Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and four waves of attacks

Generally speaking, life forms such as mutated chickens, ducks, geese, etc. are not very common in the last days, because even in the last days when all kinds of life are mutated, the living environment of these mutated poultry that is not very powerful is not good.

They will still become the targets of powerful mutated life forms and human predation.

So even if they come and go in groups, they are still extinct in some cities.

This makes many people not familiar with them.

When the mutated chimpanzees rushed into the camp of the red makeup guards, the mutated geese were also within striking distance.

In terms of appearance, the mutated geese are not much different from before except that they have become much larger. The magic crystal on their foreheads is probably the only sign that can prove that they are different, but when they launched an attack, the situation is completely different. Variety.

The bodies of these mutated geese turned into a faint golden color. They stretched their heads and spread their wings, turning into golden shadows and rushing towards their respective targets.

Along with it, there are also the sharp screams from their respective bodies.

A simple attack has already reflected three natural skills.

The ability to turn the body into gold is called the golden goose, which can increase the strength of the body. Scream is a kind of spiritual attack skill - singing to the sky, which can make the opponent fall into a short-term dizziness. And that kind of charge that spreads its wings is called "Treading Red", a charge skill that concentrates the energy of the entire body and skills on the hard beak.

The mutated poultry's talents and skills were already less than the normal ones, and it was very difficult to show three of them at once in Wanshou Manor.

It can be said that this is the strongest attack of the mutated geese, and it is also the peak of their attack. After this time, the limitation of life constitution caused their attack power to drop a lot immediately, basically, they fell into the situation of being slaughtered.

This is also the reason for placing them behind the mutant chimpanzees. These mutant geese can be used as a one-time assault force, but they cannot be used as a forward. They cannot withstand the most violent artillery fire.

The members of the Red Makeup Guard were knocked down by the mutant chimpanzee, woke up, and counterattacked. The team of hundreds of people was very messy under the impact of the same number of chimpanzees, and did not pay attention to the mutant geese behind them. When their attack came, These female fighters can only deal with it instinctively.

The attack intensity of the fifth-level mutant goose far surpassed that of the larger mutant chimpanzee.

A few female warriors who were caught off guard and who were at the forefront and had been attacked by several waves of chimpanzees were knocked down because of the short-term dizziness of "Xiang Tiange". .

Seeing this, the surrounding chimpanzees immediately stomped on these fallen female warriors with their big feet, and some of them even jumped up high to crush them with their weight and inertia.

No way, those sober female warriors can calmly deal with even being besieged by several chimpanzees. If they find an opportunity, they will immediately kill them. They are as fragile as puppets in front of these short women, and now they finally find a chance to attack Yes, they were all very excited.

These female fighters were immediately overwhelmed by their opponents.

This situation continued. The female warriors in front of the team were caught off guard by the mutated geese, and fell to the ground with injuries, and then were besieged by the surrounding chimpanzees.

Most of the red makeup guards are already awake at this time, and those who are not awake, there are also teammates who are waking them up. Many people who participated in the battle have already discovered the situation ahead, and have come up with the most powerful tricks, rushing to the front to support.

The soldiers behind the guards were under far less pressure than the front, and there was even no pressure at all. The chimpanzees had been blocked by the teammates in front, and they did not lose their minds, nor did they panic because the teammates in front were being fatally attacked. They quickly gathered together, with two of them as the center, to be precise, their war beasts as the center, and the surrounding six warriors' war beasts as assistants. The rod, at the same time, emitted a meandering light,

These rays of light gathered together, forming a white light curtain in an instant, unfolded at the moment of formation, turned into thousands of light spots, and penetrated into the bodies of the six auxiliary beasts.

The next moment, the mouth of the auxiliary war beast emitted light, and spit on the abdomen of the two war beasts in the center. The two war beasts in the center beeped twice, and the light in the mouth was bright, and then one after another, the light balls flew out.

Like an accelerated plant gunner, these balls of light hit the huge chimpanzees with extreme precision, all on the head, and if one hits, the head of the chimpanzee will explode directly, no matter what level it is, all Spike.

This kind of shooting produces at least three light spheres per second, and the number of two war beasts is six, horribly harvesting the lives of chimpanzees.

In just ten seconds, the chimpanzee fell down a large piece.

These big guys had a total of more than 500 heads. In the previous battle, some of them had been killed by the red makeup guards who gradually gained the upper hand. This time, most of them fell down, and only more than 100 were still stubbornly resisting.

Without the entanglement of these chimpanzees, many female fighters pulled out and rushed to the front to support. The weapons in their hands easily cut open the body of the chimpanzee, or those mutant geese who attacked once and fell to the ground could only rely on their strong beaks to peck and peck. One point and two halves.

The waking Red Makeup Guards exploded with terrifying combat power almost instantly. In less than a minute, they not only reversed the situation, but also took the absolute initiative.


Suddenly Xiao Min yelled, and those female soldiers who were rescuing their companions or carrying out the final massacre saw a group of about 200 mutated mice rushing towards them, approaching them very fast.

Many people threw out their skills. They saw that this group of mice was only around level four, and they could all kill with one blow.

But after these attacks landed on the mutated mice, they were indeed instantly killed, but a wave of energy exploded and swept the entire team.

The explosion was so violent that the entire space shook because of it. The light and smoke, as well as splashed blood and stumps became the only things that could be seen on the light curtain in the monitoring room.

Alamos Wenyan and others were like riding a roller coaster. They were full of confidence in Li Lin at first, but then lost confidence, but now, hope is rekindled.

Those little white mice turned out to be self-destructing mice!

There is a powerful bomb hidden in each of them!

It seems simple, but this is a trump card of Wanshou Manor. There is an extremely rare "deflagration" professional, they can create life bombs, implant this special bomb into mutated lives, and link them to their lives. Then let it evolve. The higher the level of evolution, the greater the power of this bomb when it explodes. The fourth-level mice, although they are only 200 in size, have already been seen by these seven-star and eight-star evolutionists. Dazzling.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the situation in the space.

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