Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and fifty-five plans do not go well

The number of skills has not changed, but the skills have changed. The level has increased, from the green level on the blueprint to the real gold level.

In terms of skills alone, it is indeed inferior to other golden equipment, but this is not a fault. Equipment, even at the same level, must have advantages and disadvantages. For example, the bloody boots are Ye Zhongming's earliest golden equipment. One, there are not many skills, but they are very practical.

Now this unhindered sand and dust pendant, thanks to the space attribute, does not have many skills, but it is very good. Ye Zhongming went out to test it, and the power is also good. At least even if it faces an eight-star evolutionary, it is still a certain threat. The two skills are also especially suitable for group attacks.

Putting this ordinary space equipment on her body, Ye Zhongming knew that the manufacturing of space equipment was coming to an end for the time being. Liu Zhenghong didn't have much time to get these 'space eggs' for him, and she had more important things to do. Do.

Ye Zhongming could only let go of his anxious state of mind, knowing that this kind of thing should not be rushed. If Liu Zhenghong's research on space genes can make a breakthrough, it may be of great help and improvement to his manufacturing.

The bosses of the various factions have already left Yunding and went back to prepare for the battle. Whether they want to bear the name of Yunding or keep their own, they are actually very excited that they can control a piece of territory, because it means a new beginning.

Yunding also became busy, cooperating with Wanshou Manor, Heshui Deacon, and the previous shop with Wuhuanqian Ogre Chain and many other forces. Every cooperation means a lot of materials and products. And Ye Zhongming also needs to prepare for the upcoming wave of transactions. Once the major forces in Yingcheng complete the control of the jurisdiction, they will definitely enter the secret realm on a large scale. In addition, those who are not qualified to control their own jurisdiction from tomorrow will definitely For the small forces that venture into the secret realm, it will be time to test whether Genting's funds and supplies are sufficient.

Leaving other things to Xia Lei, Ye Zhongming fell into a frenzied creation.

In order to get the materials conveniently, Ye Zhongming directly moved into the material warehouse, and with his entry, the entire Yunding also began to operate.

The main battle team and even the guardian battle are attacking everywhere, constantly hunting and killing all kinds of mutated life forms. Many surrounding forces will be informed one day in advance that a certain area will become the hunting ground of Yunding tomorrow. Please do not break in for the time being, otherwise you will become an enemy deal with.

This kind of ban period is basically only one day, and occasionally two or three days before it ends. Afterwards, when a team enters, there will be no traces except for a large amount of blood. I don't know what Yunding is hunting here. , at least they didn't find any special mutated life in these areas.

Occasionally, there will be some rumors, such as Genting is experimenting with new weapons and genetic life, but no one has conclusive evidence.

Busy people, in addition to Ye Zhongming and these four teams, there are also people in charge of logistics such as Xia Lei Miya, they have to do a lot of work every day, such as counting various data, various grain items, and summarizing transaction lists , and even coordinate the battle dates of the major teams, accept secret materials and other miscellaneous things.

And those newly established various factories and production lines, as well as many things in the Beast Camp, made them even more busy.

In the end, Xia Lei had to call Guangyao and Mo Ye to let their deputy fight instead of them. They left one responsible for coordinating the military affairs, and one temporarily taking over the defense of the entire Yunding.

Xia Lei herself was completely devoted to the logistics work.

The equipment that keeps flowing out of Ye Zhongming's first case is related to whether all kinds of transactions can go smoothly. This is a huge amount of wealth, and Xia Lei must be responsible for it personally.

Looking at the green equipment appearing like flowing water, Xia Lei, who is used to seeing good things, was both surprised and delighted.

The good news is that after Ye Zhongming became a top craftsman, the manufacturing speed, manufacturing success rate and manufacturing diversity have all been qualitatively improved.

Now, Ye Zhongming can produce more than 20 pieces of green equipment and 300 pieces of silver equipment a day. As for the gray equipment, Ye Zhongming has completely given up. The blue equipment appears.

You must know that what Ye Zhongming is making now are all 'foreign trade products', they are all made by random combination with his own knowledge of equipment, and there is a gap in function compared with those made according to the drawings. But it is still possible to make blue equipment, which used to require blueprint formulas, and there are basically one or two pieces every day, which is enough to show Ye Zhongming's great progress.

The success rate has also increased a lot. Thirty times of manufacturing, so few failures are considered bad luck.

In addition, the types of these manufactured equipment can be said to be varied, and the belts and belts are used for everything. What is made is completely based on the characteristics and state of the material, and the manufacturing method that is most suitable for the material is used.

Under such circumstances, the quality of these equipment is naturally very good, at least in the eyes of others, it is no less than the blueprint equipment.

Because Ye Zhongming's manufacturing speed is too fast, there are two manufacturing professionals and three soldiers of the red makeup guards around him. The manufacturing professionals are helping Ye Zhongming, selecting and sorting out the materials. Simple, it can also help to deal with the material. And the three soldiers of the red makeup guards are responsible for calculating the skills of each equipment made by Ye Zhongming in detail, and then packing them into boxes for records, and then handing them over to Xia Lei, who is responsible for selecting some high-quality equipment from these equipments. , leave it to Genting for its own use.

Relying on his strong mental strength, Ye Zhongming only needs to rest for five hours a day. Every minute and every second, he is creating huge value.

What makes Xia Lei helpless is that Ye Zhongming's manufacturing speed is so fast that the materials consumed every day are huge. Because of Ye Zhongming, a great craftsman, Yunding usually pays great attention to the collection of materials. It can be said that the entire country In this area, there are very few forces that dare to compare their material reserves with Yunding.

But once Ye Zhongming entered the crazy manufacturing mode, these materials continued to disappear. The speed made Xia Lei's scalp tingle. Although there were still a lot of new materials being sent in at the same time, they couldn't keep up with the speed of consumption. .

The speed at which a superpower fully purchases materials is not as fast as the consumption speed of a single material. This fact makes all the core members of Genting who know the inside story, their jaws drop in shock.

The admiration for Ye Zhongming can no longer be described in words.

After Xiaohu found out, he held back for a long time and said, beast.

It is said that later, one day, Ye Zhongming went out to rest, and called Xiaohu to the Magic Crystal Weapons Testing Ground, and fought with Xiaohu in the name of exchanging ideas. If the result is not clear, anyway, when Ye Zhongming came back to continue making equipment, Xiaohu's nose was bruised and his face was swollen for several days.

Time passed by a little bit, and it has been ten days since the day when the plan was confirmed for a certain period of time in the future. Some news kept coming, and it was unbelievable that the expansion plan of the jurisdiction was not so smooth.

In fact, these areas are regarded as the edge of Yunding's sphere of influence, and will be more or less affected by Yunding. Before, Ye Zhongming said at the meeting that the original forces in these jurisdictions should be annexed or eliminated. This gave the big teams in the British City a lot of confidence, and even became a little arrogant because of this.

They do have the capital of arrogance. They are the affiliated teams of the Genting Department, and naturally they get the most benefits. They don't have to gamble on luck, and they can buy evolution potions at a low price. They can get all kinds of equipment from Yunding, the price is also cheap, and they can hire those warriors who are left behind, enter the secret realm for adventure, and earn a lot of money every time. Many people don't fight in the secret realm, but It is through some news from the posthumous people to guess where the battle took place. They specialize in digging magic crystals, and a short-lived profession-crystal diggers was born from this.

That's not to mention that they can even sell the corpses of mutated life forms to Genting, which is an almost costless business.

With many benefits, the natural strength of the major teams in Yingcheng is much higher than that of the teams in the surrounding areas.

In the past, they relied on Yunding to enjoy the blessings in Yingcheng, where there was almost no danger, so they were a little "not enterprising". Now that they have the opportunity to expand, they took the initiative to attack, thinking that they could easily obtain results, but they were met with fierce battles. resistance.

Whether it is Baifeng's team, Xingmei Company, or those forces whose jurisdiction is only in the county seat, almost every organization has been counterattacked by local forces. For those who want to invade their "homeland", the aborigines They showed a strong sense of resistance.

Few people agree with the 'recruitment' of the Yingcheng forces. In this case, fighting is inevitable.

On the map prepared by Ye Zhongming, with Yunding and Yingcheng as the center, the entire sphere of influence is full of wars.

This situation was not only underestimated by those teams, but even Genting was surprised.

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. If you want to invade other people's homes, they will naturally fight you desperately." The copper pot that had just returned from a mission still smelled of blood, and he talked about it with several core members at home. From his point of view Let's analyze the current situation.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Liang Chuyin has also been retained recently to be responsible for the affairs of the secret realm. This once-elusive Internet celebrity, after four years of baptism in the last days, has become a qualified team leader and middle-level manager. Let her out Then he can be alone, and only occasionally when facing Ye Zhongming, will he show his lively side.

"Although it is essentially being annexed, these forces should be able to see clearly. I can understand that the larger ones don't want to be subordinated to others, but what about those small forces and small teams? Life is difficult, and maybe a hunting failure will make them They disappeared completely, how could they have such a firm will to resist?"

The net red girl is not the person who used to use her fists to solve problems without using her brain. She touched the whip in her hand and thought about this problem.

"Of course it was infiltrated by someone." A voice sounded from behind, several people turned their heads and saw Ye Zhongming walking over.

Everyone stood up and said hello to the boss. At this stage, they are the real beneficiaries. The individual blue equipment that Ye Zhongming produces every day is distributed to these core members. Now, they are basically completed. With the achievement of full blue equipment, the next step is to start towards gold equipment, but that is too difficult, and there is no need to think about it in a few years.

Liang Chuyin hugged Ye Zhongming's arm, led him to sit on a chair, and gave him a massage in the back. When she thought that her man was making equipment every day besides eating and meditating to restore his mental strength, she felt distressed.

That's what people do. It's so unfair that the bosses of other organizations in the last days are domineering, but my own men work like coolies.

"Boss, what do you mean by being infiltrated?" Ayang asked aside.

Ye Zhongming closed his eyes slightly, enjoying Liang Chuyin's gentle massage, and said in his mouth: "Our Yunding is here, the goal is obvious, whether it is our enemies or our friends, they will always pay attention to us, the only difference It’s just, whether this attention is benign or malicious.”

Speaking of this, everyone is not a fool, so they understand a lot.

"You mean, these teams are all from other forces?"

Ye Zhongming shook his head slightly, "It's impossible for them to be all of them, but in the past two years, the major forces have been sending people around us, either pretending to be people who migrated here, or infiltrating and controlling the original forces, which has already made us They have gradually grown into a large scale. After the jurisdiction plan is announced this time, as long as the major forces in Yingcheng know about it, it means that those forces also know about it. Naturally, they will not give up the territory so willingly, let alone give up nearby surveillance. Genting's opportunity. Once the jurisdiction is established, they will be completely pushed out of Genting's sphere of influence. It will be much more difficult to obtain first-hand news."

Everyone came to a sudden, it seems that the boss launched the jurisdiction plan, in addition to the obvious reasons, there is also a reason to expel these nails.

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