Roulette World

One thousand four hundred thirty-five rune gems

"Suit attribute 1, whistling defense. () When shields collide with each other, whether it is a normal collision or a collision when using a skill, there will be a sound, which improves the user's ability, makes it enter a state of excitement, increases combat power, and the duration of the effect For ten minutes, the skill has no cooldown."

"Suit attribute 2, shield dance. When using double shields on the left and right sides of oneself and launching this skill, the user will enter a state of high-speed rotation, which will weaken and deflect the incoming attack. The weakening rate is the evolution of the user The percentage of the sum of the level and the shield level and the level and difference of the attacker. The direction of deviation from the effect is the direction of the attacker. If the user collides with the target during the shield dance, the target will be attracted to the user Surroundings, continue to withstand every attack that reaches the sum of the shield's defense power. The duration is two minutes, and the cooldown time is ten hours."

So far, all the attributes of this pair of traditional shields have been displayed in front of Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming was very moved, he even had the idea of ​​saving the pair of shields for his own use. But soon calmed down.

This thing is naturally not suitable for him, or in other words, not suitable for any evolutionary who is not a defense type. After all, this is equipment held in two hands, there is no third hand holding an offensive weapon at all.

Of course, except for those "weirds" with many limbs such as Guan Chengcun.

Purple equipment naturally has its own characteristics. Most of the increased abilities are based on percentages. The number of active abilities and pushed abilities is also very reasonable, and they are all very powerful.

For example, the ruthless shield attack and indifferent charge of the active ability are both offensive abilities, and the door god summoning is a summoning skill that can have a continuous threat. Among them, the door god equipment and shield are of the same level, which makes people envious. The shield is purple. The door god's equipment is also purple, even if it only has physical ability, it is quite powerful.

For example, the blessing of the same source and the fate of heaven among the passive abilities, one enhances the power of other defensive abilities, and the other is more terrifying, which can be directly repaired automatically, and even permanently increase the defensive ability.

Ye Zhongming just glanced at the basic attribute of this pair of shields, but he remembered the value clearly, seven thousand!

Seven thousand defense value!

Thinking about the defense value of 2,000, which became a golden floating ball, Ye Zhongming was shocked. At 7,000, Ye Zhongming even felt that this pair of shields should be able to withstand the full blow of the Holy Father.

In the future, this value will increase as time goes by. Ye Zhongming doesn't know how fast it will increase, but it may break through 10,000 points of defense after it can. This thing has unlimited growth.

There are two sets of attributes, probably because there are only two, but they are all good skills. The first roaring defense is similar to a berserk potion without side effects. The second one is both offensive and defensive. When attacking, the attack power is 14,000 points. When defending, it can not only reduce the attack received, but also make these skills deviate in the direction of the attacker. If you are lucky, you can also cast On the other side.

Weakened attack Ye Zhongming looked at it, the above is quite complicated, but it is actually easy to understand. For example, when Ye Zhongming uses this pair of shields and is attacked by a seven-star evolutionary with a piece of golden equipment, when he hits Ye Zhongming, the weakened attack rate is the sum of Ye Zhongming's eight-star plus purple equipment representing seven levels and ten. Five, minus the level of the seven-star attacker and the six-level thirteen of the golden equipment, the final result is two, which means it will be weakened by 20%.

It didn't take too long for Ye Zhongming to fully understand the attributes of the equipment. What really made him think and recollect for a long time was the image that appeared in his mind at the moment when he successfully repaired the pair of shields just now.

It was a picture of dozens of materials being continuously smelted and combined to form this shield.

At Ye Zhongming's level of evolution, it has long been easy to have a photographic memory, and he remembers these pictures clearly.

Some of those materials have been seen before, and some of them have not been seen before. Among them, the ghost gold was added just now. No matter how stupid Ye Zhongming is, he also knows that these should be the materials and refining process needed to make this pair of shields.

In other words, it is a drawing.

He couldn't help but think of the words that appeared when the Glory craftsman upgraded to the highest level. Could it be that this is the real solution? Only the equipment that has been repaired by oneself can get the materials and refining methods they need?

Ye Zhongming took out the damaged Earth Sand Moon Blade. Although the purple equipment was repaired and barely usable after it was broken, it was not as powerful as before. There was an obvious mark at the broken place, so Ye Zhongming decided to try it out.

He knows the exact formula of this weapon, and when the time comes, he will know what's going on by matching it with the blueprint.

The repair operation was activated, and the magical feeling came back again, and the materials needed for repair appeared in Ye Zhongming's mind.

Fortunately, Ye Zhongming had all these materials, and after taking them out one by one, he also added the almost omnipotent good thing like ghost gold.

This is also a reminder from the restoration surgery to Ye Zhongming.

After putting in various materials, Ye Zhongming slowly activated his mental power and began to repair the Earthsha Moon Blade.

It's a pity that this weapon didn't remind Ye Zhongming that he could put in life eggs. Even when he took out one to add it himself, he was rejected, and the repair process almost failed.

Later Ye Zhongming thought of the reason.

In the past, life eggs could be placed in traditional shields, probably because of the summonable existence of door gods, so the addition of life eggs was 'allowed'. However, the earth sand moon blade is just a pure weapon, so it is naturally impossible to put life eggs into it. energy stuff.

The restoration technique has a very high success rate at the level of a super craftsman, and it is almost impossible to fail. Soon, the Disha Moon Blade regained its previous beauty and became a sharp weapon again.

Although there is a little extravagant hope in my heart, I hope that the gods will send shit luck, let the sand and moon blade upgrade to another level, and become a colorful equipment, but in the end it is still purple, and Ye Zhongming is slightly disappointed.

After observing it, he found a change in the weapon, two more inlaid holes.

In the past, Ye Zhongming had mosaic skills but no hole punching skills. Now there are two more mosaic holes on the Dishayue blade, which is a pleasant surprise. I just don’t know whether this is a special case of prosthetics or the artisan profession after being promoted to the highest level. Skills come with abilities.

Ye Zhongming checked the space equipment and found that there was indeed a gemstone for inlaying, not an elemental one, but a rune gemstone.

Rune gems have always been relatively mysterious. Evolvers who get rune gems usually use them for trading. This is something needed by array mages or space professionals. Of course, they can also be used for inlays, just because they lack knowledge of various runes , the tessellated abilities are somewhat random.

Ye Zhongming didn't care, and used the mosaic technique to embed the rune gem on the weapon.

After a burst of undercurrents, Ye Zhongming was a little stunned, his weapons turned gray and defeated!

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