Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and three heart magic illusion

Xiao Min and the others felt that they had entered a space that they were least willing to recall.

There are gray and white rooms, cold metal beds, screams around the clock and roars of mutated life forms, and a group of men in white test suits with the ugliest faces in the world.

They see people who used to be in the same room, and see things they couldn't see before but heard and imagined.

Women are used as tools for venting, injected with evolution potions, become evolutionaries, and even continue to improve their level. When appropriate, they will be used to feed other companions who have become zombies.

Everyone knows that they will die, but they don't know when, and everyone wants to die, instead of lying on the bed with limbs weak and being treated as a pig.

Many female warriors were trembling. They saw those who terrified them rushing towards them. They wanted to dodge, but all they could do was close their eyes.

Many people started screaming, the neat formation became messy, and the attack naturally stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mutated chimpanzees and other mutated beings who were attacked just now charged forward.

The distance between the two sides was not far, and even a chimpanzee who was not good at speed could rush into the camp of the red makeup guards after a while.

Although these female warriors have a high level of evolution, once they are approached by a powerful chimpanzee, if they are unable to resist, they will usually be killed quickly.

The balance of victory seemed to be pouring heavily towards Li Lin's side.

Everyone in the observation room showed a relaxed expression.

The first game has already been lost, if the second game fails again, even if the energy will not fluctuate too much, it will be a big blow to everyone's confidence.

This will put the third person in the game at a psychological disadvantage and be disturbed emotionally.

From the looks of it, it was right to send Li Lin to fight. The beast army he led, especially the five mutated parrots, was indeed the trump card to restrain the red makeup guards.

These women, who usually kill people like hemp, have obviously been aroused by the nightmare in their hearts, and have gradually lost their minds.

Li Lin didn't stop after sending out these red energies. These mutated parrots needed his help to complete this ability similar to the magic of the heart.

The first batch of mutated chimpanzees rushed into the red makeup guards.

These war beasts raised by Wanshou Manor have much fewer natal skills than wild ones, at least half of them have no obvious skills, and the remaining ones, natal skills are mostly auxiliary types, such as 'roar', which can increase strength , such as 'Rage', is similar to the ability of berserk, such as 'Giant Transformation', which can increase the size of chimpanzees and comprehensively increase their own abilities, such as 'Beat the Chest', which can stimulate the pain to let them gain temporary Sexual collective combat power bonus.

This made the group of mutated chimpanzees not gain any powerful attack skills, but only increased their physical stats.

When encountering other opponents, these passive abilities can indeed improve the strength of the mutant chimpanzees, and this is indeed the case. Their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and the result of the battle will also change accordingly.

But when they faced the red makeup guards, things changed.

The attack of the first batch of mutant chimpanzees who rushed into the female warriors caused the opponents to fall in groups, and the people in the monitoring room looked happy when they saw this.

But what happened next made it a little difficult for these people to understand.

None of the female fighters died. On the contrary, these female fighters woke up suddenly because they were knocked down, and immediately stood up to fight back.

Wen Yan Alamos and others didn't understand, it was because they didn't know the Red Makeup Guards well.

Although the mutated chimpanzee's body is much stronger, their evolutionary level is there. Most of them are at level 4, and some are at level 5. After the physical data is improved, at most, their strength has increased by half a level.

As for the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Guard, most of them are at the six-star level, and the captains and some special professionals are already seven-star. In terms of average level, there is no team in the country that can compare with the Red Makeup Guard.

This is just their evolutionary level. Don't forget, they grew up by taking improved evolutionary potions, and their bodies are already stronger than the evolutionaries of the same level.

Also, their green outfits, even if they are not suits, are extremely good. These equipments are envied by the bosses of all powers. Except for superpowers, even many famous leaders do not have a complete set of green outfits.

The defense ability of this set of states, not to mention the mutated life of fists at the fourth and fifth levels, even those at the sixth and seventh levels may not be able to kill with a single punch.

In addition, there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, every female soldier in the Red Makeup Guards has war beasts. These war beasts are not as neat and diverse as those in Wanshou Manor, but each one is carefully selected by Ye Zhongming. Yes, it matches and complements the female fighters' own professional blood skills and so on. In the usual feeding process, they also use the best food. For this reason, they also spend a lot of money to buy some exclusive feed made by special professionals from Wuhuanqian and Ogre Chain.

To put it bluntly, the Red Makeup Guard is a team built by Ye Zhongming and Yunding with all their efforts. They have the best food and clothing. The members of such a team, even ordinary six-year-olds Star members, their strength is also quite terrifying.

In the words of Xiao Min and others, they are united and must be able to compete with the most powerful evolutionary in the world, otherwise there is no need to talk about protecting Ye Zhongming.

With such a continuous team, Alamos Wenyan and others underestimated them too much.

The equipment and beasts, plus their own strength, allowed the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Guard to be knocked down, but not killed.

These mutated chimpanzees are simply like Lei Feng, not only did not kill the soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards, they even woke them up one by one.

Li Lin, who was still casting spells, looked very ugly, but he didn't dare to stop. Although more and more female fighters woke up, some of them were still in the demons. He was afraid that when these fighters woke up, the organization would be more powerful. efficient attack.

At least for now, the Red Makeup Guards are still in chaos.

He can only hope that other mutant types can bring him surprises.

In this anticipation, the first surprise happened.

These are the most common mutated white geese.

The reason why this kind of life appeared was because when Wanshou Manor first experimented with mutated life, poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese were the easiest to obtain and the easiest to breed.

The goose, which is the largest and most aggressive among the three domestic animals, has become the best experimental target.

After several years of research, the technology of the Mutant Goose Manor has become very mature, and this group of five-level guys is the embodiment of their highest technology.

The chimpanzees took the lead, and the mutant geese attacked one after another.

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