Roulette World

1322nd street fighting begins

Looking at the instrument in his hand, there are some very complicated graphics on it, some of which are still moving.

Xiaoyu watched nervously, breathing more and more lightly.

He was originally a member of a faction in Yingcheng. A few days ago, after the establishment of the Yunding Villa Coordination Laboratory, he was suddenly recruited in.

After entering, Xiaoyu found out that he was recruited because of his postgraduate degree in mechanical manufacturing and automation before the end of the world.

As for how Yunding knew, it was because he had secretly registered at Yunding.

For the various forces in Yingcheng, entering Yunding Villa is their ultimate goal.

In particular, Genting had previously registered on a large scale the occupational and professional expertise of these people before the apocalypse, so almost all of them were on Genting's records.

However, there are not many people who can be recruited because of this. After all, loyalty and reliability are the first elements for Genting to select talents.

At the beginning of the level, the members of many factions in Yingcheng were very excited and felt that there was great hope of being selected, but after a long time, very few were included in Yunding. Most of them were those who had fought side by side with Yunding several times and had special skills Professionals or people who have some knowledge or even attainments in precision manufacturing or genetic biomedicine.

So everyone became discouraged, and instead of placing their hopes on their specialty occupations before the apocalypse, they concentrated on entering the path of evolution. Genting has expanded its enrollment several times, and the number of such "special students" is much larger than this.

But who knows, Yunding will suddenly come to him and let him join, or enter the newly established coordination laboratory.

Who doesn't know, the people in the laboratory are the best treated group in the whole Genting.

Xiaoyu still remembers the scene when he left the previous team.

Genting has a rule that for any member admitted by Genting, the previous team will get a lot of compensation. In addition, this situation can be regarded as having acquaintances in Genting.

Now, it's time to really test him for the first time. When Xiaoyu received the task, he had already beaten himself countless times.

"Underground security, twenty-five meters ahead, there are seven mutated life forms. According to the energy level reality, the evolution level is between four and five."

After manipulating the instrument a few times, combining the above data with the knowledge he had acquired, he quickly analyzed and came to a conclusion, and then the team leader next to the high speed, this is Xiaoyu's task.

Don't underestimate this task, this is one of the reasons why Genting dared to attack a third-tier city.

This instrument, called the Evolutionary Visitor, is a recent technology product of Yunding. It is also the result of the cooperation between Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan. Mechanics and biology have created this thing.

To put it simply, the evolution visitation machine is a combination similar to a life detector and a combat power index table, but compared to these two, the visitation machine is very profound and complicated both in theory and in manufacturing.

Some of the things involved, even Xiaoyu, who was born in a postgraduate course, are a little unclear. Although he participated in the research and development, the core theory was contributed by Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong.

However, the Evolution Visitor is not a mature product for the time being. It cannot directly and clearly display the results that people can understand at a glance. Instead, it needs some products that are not difficult for professionals but extremely difficult for others. Calculation is the only way to draw the final conclusion.

This is related to the progress and time of research and development. For the time being, with Yunding's ability and the time requirements of this battle, it can only do this step, and it can be gradually improved when there is time in the future.

Since it is not a perfect device, it naturally has its unavoidable shortcomings. For example, some evolved life forms with special abilities or types cannot be detected together. The scope, such as the evaluation value of the ability to evolve life is only a reference, and it cannot measure the level of life in a non-combat state during battle, etc.

The evolutionary visitation machine has many shortcomings, but as an auxiliary tool, it can be of great help to human beings.

In Xingzhou City, because of the fine floating ball in the sky, Yunding has a clear grasp of the situation in the open air. The leaders of each team have a tablet that shows the situation around them. But what and how much is inside the building, in the dark, etc., needs to be detected by the evolutionary viewer.

With this thing, Ye Zhongming dared to fight in the street.

In addition, the reason for choosing street fighting is actually very easy to understand.

Ye Zhongming and Yunding Mountain Villa plus the posthumous people and other teams, the number is only a few hundred thousand, even with the help of magic crystal cannon and other weapons, can they launch a general attack on two million mutant lives at once?

Whoever wants to do this is really reckless.

Mutated life is not just zombies, there are also various other existences, they roam the world in ways that humans can't imagine, on the ground, underground, in the sky, in the water...

Moreover, these mutated beings are distributed in several urban areas in a third-tier city.

Don't forget, there are almost the same number of mutated beings in the surrounding suburbs and villages.

If you rushed straight into Xingzhou City, no, even if you let Hongfa lure out those mutated beings, you would immediately fall into continuous battles, not only facing the enemies of Xingzhou City, but also To face attacks from all directions, at that time, it was really a trap for oneself.

So when Ye Zhongming set his sights on attacking the city, the plan was street fighting.

The appearance of the evolutionary visitation machine undoubtedly gave him stronger confidence.

After being reminded by Xiaoyu, the captain of the team around him immediately waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Group 2, go!"

As soon as the voice fell, a team of 20 people rushed out from behind, and quickly marched close to the beginning of the concealment, and soon entered the building with 25 meters of money. Ten seconds later, some fighting lives came , followed by a large amount of smoke and dust drifting out of the window, apparently a wall collapsed inside.

After a while, the people from the 2nd group of attacking fortifications ran out. One of them was carried on his back and returned to the team. Someone immediately picked up the wounded, checked the injury and said briefly: "It can be saved". After that, there was a bottle of The primary healing potion was poured into his mouth, and his body lay flat on the ground.

The wounded, the magic crystals of mutated life, and the corpses are all handled by someone, and they don't need to be responsible.

After solving this obstacle on the way forward, the team continued to move forward. A minute later, a person with a white cloth strip tied to his arm carried the wounded soldier out of the battlefield on a stretcher, and several people entered the building. In construction, the magic crystal and materials are taken out at an astonishingly fast speed.

Such scenes appeared in many places. Yunding Villa entered Xingzhou City in a quiet way, and started this street battle that was famously written about by later generations.


"Boss, the first area is progressing smoothly and has reached the designated position, asking for the next step."

"Captain, in the third district, we encountered the Zuo Wu ghost, a level 7 life form. There were many casualties. The leader of the copper pot is rushing over, but the progress is hindered."

"The news came from the floating ball. A group of more than 5,000 corpses should have sensed the battle and is moving from the unplanned area to the combat zone. Please give instructions on how to deal with it."

"Captain Guangyao, the eighth-level Jin Xia moved and stood on the roof above the lair, but he didn't move, what should we do?"

"There are noises underground, there are noises underground, and unknown life groups are approaching."

In the temporary headquarters, Guangyao was surrounded by many liaison officers. They gathered the news on the battlefield to him, and then passed on his orders.

Guangyao listened calmly, and then gave orders calmly, without leaving the sand table map in front of him for a moment.

Some small flags representing each other's forces were constantly moved by him, outlining the current battle situation in the city.

Street fighting is not street fighting in the traditional sense, it is an improved street fighting with the distinctive characteristics of the last days.

To ensure the smooth implementation of the entire plan, Guangyao must accurately grasp the situation.

When he heard Jin Xia, the eighth level, move, Guangyao turned his head to look at the quiet Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming nodded, and issued an order in his mind. Not far from the headquarters, the red hair jumped into the sky on the undead fish and dragon, and flew towards the city.

Genting's first top-level force has moved!

This also means that the battle will definitely go on, either win or lose.

There is no way out.

"How long will there be contact with the underground life group?"

Guangyao asked a liaison officer.

"According to the current speed of this group of lives, we will contact our striker in three minutes!"

Guangyao nodded, and looked at Ye Zhongming again.

"Boss, I request the dispatch of the Rat Legion."


With Ye Zhongming's permission, Guangyao's face flushed slightly, not because of nervousness, but a little excitement.

Yunding Mountain Villa's first real genetic army under complete control is about to start their first battle!

The reason for saying this is because the Rat Legion is different from other mutated life forms created by Liu Zhenghong. They have completely independent life characteristics and can reproduce and evolve freely.

Although the number of this tactical army baptized in the secret realm has been reduced to only a thousand, they have combined the advantages of mutant mice and become extremely powerful, and their combat effectiveness has soared, even because they can move underground. The characteristics should become Genting's irreplaceable constant force at the moment.

With them, there is another huge group of mutated rats following underground, which is the second reason why Ye Zhongming dared to carry out street fighting.

Before setting off, Ye Zhongming had called the Shu King and asked him to send his subordinates to follow him. The Shu King did not dare to disobey and sent more than 200,000 subordinates to follow him.

Yes, there is such a special team at the foot of the army.

If it is only about the quantity, Yunding dispatched not only more than 100,000 fighters this time, but also more than 200,000 mutant mice.

However, these mutated mice are not strong, and fighting on the ground is their natural disadvantage. If they are allowed to participate in ground fighting, it will not be effective, and because of their timid nature, it may even have the opposite effect.

The underground is their battlefield.

Only by ensuring that there are no worries under your feet can the ground troops fight better.

The 200,000 mutated rats officially started a contest with the underground life in Xingzhou City.

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