standing on end and their military uniforms were messy. Many of them were covering certain parts of their bodies, showing pain on their faces.

Grasshopper retreated to the middle of the entire conference room, and there were no other living people in front of him except corpses.

He slowly took off the torn gloves, and stroked his messy hair, his eyes were full of anger.

he is very angry.

Angry that his attack had no effect, Angry lost face in front of a group of subordinates, Angry was beaten once, not only was he injured, but also lost one-fifth of the middle-level elite!

Also, the pair of zero-strength gloves with magical abilities, although they had no level, were all destroyed in this attack!

Without those gloves, his abilities would drop by at least ten percent!

Sometimes, confidence is a strange thing. When nothing happens, it will swell so much that it will explode, but sometimes, once a small setback occurs, it will collapse quickly.

Grasshopper pride is like this.

He was very angry, and very angry, but would he jump down and fight Ye Zhongming and Genting's team?

Do not!

Maybe he still had this confidence just now, but now he doesn't.

The words of encouragement he said to his subordinates just now had no effect on himself. He knows that nothing is more important than life. Loyalty, persistence, bravery, and indomitableness are all fucking farts. Living is the most important thing.

So Xiao Ao said very disrespectfully, "Withdraw!"

The middle-level elites of the entire Hung Hom Free Army immediately turned and went downstairs.

They don't have time to laugh at their boss, because that's what they think now.

It took a few seconds to clear the blocked door, and these middle-level elites were about to rush out, and then jumped out of the back window to join their subordinates. At that time, they would use crowd tactics to submerge the powerful, but powerful team of Yunding. There are too few red makeup guards.

However, the person walking in the front suddenly stopped, not only that, but also started to retreat after making an inexplicable cry.

This let Grasshopper Ao know that something might have changed.

But now the people in Yunding are all concentrated in the front, Ye Zhongming and the red makeup guards are all there, even if there are backup players in the back, how powerful can they be?

The anger in my heart just now burst out at this moment.

This bunch of trash can't help themselves against Genting's team. Can't they even rush out now?

Huao Ao knocked away many subordinates with his body, came to the back of the middle-level cadres on the first floor, raised his head and punched two people who were screaming for no reason.

"Why don't you go! You idiot!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his subordinates to answer, Xiao Ao went to find the reason by himself.

Anger stayed on his face and instantly turned into embarrassment.

Because Xiaoao saw that there was a big golden-red dog squatting at the door.

Even though he was squatting there with a lazy expression, his huge body and special and bright hair still gave him an alluring aura.

But these are not the reasons why these people in the Hung Hom Free Army are stagnant or even afraid,

The source of their fear is the big dog's forehead, that piece of magic crystal that exudes orange!

"Eight, grade eight?"

This idea arose in the hearts of all the middle-level Hung Hom Freedom Army.


With a yell, Mr. Lan, who had been following him, immediately took the position at the door, and the thirty guards he personally trained raised their weapons.

Eighth-level life is scary, but it's not like they haven't fought against each other before.

"Hold on, it's not like we haven't killed existences of this level before, what are we afraid of!"

Grasshopper retreated to the back and drank proudly, but it was obviously not as effective as before.

Many middle-level people are already thinking in their hearts, since you are not afraid, why are you backing away?

"Go sideways and open the walls!"

Grasshopper issued an order again, and his subordinates who had had this idea for a long time immediately blasted open the walls on both sides and broke out from both sides.

The big dog that was not moving at first moved at this moment.

When the thick forelimb hit the ground, the floor of the entire room was covered with cracks.

These cracks are not ordinary, red flames are burning inside, like magma, those soldiers who happened to stand on the cracks were immediately burned, and they kept changing positions. The shoes on their feet, whether they were white or silver. All of them were scalded, and even the few people wearing green shoes smelled burnt and found that the shoes were damaged, so they had to deal with them carefully.

This is not over yet, the flames in these cracks seem to be getting bigger and bigger, and the flames rushed up in an instant, and the height of half a person was as high as a breath.

Some people with a slightly lower level, such as the five-star evolutionary, were immediately ignited by these flames, screaming and using skills or defensive equipment indiscriminately, but there was no effect, and they were quickly burned to ashes.

All of this happened in such a short period of time that the Hung Hom Free Army, which encountered this situation for the first time, was a little unable to react.

The flame rose for a while and then fell, and it became the way it was hidden in the crack at the beginning. It seemed to have no effect except that it would still 'burn your feet'.

But now everyone didn't dare to underestimate him, and fled to both sides one after another, avoiding this house.

"What are you doing here, kill it!" Humpiao roared angrily, very dissatisfied with Mr. Lan's behavior at the moment, who was usually very excited.

His thirty guards immediately attacked Dihuang Wan under the leadership of Mr. Lan.

But at this time, flames rose from the ground again, this time at a height of two meters, enveloping all the people in the room at once, even the six-star evolutionary, also in this intense Injured by the flames, some of the weaker ones were burned to death just like the five-star evolutionists!

Dihuangwan, who hadn't moved much all the time, bared a sharp bite from its mouth. It bowed slightly, and then bounced out. Its body turned into an afterimage, and hit Mr. Lan who was fiercely directing the guards to attack. .

It was too fast, and Mr. Lan, who was approaching Seven Stars, didn't have much reaction. He only had time to turn his body sideways, and the dragon horn that evolved from Dihuang Wan pierced into the right chest of this beautiful man.

The huge impact caused Mr. Lan to be knocked back into the house directly.

There is indeed a huge difference between the seventh level and the eighth level.

However, unless a strong being in the eighth level meets a weak one in the seventh level and is defeated by one move, he can always persist for a while.

But although this Mr. Lan is not dead now, he is hung on the head of Dihuang Wan, and his body is thrown around. , Even if it hits, it doesn't have much effect.

Because Dihuang Wan is in a fighting state, the golden red hair has been flashing with a fixed frequency of light ripples, just like ripples, every time the ripples flash, Dihuang Wan's body will be healed once.

Not to mention that Mr. Lan's strength is not his strong point, nothing will happen if his fist hits Dihuangwan's body, even if there is some damage, it will be healed instantly.

During this period, the flames on the ground rose for the third time. This time, the flames almost filled the entire meeting room, and those guards who were still here trying to surround Dihuang Wan and kill it were instantly burned to powder Well, even Mr. Lan, who was a seven-star evolutionary, lost half of his life.

Those middle-level members of the Hung Hom Freedom Army who had already run to the two sides, when they turned around and saw this scene when they were running away, were all frightened out of their wits, and the last bit of resistance was gone.

They knew that this big dog was definitely not an ordinary eighth-level life, and the skills it displayed in such a short period of time were definitely not inferior to beings of the same level, let alone them.

Xiao Ao had already jumped from the back window at this moment, and at the moment of jumping, he also took a last look at the situation in the meeting room, just in time to see the big dog throwing Mr. Lan, who was only breathing, to the ground. Then he bit off his head.

The beautiful man who had slept with him for hundreds of days died just like that.

Grasshopper has already remembered the name of this big dog - Dihuang Wan! That mutated war beast that has been following Genting Boss since the end of the world!

However, the previous news has been saying that this big dog is in a state of side effect of some kind of skill, Yunding Villa issued a mission to find a rescue method, and it is said that there is little hope of waking up.

Obviously, not only has he woke up now, but he has also become an extremely powerful eighth-level life form!

At this time, the anger in Xiao Ao's heart disappeared completely, and he felt that his previous self-confidence was really ridiculous. In front of the strongest forces in the country, the Hung Hom Free Army was really vulnerable.

No, maybe there is still a chance to turn things around, it's just...

Grasshopper hesitated in his heart, wondering whether he should use it or not.

Of course he was right, this big dog is Dihuang Wan, but the current Dihuang Wan is already extraordinary.

Rhubarb only activated three abilities from the beginning of the attack, one of which was a passive ability.

The innate ability that turns the ground into cracks and flames is called - Flame Dragon's Breath, which creates cracks in the ground within a certain area, and generates extremely high-temperature flames from the cracks. It is divided into three attacks, and each time the flames will become Even bigger and more difficult to resist, after three times, the skill disappears.

This is a range attack of the fire type, and the attack power was not too strong at the beginning, that is, the first time when there was only a one-meter-high flame. But as the number of times increases, the second and third times are more and more powerful. The last time, it can completely kill the lives of the sixth level and injure the lives of the seventh level.

Of course, this ability has obvious disadvantages, that is, it is easy to dodge, and the evolved life within the range of the attack can easily judge the power and then dodge, making the strongest third attack go to waste.

For example, just now, in addition to being attacked by the aftermath of the roaring mechanic from an incorrect angle and losing the ability to move, the biggest result of this skill is that those unprepared and relatively weak six-star evolutionists who were burned to death for the first time were still alive. There is a proud pro-guard.

The second ability is called Unprepared Assault. That is, Dihuang Wan suddenly rushed out and inserted Mr. Lan in his dragon horn.

This ability is simple and crude, and the key lies in a quick word. In a short distance, it can completely make most of the evolutionists unable to do much, and then use the firmness and sharpness of the dragon horn to cause piercing injuries to the target.

Just now Mr. Lan dodged a little bit as a seven-star evolutionary, but he didn't stab the fatal part, and with the resistance of some equipment, he didn't die immediately.

The third ability is a passive ability, which is an evolved version of Healing Spirit Art. The previous ability was to use this ability to heal itself after being injured, but now this ability has become an instinct, just like breathing and sleeping, without consumption What kind of mental strength or physical strength can continuously heal the body.

At that time, Ye Zhongming knew that Dihuang Wan, which had evolved into level eight, had this passive, and he was really envious for a while. This innate ability meant that Rhubarb brought a doctor with him in battle, and it was also a mental power that would never be exhausted. Healing skills A powerful doctor with no cooldown!

A quarter of the middle-level cadres of the 500-strong Hung Hom Free Army died because of rhubarb's fuss, and the rest jumped off the stairs one after another and ran towards the depths of the city. Dihuang Wan rushed to the window, and Then jumped out.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming and Genting's team also rushed through the building, went to the back, and started chasing the fleeing Hung Hom Freedom Army.

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