Roulette World

One thousand three hundred and twenty-four Jinxia

Jin Xia is not a person's name, but a type of mutated zombie.

This kind of life has almost no difference in appearance from human beings... except for wearing nothing and wearing gold.

But Jin Xia is one of the few eighth-level beings in Xingzhou City.

Still very powerful.

Jinxia is a zombie, but it is different from Yupo or other types of similar mutants. It doesn't like to bring many younger brothers, it likes to be alone.

For the same kind, Jin Xia has a kind of disgust from the magic crystal.

Even when it's desperately hungry, it doesn't mind killing and eating a lot of its own kind at all.

I don’t know if it’s because the zombies mutated from humans. After the zombies have evolved to a high level, they are more intelligent than other mutated beings of the same level, and their way of thinking is more flexible. Know how to use external conditions.

As for Jin Xia, it's not that the other high-level zombies never thought about killing this misfit. After all, this is a good source of energy, and it's from the same family. After absorbing it, you don't have to worry about rejection.

However, in the huge city of Xingzhou, there were so many zombies, a group of two groups who tried Jin Xia's idea, but they all failed, and instead became Jin Xia's food and the source of its evolutionary energy.

Jin Xia's abilities are very powerful, one of which is that its defense is exceptionally good. The golden color is not only rich and noble, but also represents firmness and rigidity. The other one is that Jin Xia's abilities are mostly range attacks, and he is good at dealing with group battles.

There are very few mutated zombies like Jinxia, ​​and their reputation is not obvious. Xingzhou City is a city controlled by mutant life. There is very little information about Jin Xia's type of zombies.

But Ye Zhongming was different. He had lived again and knew what this kind of life was like. After investigation, he found out that there was a Jinxia in Xingzhou City, and immediately made a plan to deal with it.

It's actually very simple, just go redheaded.

When he saw the red hair, Jin Xia, who was standing on the top of the building looking at the direction of the battlefield, showed a greedy expression.

It's almost the same as human beings, if you don't look at the color, just look at the body structure, this is a complete person, even the eye sockets and skin are very intact.

Even because of the high level of evolution, the expression on the face is very realistic. If it weren't for the golden body and the magic crystal on the forehead, it would be easy to treat it as a human being.

Standing on the back of the undead ichthyosaur, the red-haired man held a red-threaded spear in his hand, and pointed the spear point obliquely at the Jin Xia below, exuding a strong fighting spirit from his whole body.

After becoming an eighth-level life, the redhead has never really fought against beings of the same level.

For this time, she knew she could have a good fight.

"Submit to me, or die."

The red-haired spirit made such a meaning.

Jin Xia below was stunned for a moment, apparently not expecting this beautiful woman to be able to communicate with this kind of spiritual power, but immediately showed a sarcastic expression, and made an international gesture to the red hair.

The redhead didn't get angry, but his eyes lit up.

Just from this action, she knew that this was an extremely rare opponent with a high IQ and flexible thinking, and she became more and more excited.

Jin Xia looked at the red hair, then at the battle in the distance, it nodded, guessing the connection between the two.

Exactly like a human being, taking a deep breath, the golden color on Jin Xia's body began to become brighter, and in the end it could be described as bright.

It's just that this brilliance didn't last long. As Jin Xia raised his arms, a piece of golden light flew out of its body and went straight to the red hair.

"Light spreading golden sky!"

In later generations, this ability was called by this name.

As for the effect, it is simple and rude, which is a large-scale energy damage.

However, although the excitation methods and damage types are very common, don't underestimate the power. This golden light is an energy attack, and it also carries some special attribute damage.

People who are hit by these rays of light, even if they do not die, will be possessed by the golden light, and their bodies will become heavier and heavier within a certain period of time.

During the battle, a single negligence may kill him, not to mention his body becoming as heavy as lead?

In the previous battles, as long as Jin Xia used this move, the beings who didn't know what was going on would basically be hit by the move. If they were not killed immediately, they would completely lose the opportunity.

Don't forget, this trick is still a range attack.

The red hair looked at the incoming golden light, the spear in her hand had already moved, the tip of the spear opened, and a large amount of lava spewed out, forming a magma curtain in front of her and the undead ichthyosaur. Jin Tian bumped into each other.

A large amount of smoke rose up, the golden light faded, and the red color of the magma also disappeared.

But the crackling sound became louder and louder in the smoke.

Waiting for the smoke to thin slightly, the redhead reached the top of the building at some point, and fought with Jin Xia.

The red threads on the spear had already been opened, flapping around like tentacles, but once given the chance, these red thread tentacles would attack Jin Xia quickly like a poisonous snake.

At the same time, the undead ichthyosaur in the sky is also extremely rare to use its own ability to help Hongfa. It has a big mouth, and some dots of light sand are constantly floating out of it, floating around Hongfa and Jin Xia. The red hair didn't respond to this, but Jin Xia was obviously affected by it. The light spreading golden sky just now had a function of slowing down, but now it didn't slow down the red hair, but was affected by the light sand, which was very suffocating Bend.

For high-level life, talent skills are naturally powerful, and can often directly determine the outcome, but just like human skills, they all require a lot of mental and physical energy, and it is very likely that there will be a long cooldown time, or even usage count.

Therefore, in many cases, high-level evolutionary life combat methods use close combat while looking for opportunities to use various abilities.

This is the case with Red Hair and Jin Xia at the moment.

Jin Xia's defensive power is really good. Only those who have seen the red-haired skill can know how terrifying it is. It is fast, powerful, and has some shadows of Chinese martial arts, which she learned from Xia Leimo Ye Guangyao. Although it is only superficial, it is scary enough to use it with the physique of an eighth-level evolved life form.

In just a moment, the red-haired spear, her fist, and even her feet hit Jin Xia's body.

But what surprised even the redhead was that the fists and kicks couldn't shake Jin Xia at all, only when the spear pierced him, he was willing to leave an obvious small spot.

But... it's just a little bit.

Jin Xia chuckled, his clumsy hands suddenly stretched out!

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