Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and fifty-four golden jade pendants

Regarding Ye Zhongming's going and returning, Liu Zhenghong guessed the reason for coming with just a little surprise.

"Little Yezi, you don't think that what I said is easy, but it will be easy to transfer the space gene to the living egg in practice, right?"

Ye Zhongming was slightly taken aback, he really hadn't thought about this problem, he instinctively thought that it should be a very easy thing.

"If you want it, just wait. I estimate that after five days, I will give you five more."

Ye Zhongming was a little disappointed, but he also knew that science is not just a matter of lip service, and Liu Zhenghong has actually done a good job.

Just when Ye Zhongming was about to leave, Liu Zhenghong stopped him, hesitated for a moment, and said: "In order to implant space genes into living eggs suitable for them, we need to deal with the eggs. Ordinary eggs do not exist now, but Of those ninth-level life eggs you brought back, I happened to do one of them, do you want to use it?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhenghong seemed a little bit reluctant, and hurriedly said: "You can think about it, after all, there is a chance of failure in manufacturing. If that egg is placed in my laboratory, although it is still an experimental problem, the possibility of producing results is very high. At least, after this period of research, I'm sure that I can hatch them, and there will be a few more cubs of ninth-level life in Yunding."

Ye Zhongming was in a dilemma.

He really wasn't sure that he could use this egg to create it successfully. Even if it was successful, he didn't know whether a ninth-level cub would be more helpful to Yunding, or a piece of space equipment would be more helpful to Yunding. After all, there is too much unpredictability in the growth process of the ninth-level cubs, and it is a problem to die in battle or not to upgrade to the ninth level at all.

But if he was asked to give up at this point, he would not be reconciled.

Finally, he thought about it for a while, and decided to take the egg away.

As a craftsman, a top craftsman, how can he give up manufacturing because he is afraid of failure? This is ridiculous.

Ye Zhongming adjusted his mentality, smiled and left with the egg of a ninth-level life. Liu Zhenghong glared at him from behind, and then smiled too.

This is what a leader should look like in the last days!

Take it when you need it, use it when you need it, and be selfish when you want it to be selfish!

Liu Zhenghong even thought that Xiao Yezi's personality was a bit too 'soft', otherwise Yunding would definitely become a real war machine now.

But at the same time, she also admitted in her heart that she would rather be with Ye Zhongming like this. No matter how powerful she is, she is still only one person after all. The feeling that she can enjoy the shade without being betrayed is what she enjoys.

Back in the house, Ye Zhongming took out the egg and shook his head slightly.

These nine-level materials were brought back and taught to Liu Zhenghong. After she was asked to study, she would return Ye Zhongming to make equipment. Because of the success rate, Ye Zhongming felt that it was still too little.

He had to have such a thought in his mind.

Could it be that Yunding is also trying to hunt down level nine life forms?

After this idea appeared, it became a little irresistible, and the voice of a ninth-level life appeared in Ye Zhongming's mind. Perhaps, that guy is more suitable for Yunding to hunt and kill.

Temporarily put aside this idea, Ye Zhongming decided to still make accessories after thinking for a while. As for whether only accessories conform to the space gene or is something else, we will talk about it later.

This time Ye Zhongming chose to make a jade pendant, a jade pendant with drawings.

Originally, this was a blueprint for a piece of green equipment called Dust Peel. After it is manufactured, it can have three abilities. One is that when walking on sand, the speed will be increased, and the other is that it can attack sandstorms. This is an area skill, but the attack power is a bit low, but the cooling time mechanism is very special. When using the first five times, the cooling time is only one minute. After the fifth time, it will enter a five-day cooling period.

The last skill is to condense sand into a tower.

After a sandstorm attack, the remaining sand on the ground reaches a certain amount, and a sand tower will be formed automatically, in which some staring sand balls will be launched to attack the enemy.

After ten, the entire sand tower exploded and turned into several sand balls for a range attack.

Among the green equipment, there are not many sand-dust skills, but they can still be used. However, because the overall attack power is relatively low, the materials required are not only extremely precious, but they are also expensive, so this equipment Ye Zhongming is not too big. Large-scale manufacturing, only a few pieces were produced for those in need.

But this is a relatively high-level one among the few accessories drawings in his hand.

Ye Zhongming did not make it directly, but made one first, familiarized himself with the process, and finally began to formally put the ninth-level life egg implanted with space genes into it.

The whole process was far from as difficult as Ye Zhongming imagined, as if everything was going well, after putting in the egg, the accessory whose formula was changed did not show any instability, which made Ye Zhongming wonder if it was an accessory Innately compatible with genetic life.

At the same time, the process lasted a bit long, and Ye Zhongming's mental strength was also a bit high, but in his opinion, this is a good phenomenon, which is in line with the status of a ninth-level material.

At a certain moment, the whole room was illuminated by golden light, which came out through the windows, making it clear to everyone outside that the boss was making equipment, and it looked like it was a golden equipment.

Indeed, what Ye Zhongming held at the moment was a golden jade pendant.

"No hindrance to sand dust."

This is the name of this piece of equipment. Ye Zhongming just looked at it and understood that the space gene has successfully left characteristics on it.

Looking at the abilities above, Ye Zhongming was overjoyed.

The first ability before, originally walking on the sand and dust would only increase the speed, but now, it has some characteristics of disguised displacement, but the teleportation distance is not far, only………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………

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