Roulette World

1323rd Phase 2

"It's less these days, it's my fault, I'll make it up the day after tomorrow~~"

It's not just the British city that has rats, but other cities too.

In addition to mice, there are countless kinds of underground life...earthworms, ants, moles, and even some snakes and frogs.

These things are the kings of the underground.

Usually, they attack each other and feed each other, but today, they start to face the field together.

The first underground life detected by the people in Yunding was a group of mutated ants.

Different from other underground life, mutant ants are a kind of life that is more willing to hunt the prey on the ground, and then drag it back to the hole to enjoy.

Mutated rats, moles, snakes, etc., they don't like to eat very much.

When Yunding's team entered Xingzhou City, they were the first to discover that among the first batch of beings in the battle, there were these guys with a keen sense of smell.

They are preparing to attack the Genting team.

However, before the group of mutated ants rushed out of the ground, they encountered the army of mutated mice in Yingcheng.

When facing opponents whose numbers are far smaller than their own, the courage and combat effectiveness of the mutant mice are still acceptable.

The conflict happened immediately, in the soil, countless beings were attacking each other, and what was in the soil was releasing their abilities.

Some places on the ground were cracked like an earthquake by this large-scale fierce battle, and even a certain area collapsed directly, and the energy overflowing from it and the bone spur armor knife that broke through the ground burst out like half a bullet. , turning it into a restricted area for life.

This large-scale movement not only startled the evolutionists above, but even Guangyao at the command center was nervous, for fear that the impact would become bigger and bigger until it became a melee of all life on the ground and underground. It's a little troublesome.

But fortunately, these underground life fighting methods are more suitable for the ground after all, whether it is in the soil or in various sewers and pipes, they will subconsciously choose these places.

The first batch of mutated ants that came over were besieged, and within a few minutes, they were all killed.

Although these mutated ants also killed almost the same number of mutated mice, this was due to their hard shells and various attack methods, especially venom, which caused a lot of damage when the mutated swarm did not rush nearby.

A few minutes of fighting is enough for the underground life in Xingzhou to swarm. Under Guangyao's command, Ye Zhongming controls the Rat Army that belongs to Yunding and has been in a stealth state, walking underground, looking for those A small number of groups attack, using this situation to consume the enemy's vitality, and to preserve the vitality as much as possible.

Whether it's Guangyao or Ye Zhongming, I don't want to throw this 'seed' army here.

This is also Liu Zhenghong's order, because she needs these mutant mice to go back and breed offspring, so that the number of the war mouse army can grow rapidly.

The underground fight is in full swing, and so is the surface.

No matter how concealed it is, when the number of fighters entering the city increases, it will definitely attract the attention of mutated beings, and they will start to flock in this direction.

Street fighting became less easy, and the fighting began to enter a continuous state.

"Boss, request to enter the second stage."

Guangyao asked Ye Zhongming for instructions, and he felt that now is the time to implement the second phase of the plan.

Ye Zhongming stood up, nodded in agreement, and then walked out of the temporary command post.

Once he enters a new stage of fighting, it's time for him to play.

He jumped on Yangos' back and patted the dragon. "It's time for us to play."

When Yangos, who had been coiled on the ground and was not allowed to make a sound, heard it, the whole dragon was refreshed, and let out a long roar to the sky!

The sound of the dragon's cry that resounded throughout Xingzhou made the city 'live' completely.

In the distance, some flying beings rose up and rushed towards this side at a rapid speed, and they gathered into a large area in a short while, densely packed, making one's scalp numb.

And above the ground is like ten thousand horses galloping,

The mutated beings in the entire city are rushing towards the cloud top.


Dihuangwan turned into a golden shadow, and climbed up Yangos' back like its owner.

The evil dragon looked back in dissatisfaction, being stood on the back by a life of the same level, that kind of nature is not very good.

Yanggos, who objected to the ineffectiveness, blew again and spread his wings to the sky. Today, the task of it, Ye Zhongming and Dihuang Wan is not easy.

"Xia Bai, I leave it to you!"

Shouting to Xia Bai who was floating beside him, Ye Zhongming rushed to the west of the city with a dragon and a dog.

Xia Bai watched Ye Zhongming go away, waved at the red makeup guards and a team behind, and these people started to march towards the battlefield in unison.

"Aerial warning! Contact in thirty seconds!"

In the headquarters, Guangyao received such a reminder, and he immediately issued an order to deal with it.

Following his orders, the medium-sized vehicles in the team quickly entered the battlefield, and the black cloth covering them was removed, revealing black holes one after another.

Half of them, people in Yunding are no strangers, they are Thunderstorm Towers.

Because Ye Zhongming had too many things to manufacture before, and the magic crystal cannon could replace such towers, no new towers have been manufactured for a long time.

But this time is different, the weakness of the Magic Crystal Cannon against the air has been exposed. In this type of active attack type combat, the attack method of the thunderstorm tower has become irreplaceable.

For this reason, Ye Zhongming specially manufactured hundreds of them.

Because there is no relationship between upgrades, the power of these towers may not be able to cause fatal damage to high-level life, but the number has reached a certain level, which can make up for the lack of power to a certain extent.

The salvo of hundreds of thunderstorm towers is no joke.

On some other vehicles, it is a small cannon similar to a mortar. It is not a magic crystal weapon, but an elemental weapon that can emit wind energy attacks.

Ball blade hair dryer!

This is the name of this weapon.

This was not made by Ye Zhongming, but by another craftsman in Yunding, but Ye Zhongming provided him with materials that he personally handled.

Not everyone has Ye Zhongming's abundant mental power and super high success rate. The ball-bladed hair dryer was not made in a short period of time. It is only today that there are such large-scale quantities.

It took the craftsman about half a year to produce the two hundred ball-bladed wind cylinders under the constant supply of spiritual potions.

Now, it is the first time this equipment has been applied to the battlefield.

The appearance is similar to that of a mortar, and the firing situation is also similar. The difference is that after the ball-blade wind tube is activated, what is emitted is not a shell, but an energy bomb. There are two ways to choose freely, one is the wind blade, and the other is wind balloon.

The former is fast, has strong penetrating power, is as sharp as a knife, and has powerful single-target attacks. The latter is slow and has a short range, but will explode and deal area damage.

Each of these ball blade wind cylinders is activated dozens of times in the wind blade state, and about twenty times in the wind ball state. After that, the energy will be exhausted, and it needs to be placed in a place with air flow to recharge. The recharge time depends on the speed of the airflow. If the wind speed is appropriate, it can be fully charged in about a day.

Whether it is the thunderstorm tower or this kind of ball-blade wind tube, Yunding is preparing to use it to deal with the mutated life in the air.

As the apocalypse progresses, so does the threat in the sky.

Next to the vehicle with these two weapons, there are red makeup guards and two thousand soldiers holding grenade rocket launchers, and there are about five thousand long-range attack evolutionists around them.

They are either long-range professionals such as archers, archers, magicians, etc., or evolutionists with various firearms and long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows. These people are led by Li Qiang and form the prototype of Yunding's air defense force.

Seeing the mutated beings in the air getting closer, the anti-air force waited for orders.

In the city, the battle continued, but it was discovered carefully that the soldiers of each team were no longer attacking, but orderly... retreating!

Many people don't understand why, because in their opinion, after entering Xingzhou City silently, it's good to just keep rushing down, fighting against these mutant beings, just like when they exterminated the mutant apes.

Why retreat? Especially when the previous battle was extremely smooth.

I don't understand what I don't understand in my heart, whether it is Yunding's own fighters, the posthumous people or the fighters of various forces in Yingcheng, they all obey the order and move closer to the station.

Those mutated beings who have already arrived here are chasing after them.


With Guangyao's order, the second phase of Yunding's attack began!

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