Roulette World

1447th mass production level 3

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The delineation of their respective jurisdictions does not mean that Genting will let them go. There will be special supervision offices and tax offices established in their bases. Although they do not participate in the management of specific jurisdictions, they must also ensure that these jurisdictions and Genting Maintain an absolute relationship between them to prevent them from doing anything harmful to the villa. At the same time, a certain share of income must be collected as tax.

There is no way for anyone to be right about this. After all, this jurisdiction plan is equivalent to Genting investing in them, and it is right to ask for a return after making a profit. They also trust Ye Zhongming and know that this is a man who keeps his word.

"About the tax ratio..." Ye Zhongming's short words made the ears of those appointed as the bosses of the jurisdiction prick up.

This is a matter of their future earnings.

"It will be decided after everyone has heard the third thing."

Everyone rolled their eyes in their hearts, but they didn't dare to do anything on the surface.

"Every jurisdiction will become the jurisdiction of Genting xx in the name of the outside world in the future. This is not negotiable." Ye Zhongming looked around at the bosses of the six districts, "What can be discussed is, when you control these jurisdictions, what identity do you use? ?”

Everyone was confused.

With what identity? Is this a problem?

Only Baifeng, Sasha, and Zhao Xingmei, the three people who had the most contact with Yunding and Ye Zhongming, realized something, and their expressions were different.

Baifeng and Sasha were slightly excited, while Zhao Xingmei was worried and hesitant.

"The jurisdiction is a certain jurisdiction in Yunding. You can use the name of the city or you can name it yourself. But as the team in power, you can choose to add the word Yunding in front of it."


Bai Feng clenched his fist and knocked on his leg.

He once betrayed for the sake of power, it may be more serious to say that, after all, Ye Zhongming was dead at that time, after being taught a lesson, he realized the strength of this man, and has been closely following the King of Cloud Top ever since.

Bai Feng has expressed more than once that he wants to enter Yunding Villa and incorporate the team into it.

It was only because of the previous events that even though Xia Lei and the others had no opinion of him, they still had some estrangement after all, so Ye Zhongming never agreed.

Now that Ye Zhongming said this, people couldn't understand it immediately, but Bai Feng understood it immediately.

This is to establish a real peripheral force.

Just like the ordinary disciples of those sects in ancient times, they can bear the name of the sect.

And the former ones were at best outsiders of the Yunding sect, living by the sect.

For Baifeng, it is not a problem for Sasha, who has been able to enter Yunding all the time, but has not followed Ye Zhongming's instructions, even if there is no benefit.

But for Zhao Xingmi and other forces, this is a problem.

If Ye Zhongming asked them to directly become members of Yunding Villa, that would be fine, and they would probably agree, but now they are at most 'outsiders', whose status is far less free than his own as the boss, and must be managed by Yunding. Some people are uncomfortable.

After taking a look at the following, Ye Zhongming didn't care at all and said: "If you have the name of Genting, then naturally you have to obey the orders of Genting. I can say bluntly that the team that chooses this option will lose part of the control to a certain extent. , Genting will fully take over your personnel and finances, and conduct all-round supervision of you."

"I can say very clearly that this is Genting's reserve team, which is part of our Genting sequence."

There was no sound in the hall, whether it was the core executives who had known for a long time, or the ordinary core members who had heard about it for the first time, and the bosses who had a lot to do with themselves, they all listened quietly.

There was only one voice in the entire hall, and that was Ye Zhongming's.

"If you don't choose, naturally you don't force it. We will only send supervisors in Yunding, as long as you don't do things that harm Yunding and my interests."


Ye Zhongming continued: "Then let me talk about the tax ratio before."

"If you are willing to bear the name of Genting, then Genting will fully accept the team's financial system, and Genting will deduct 50% of the trade quota as the amount turned over to Genting."

"If you don't want to bear the name of Genting, then Genting will only supervise and monitor the financial system of the team. After Genting's calculation, we will take 20% of the net profit."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he stood up, "There are still some small spots on this map, and I have marked them all. They are places like county towns, and they are sub-level hunting grounds. Anyone who wants to go here, You can also sign up, but what I want to say is that without my permission, Genting will not provide shelter to the teams who go to these places without my permission, and will directly clean them up."

"Okay, the matter is very important, everyone think about it, wait a moment, just give me a result."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhongming led the people from Yunding immediately, and in the entire conference room, only those leaders of the Yingcheng forces were left.


"Boss, it's a little troublesome to do this. Just ask them to submit. If you don't agree, get out." Xiaohu stared at him, thinking that the boss's method was too cumbersome and useless.

Lu Yi laughed: "Huzi, is Yunding so easy to advance? We were lucky. When we followed Zhongming, we were in the fledgling period. Under his leadership, we worked hard for this mountain village, and finally With today's situation."

"What about these people? They have also paid for Genting, but Genting has never treated them badly. It is more of an exchange of interests between the two parties. It is okay to keep them independent and live around Genting. Let them join. People really Are you willing? Even if they are willing, are you willing? Would you like these people to sit on an equal footing with you? Are our Genting fighters willing?"

Hearing what Lu Yi said, Xiaohu groaned twice, thinking that this was the case.

"Genting needs to continue to develop. Expanding the scale is the only way, but the people we absorb must be people who have to pass the test, and they must be people who can be trusted. Such talents are qualified, and those outside are poor. Make sense."

Xia Lei walked slowly beside Ye Zhongming, and took Lu Yi's words.

"That's the truth, but the boss's final request is a bit harsh, right? A 50% fee, and, those who are willing to bear the name of Genting, but those who don't want only 20%, what's the matter? "

Ye Zhongming laughed, "Half of the trade quota must be more than 20% of the net profit?"

Xiaohu groaned again, not understanding what it meant, and everyone laughed.

"Hey, you are so stupid. With our name, how can the boss not help, and the benefits can be compared with those who don't have the name?!"

Candy pinches Xiaohu's arm, complaining that he is too stupid a man.

Xiaohu didn't care at all, just smiled, and exchanged a look of mutual understanding with Ye Zhongming.


Everyone did not stay in Ye Zhongming's villa, but came to the genetic life laboratory.

Many people, such as Ganlan Mina Xiaopeng and others, came here for the first time, even the other core members, after their achievements here became more and more brilliant, they were rarely allowed to come here.

Everyone is full of curiosity about everything here.

Liu Zhenghong's aura of dominating everything in her own territory made Xia Lei feel inferior.

"Everything you see, you must not spread it after you get out of here, especially the male life that often thinks with the lower body, otherwise I will make you female."

Sister Hong was so domineering even in warning, that all the men present felt a tightness between their legs.

Soon, everyone was led by Sister Hong to an underground building.

The area of ​​the villa is limited, and it is impossible for the two laboratories to expand infinitely. At the same time, for safety reasons, the underground construction has already begun. Now, the core part of the laboratory has not been transferred to the mountain of Yunding Mountain at all. I want to attack here , unless it is to blow away a big mountain, otherwise it can only be attacked from Yunding Villa a little bit.

Not to mention that it is almost as solid as gold.

During the walk, everyone was very quiet, and occasionally said a few words, all in a soft voice, as if they were afraid of disturbing the experimenters here.

In fact, everyone is a little scared.

is afraid.

Logically speaking, these evolutionaries who have lived in the last days for more than four years are all high-level evolutionaries. They have seen them on all kinds of occasions. The direct lives in their hands may be eighty if not one hundred. What kind of emotion is fear, unless it is facing death.

But now, they are walking in the corridor of the laboratory, smelling the faint smell of medicine and blood mixed here, listening to the occasional, extremely subtle roar, and the experimenters passing by from time to time, it seems to be watching a piece of blood. The indifferent eyes that moved the flesh and blood made all these people panic.

Reminiscent of some rumors about the genetic life laboratory, and the appearance of those genetic life, they felt sad sweat came out.

A huge white metal door appeared in front of her. Liu Zhenghong walked over, verified her pupils, fingerprints and voice, and entered the password before the door opened.

Everyone rushed in, and they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

In front of him was an incomparably huge space. There were four rows of huge metal platforms, five or six meters wide, and over a hundred meters in length. At the same time, the metal platforms at the end curled up, forming several rings.

On both sides of these metal platforms, some experimenters were busy. They manipulated various machines, and their eyes never left the top of these metal platforms.

Naturally, it is not these metals and machines that can shock the core members, but the... objects above.

They can only describe it this way. There are many different types of bodies hanging from hooks and sickles. They are constantly moving on the conveyor belt, and then stop in front of each machine. These extremely strong bodies are either cut off or stitched or injected Or transplant... In short, these bodies are being remodeled. It wasn't until they walked all over these metal platforms that they were sent into a metal cabin at the end, each end had a separate cabin, and the inside was filled with a light blue solution.

Afterwards, these metal cabins were sent to the side wall to stand upright, and a series of translucent tubes passed through the metal cabins, communicating with the space inside the cabin, replenishing the liquid consumed by these beings from time to time.

"Too, too sci-fi!"

Candy is young, has not experienced any decent battles, and has the worst mental quality. If Xiaohu hadn't hugged her in the corridor just now, her legs would have been weak.

Now seeing this kind of scene that can only be seen in sci-fi movies before the end of the world, I can't help being amazed.

Liu Zhenghong glanced at her, not knowing whether it was blame or instinct.

"This is a three-level gene life production line."

Liu Zhenghong pointed to these metal platforms and said.

Everyone collectively sighed, and then they suddenly realized that the current Genting can already mass-produce third-level life?

In the past, Genting’s genetic life unit was always mysterious, directly controlled by Ye Zhongming, and rarely showed up in battle. What everyone has seen, at most, only glimpsed the true face when conducting experiments. The specifics, probably only a few people know .

At the same time, everyone also knows that Genting's technology can already produce relatively stable level-6 genetic fighters, but the number should not be many. Compared with these level-3 beings, they don't seem to be very good.

But everyone knows that individual manufacturing and large-scale two-field are completely different concepts. As long as the materials are reorganized, Yunding can even gather millions of third-level lives in a short period of time. Stay away.

"The decisions Xiao Yezi made just now naturally have resources, territories, and development reasons, but not all of them."

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