Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and forty-six

Xiaohu's new ability has aroused heated discussions among the core members of Yunding, and many people have already started a round of how to apply it to maximize the effect. Some people even asked, should they take advantage of Xiaohu's ability and go to the Witch Palace now to catch them by surprise?

The triumphant little tiger even performed a five-level borrowing in front of A Yang, Yun Shao, Tang Tang, and Yang Gos, who was afraid of chaos, and blew up those beast birthstones.

Later, when Ye Zhongming found out, he severely criticized him.

Fortunately, this ability is still primary, and the cooling time is within an acceptable range.

"Xiaohu's current strength should be ranked in the top five or even the top three among the evolutionaries in Genting, right?" Ye Zhongming came back, and the core members who were outside came back after getting the news. The completed teleportation array came to Yunding for the first time. This evolutionary who was still a young man at that time is now a big boss, holding offshore resources, and provided a lot of materials and magic crystals to Yunding headquarters.

Of course, Ye Zhongming did not treat him badly. Not only was his evolution level the same as the core members’ seven-star level, but he was also equipped with high-quality blue outfits. He was also protected by a ten-man guard trained by Ye Zhongming himself. All of them were at the six-star level. The professional collocation is reasonable, and the equipment can be called luxurious.

This time also coincided with the return of Lu Yi's caravan. It can be said that in Ye Zhongming's villa in Yunding, all the senior management of Yunding were gathered together at this time. Even Zhao Xingmei, Baifeng Shasha and others attended the meeting. Those who were beside them, There are also the heads of several big forces in Yingcheng. It's just that they have a meeting with the top management of Yunding for the first time. They seem a little nervous, but they are really excited.

Some legendary 'characters' who are usually invisible are now alive in front of their eyes.

For example, Xia Lei who is as high as a queen, for example Xia Bai, who has a cold temperament and will stand in the corner behind Ye Zhongming even in meetings, for example Pu Xiuying, who is holy, for example, Dihuang Wan, who climbs like a hill, for example, sticking out of the window. Yanggos, who has a big head but occupies almost a quarter of the conference room, spits out national curses from time to time, such as the famous red makeup guards who are in charge of the realm around him. Also, Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan, who are completely god-level figures...

Of course, no one can ignore Ye Zhongming, a man who is just sitting there with a smile, but who is like a sea god needle.

To be honest, when these people were summoned, they still had no idea. They didn’t know why the king of this territory suddenly asked them to come. They also asked Zhao Xingmei and others who came with them before, but they didn’t know. .

Anyone who can speak loudly at such a plenary meeting, even in Yunding, is a person of high status. When everyone looked over, they saw Xiaohu who had just returned and Lu Yi was standing next to him with a smile on his face. (fastest update)

In Yunding, Lu Yi's position may not be so high, but outside, he is the most well-known besides Ye Zhongming, Xia Bai, Xia Lei, Xiaohu, Liang Chuyin, Mo Ye and others. In a certain way, Lu Yi represents Yunding. specialty.

This time when he came back, Ye Zhongming had already cooperated with Ventilation and Shui Deacon in the business route in advance. Lu Yi was very happy, because it was obvious that Ye Zhongming would leave the matter to him.

This is a big deal.

Xiaohu laughed and shook his head again and again. Although his ability has been greatly improved this time, when it comes to the one-on-one ability, only the first ability, the authoritative gaze, is the most helpful. The latter two, one is an assassin skill, and the other is a group skill. Difficult to apply in combat.

So when it comes to the combat power of a single player, Ye Zhongming ranks first in the entire Genting, followed by Xia Bai. These are the two most unjust people. Afterwards, you can say anything. Some people say it is Mo Ye , some say it's Xia Lei, some say it's Liang Chuyin, some say it's Sheng Yuan, some say it's Guangyao, and now some say it's Xiaohu.

But how, is simply a mystery. Haven't really fought each other, no one knows.

However, among core members,

It is more inclined to Mo Ye and Sheng Yuan, especially after Sheng Yuan got two purple shields this time.

However, there is still a gossip circulating among the middle and high level of Yunding, saying that Liang Chuyin is the real third, at least when no one else has evolved to eight stars.

How this rumor came about is not clear to everyone, but there is no reason for it to be groundless, so many people look at the internet celebrity sitting there with a smile on their faces, and they look suspicious.

When everyone arrived, Ye Zhongming stopped talking to the people next to him and sat up straight. The scene immediately became quiet, and even Yangos, who had been glaring at Dihuang Wan over there, calmed down.

"I'm sorry to let everyone come over and waste everyone's time."

When Ye Zhongming said this, there was a chorus of shouts of honor below, most of which were from the old men in Yingcheng.

"Let's get straight to the point." Ye Zhongming looked around, then stretched out three fingers, and the first one was pressed down.

The scene is even more audible.

"Starting from today, Yunding will start to purchase unlimited materials, war beast cubs, magic crystals, various metals and rare mutant life specimens, and no longer limit the scale of entering the secret realm, but the time and place of return, You must obey the order, and those who do not return on time will not keep the space gate. At the same time, Yunding will also open large transactions, open the sale of silver equipment and green equipment, and open the control of third-level genetic life and Yunding Type 1 magic crystal firearms."

When the people below heard it, they immediately exploded.

This is no small matter.

This means that Genting's policy will undergo great changes!

In the past, gene life and magic crystal firearms would never be sold!

Each of the three special products in Genting is very desirable, and now all three of them have opened up good things that have never been sold before, making everyone fall into ecstasy after being shocked.

Especially after Ye Zhongming made a supplementary explanation, everyone was relieved.

Unlimited purchases of various materials such as magic crystal war beast cubs, etc., Yunding naturally can't afford so much money, the method they adopt is to exchange them with equipment of similar value.

In the past, Yunding also sold equipment, and the sales volume was not bad, and the price for people from forces like Yingcheng was slightly lower than the market price.

But at this time of full evolution towards four stars, what are you wearing? Most of them are white, and the silver ones are all very bullish characters, such as the water deacon Jin Zhongyuan Gyanendra that Ye Zhongming saw, who are holding gold or purple equipment, they are all top-notch people from various countries, It cannot be compared with ordinary evolutionists.

In other words, even if the equipment at Genting is relatively cheap, the evolutionists around Yingcheng don’t have much money to buy it. Many of them have gray and white mixed on their bodies. Only the middle-level leaders of various forces can All in white with some silver in it, all the leaders are talented and green.

In his previous life, Ye Zhongming was an ordinary evolutionary. Ten years ago, the green equipment was still his highest level equipment.

Why is the equipment so much better? Without him, expensive!

Evolutionary equipment is only one aspect. What they need the most is still the evolution potion. A single evolution potion is enough for an evolutionary to risk his life for a whole year or even several years. Where are there extra magic crystals to buy? Better equipment, this is not counting those professional scroll skill scrolls and the like.

So even now, more than four years after the end of the world, the white-level equipment is still the most sold by Yunding, and even the gray equipment has a certain sales volume. After all, compared with other equipment of the same level, the equipment of Yunding is of better quality. Equipment descriptions are also clearer.

As for the green equipment, Genting usually only provided a small amount to the bosses of the affiliated forces before.

Now, Yunding can purchase all kinds of things without limit, that is to say, it can completely make up for the lack of quality with quantity, and rely on the accumulation of quantity to exchange for better equipment.

For these bosses, there is no better news.

There are also cub seeds of various mutated lives, which Yunding didn't want in the past, and they would eat or throw them away if they caught them, but now they can be exchanged for things!

These are only for ordinary evolutionists. These bosses are interested in equipment above the green level, as well as magic crystal weapons and genetic life.

Although everyone is very clear in their hearts that the Genetic Life Level 3 and Yunding 1 Magic Crystal Guns, which have never been heard of before, should be specially used for export in Yunding Villa, they must not be used by others, but this is okay, even if it is powerful. The smallest magic crystal gun is also slightly stronger than the white attack equipment.

Ye Zhongming also said some other rules, such as the green equipment needs to be exchanged with some items designated by Genting, and everyone thought it was very reasonable.

The more precious something is, it is natural to exchange it with a matching one.

"Second." Ye Zhongming pressed down the second finger with his outstretched hand.

"I decided to expand Genting's sphere of influence."


Many people don't understand Ye Zhongming's words very deeply. They don't understand what the King of Cloud Top is doing and what it has to do with them.

After Ye Zhongming spoke, Xia Lei stood up and lifted the black cloth from a table in the center of the meeting room, signaling everyone to come and take a look. After walking in, everyone found that it was a detailed map centered on Yunding.

Among them, there are several areas painted in red around them. After counting, there are six in total.

Careful people have found that these six areas, connected together, just include Yunding in the center, and these six areas are all centered on the city.

" mean, let's go out and occupy these cities?"

Although Zhao Xingmei and her Xingmei company are still headquartered in Yingcheng, Yunding's previous operations, as long as other people are required to participate, she has actively joined, but the scope of her activities has actually surpassed the sphere of influence of Yunding and Yingcheng. Women, ambition is always there.

It was because of Xingmei Company's expansion strategy, even to put it a bit harshly, the strategy of going to Genting as much as possible, that made her understand Ye Zhongming's intention at once.

"Yes, for example, Fengzhou. Xingmei Company is very influential there now. If you agree with my plan, then this area centered on Fengzhou will be your jurisdiction in the future."

Zhao Xingmei's face was slightly red, knowing that her actions had long been seen by Ye Zhongming, but obviously, he didn't care too much, knowing that even if Xingmei's actions could really keep his subordinates from being affected by Yunding as much as possible, Zhao Xingmei herself, But she can't leave Yunding, after all, everything here is of great help to her, and it will be very difficult to really go out and stand on her own.

"I know you are not very clear, let me put it this way, I am going to establish six jurisdictions around Yunding and Yingcheng, and select the heads of the six regions from among you to coordinate and lead everything in these regions. You will With the strong support of Yunding, not only will there be a cheaper price in the purchase of equipment such as genetic life magic crystal weapons, but I will even support you with a batch of supplies for free."

"As for the purpose, I want to expand Yunding's influence and turn these areas into material bases and hunting grounds for the Yunding system."

This idea, Ye Zhongming has been brewing for a long time, because with the retirement of time, the scale of the "Genting Department" composed of major organizations in Yunding Villa and Yingcheng has become more and more large. With the control area unchanged, the allocation of resources is actually It has become more and more tense, and conflicts between them have begun to appear, because things like snatching hunting grounds happen from time to time.

Although they all respect Ye Zhongming as the boss and obey Ye Zhongming's orders, if this situation continues for a long time, there will be great differences, and the final result will be division or even internal strife.

In particular, these forces have been working with Yunding, and they have gained more benefits than other organizations. They have also developed faster, and their "body shape" has begun to expand.

For example, the organizations of Xingmei Company and Baifeng Sasha are like this. It would be a bit inappropriate to trap them in a small British city.

The current Yingcheng is not the past life of millions of zombies. Now the city is much cleaner. Except for the rats underground, there are not many mutated life forms on the ground.

To put it bluntly, resources are no longer enough.

At this time, expansion has become inevitable. Yunding Mountain Villa itself actually needs to expand. A small mountain can no longer satisfy the increasing number of members of Yunding.

"I agree!"

Bai Feng was the first to express his position. Since returning to Genting, this man's position has always been firm, even firmer than Zhao Xingmei, and he and Ye Zhongming have expressed their desire to enter the Genting series.

"I also agree." Zhao Xingmei naturally had no reason to object, …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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