Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and five crystal scorpions

Grasshopper kicked open the door of his room, his chest heaving and falling.

It wasn't how much physical energy he had expended, but a natural reaction of the body caused by the mixture of many emotions such as nervousness and fear.

On the way to escape just now, he heard constant screams.

Although the tone of the voice had changed because of the desolation and panic, and there was even an instant tear, he could still hear it clearly.

Those are all very familiar voices, and some of them have even followed me since the Hung Hom Freedom Army was first established.

But now, they all disappeared after a short cry.

Grasshopper knows that it is the real disappearance, it is...death.

The whole city of Jicheng is in chaos. Without these middle-level elites, it is impossible to organize any effective resistance, and the huge gap in evolutionary level also collapses the fighters who are determined to stop all this. The feeling is enough to make them despair.

Xiaoao knew that the Hung Hom Freedom Army was over, and that the force he had worked so hard to build was destroyed on his birthday.

But he didn't feel distressed, just a little irritated.

Xiaoao knows that as long as there is something not lost, he can make a comeback at any time.

He quickly came to the bathroom, moved the sink to reveal the wall behind, and pressed a position, and one side of the wall collapsed into a square space. He reached out and groped there, and took out a different Big clutch.

He didn't even look at it, grabbed it and ran outside.

Just after leaving the bathroom, Xiao Ao stopped in his tracks.

"Ye Zhongming, keep a line in your life!" Seeing the young man standing at the door in his spare time, Huo Ao shouted ferociously: "There is no enmity between us, whether you are for this base, for the population here, or for the sake of this place. I will give you all of my wealth! But you get out of the way, I want to leave!"

Ye Zhongming looked at the small bag in his hand and raised his chin.

"Don't go too far!" Grasshopper clutched the handbag tightly, "Don't think that I'm really afraid of you, I just don't want to fight you hard, if we really want to fight, it's not certain who will win and who will lose."

Ye Zhongming shook his head, "No matter what, we are the bosses of the top 30 forces in the country. Can we talk like a movie with special effects and 50 cents?"

"You have the advantage now, so naturally you can say whatever you want." Grasshopper found that his momentum was completely suppressed, but calmed down a little, "Whether naive or not, I'm just telling you a fact, I have the strength to fight to the death, then There should be better solutions to our problems than fighting."

"I'll kill you, that's the best solution!"

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Huo Ao gasped violently for a few times, and suddenly said: "Our sphere of influence is not bordering, and there is no conflict of interest between us, but you came to us, are Talos Are the Red Dwarves agents on Earth?"

Such a turning point surprised Ye Zhongming slightly.

"It seems that you know the reason for all this very well." Ye Zhongming moved his body, and Huo Ao obviously became nervous.

"Hand over the Angolas earring, and you won't die."

Grasshopper looked at Ye Zhongming for a few seconds, and then laughed.

"Do you know? Before you stood there and didn't say anything, I really felt inferior to you, but when you opened your mouth, I found out that the same is true of the majestic boss of Yunding Mountain Villa. The Talos red dwarf even I didn’t tell you what the Angras earrings are, but you actually killed here, it’s too remiss of you to be a dog.”

Ye Zhongming didn't get angry, on the contrary, he felt that this Xiaoao should know something that he didn't know.

"Again, hand over the Angolas earring, and you won't die."

The sneer on Hiaoao's face became stronger, and at the same time, the confidence that had just been lost seemed to return to him at this moment.

He gently opened the bag in his hand and took out something from it.

"Okay, here are the Angolas earrings!"

finished speaking,

A shiny object was thrown over by him.

Naturally, Ye Zhongming would not be so stupid as to believe him, but he also paid attention to this shiny thing, in case it was really an Angolas earring.

It's just that this thing was a bit ruthless when it hit, Ye Zhongming didn't pick it up, it hit the wall behind after flashing, and directly smashed a big hole.

Ye Zhongming felt a strange feeling in his heart when he saw that Huao Ao threw this thing and did not run away.

Could it be that this guy with only a seven-star level really intends to fight himself desperately? Does he really have the means to fight against himself?

While thinking this way, Ye Zhongming's body suddenly moved, and a cold light flew past his head.

Taking advantage of the situation, he turned sideways, and saw a crystal scorpion slightly smaller than Dihuang Wan sticking out of the big hole just now, looking at him with eyes like faceted crystals!

And the scorpion tail raised high behind him told Ye Zhongming the origin of that cold light just now.

"Aren't you wondering why our Hung Hom Free Army doesn't even have an eight-star evolutionary, but we can make Talos red dwarves take revenge? Are you wondering why I'm not afraid anymore? Let me tell you, the boss of Yunding, that is Because of this scorpion!"

Grasshopper laughed twice, his tone full of complacency.

"Don't you want to know what Angolas earrings are? Let me tell you, this is it, you didn't see it? There is something wrong with your eyes!"

As he spoke, Huao Ao touched the small stud earring on one of his ears.

Is that the Angolas earring? Ye Zhongming had guessed this before, but he didn't feel any power fluctuations from the small earring, and the earring didn't have any grade, so he judged it to be an ordinary decorative earring.

Now that Xiao Ao said so, could it be that those are really Angolas earrings?

"It's strange, isn't it? Actually, it's easy to explain. I'm also an agent of other races in the universe, but they won't let me go if they rob Taros red dwarves. As for what I robbed, well, it's this one There's a scorpion."

In two sentences, the scorpion had already rushed in from the big hole, and got entangled with Ye Zhongming. What is surprising is that this big guy was able to fight against Ye Zhongming for the time being!

"And the Angolas earrings belong to the race I represent. Their to make this scorpion stronger!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Ao took off the small earring from his ear, and threw it forward casually. The tail of the crystal scorpion that had been waiting for a long time stood up, sending out a strong airflow, and directly This earring sucks into the body.

The next moment, its body changed dramatically.

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