Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and thirty-six: Shayue Ren, the dead

Originally, Ye Zhongming was very happy. Although he didn't upgrade the Disha Moon Blade to colorful equipment, he was mentally prepared and knew that it was an extravagant hope, and the hope was slim. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

Also, he repaired the traditional shield before, and proved that the equipment he repaired can obtain the formula of this equipment. This is almost another kind of ability against the sky. As long as he needs it, Ye Zhongming can obtain countless equipment formulas. It can be produced after gathering the materials, which means that he is freed from the shackles of the formula to a certain extent, and he can even write down the formula himself for sale.

But when he repaired the Disha Moon Blade, he compared the formula he got from the roulette with the one in his mind, and found that it was not the same. He realized that the formula he got when he repaired it might only be usable by himself, right? Can be used by others.

Disappointment is indeed disappointment. After all, he cut off his idea of ​​selling the formula, but even if he could use it, it would be very good. Ye Zhongming didn't think much of it.

But after the mosaic was supposed to have no problems, the originally crystal blade turned gray all of a sudden, just like a person who changed from a youth to a gray-haired old man overnight.

This situation really scared Ye Zhongming.

Even with Yunding and his wealth, the purple equipment is still a treasure, not to say that it is available, even if it is the Disha Moon Blade made by Ye Zhongming himself. Let him make it now, not to mention the success rate, even the materials don't know how long it will take to find them.

Quickly picked it up and looked at it, Ye Zhongming couldn't help feeling puzzled.

First of all, the purple light representing the level emitted by the equipment has not changed, which he ignored in his anxiety just now.

If the equipment is completely destroyed, the level will naturally disappear, and the light will also disappear.

This discovery made Ye Zhongming relax a lot.

Then, he picked up the saber and tapped it lightly with his fingers, using three points of strength.

Ye Zhongming's strength is quite terrifying. With this strength, even the steel will be dented by him, but the sound of the blade is clear and crisp, and it has not broken, which proves that there is no problem with the blade.

In the end, Ye Zhongming sank his mental power into the weapon.

He sensed a dark force.

Unlike the dark power of his own blood, this is... the power of the dead.

"Sharpness 700, tenacity 800."

Ye Zhongming was puzzled by just the first change.

Because the two values ​​of the Disha Moon Blade were 720 and 780 respectively, that is to say, the sharpness has decreased slightly, and the toughness has increased slightly.

Not so sharp, but its own strength has increased?

Ye Zhongming quickly looked at the most important skill, and he kept looking.

Moonlight...skill memory...these two skills have not changed, but other abilities have changed. This change also made Ye Zhongming suddenly understand what this rune gem is. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

Disha Moonblade has a skill that sucks blood as an alliance. The previous ability was that when the local Sandy Moonblade's attack caused damage, the target's injury would continue to increase for a period of time, and the power of the moonlight would be increased by the target's injury, ranging from 1% to 5%. basic attributes.

But now, this blood-sucking ability has become this kind of continuous damage as curse damage. While being injured, it will suffer from several negative states such as weakness, confusion, fear, blindness, deafness, pain, stiffness, numbness, and dizziness. The severity and duration of one of the attacks is related to the mental power of the target.

At first glance, it seems that there is a conjurer helping him during the battle, but Ye Zhongming has rich experience, and he knows it after a little thought.

When fighting, if you are fighting against warriors, usually the mental power is not too high, so once they are cut by the passive ability of the earth sand and moon blade, the negative status will definitely be greatly affected. If there is a dizziness or the like, even Just one second is enough for Ye Zhongming to kill his opponent.

And if you are fighting against long-range or spell-like professionals with high mental power, basically relying on the sharpness of the weapon itself can solve the problem,

There is no need to let them have any negative state at all.

This skill alone has almost increased Ye Zhongming's combat effectiveness by 10%.

The second skill that has changed is the moonlight field. Now when the moonlight field is activated, resentful souls will be generated in it, causing infection to the target. On the basis of slowness and dizziness, the negative state of corrosion will be added.

Then there is the sandstorm moonlight tornado. Before this ability, as long as the moonlight field is canceled, the energy can be converted into a sandstorm moonlight tornado, causing double damage of light and earth attack to the target. Now, it is triple damage, as well as darkness. Damage, other things remain unchanged, the power of this ability is still related to the number of tornadoes selected by the controller, the fewer the number of tornadoes, the higher the power.

What surprised Ye Zhongming the most was the newly added ability in addition to the previous six abilities.

"Ability 7, undead rift."

"When a weapon's attack leaves traces on any inanimate place, these traces will become undead cracks in a short period of time, and according to the depth and length of the traces, undead life of different strengths will be generated from it, each The speed and quantity of cracks that can be generated are directly proportional to the user's evolution level, mental power, and attack power when cracks are created,"

"Dead Sand Moon Blade (Purple)."

Not only has the name changed for this named weapon, but it also has an extra ability!

Thought it would be broken, but made great progress, Ye Zhongming felt the joy of regaining what was lost.

He picked it up and scratched it on the ground, and cut a knife mark about two meters long with the light of the knife, but the mark was different from usual, because it had a bright color on it.

It looks like LED lights are lit up in the knife marks.

Within two seconds, two skeleton hands protruded from the knife mark, and opened the gap, making a big hole in the light. Then, a three-meter-tall skeleton warrior came out of it.

He looked around and found no enemy, so he stood in front of Ye Zhongming dumbly.

Ye Zhongming waited, and after a while, another skeleton dog came out, about two meters in length, and another six or seven seconds later, a green-skinned zombie appeared, with sharp teeth bared, bent body, dark green Eyes cast around.

Ye Zhongming found that he could only designate the targets of these undead life attacks, but he could not control them for complex battles like commanding war beasts.

However, he was already very satisfied. It didn't take much effort to cut a trace, and he could summon three undead lives. Ye Zhongming tested his strength, and it should be around level three.

Ye Zhongming was delighted to see Lie Xin. He first greeted his subordinates, telling them not to care about his experiment, and then sent out a full blow to the ground with Wan Chong Yin Dao Zhan, which cut a deep hole in the ground. The cracks are tens of meters long.

I fought for a whole day today, and repaired two pieces of equipment. I had consumed a lot of mental power before. Ye Zhongming was a little tired. Thinking about these undead beings, he would not make any aggressive behavior anyway. He simply fell asleep and waited. Wake up and see how many such lives can be summoned.

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