Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and fifty-six send war beast

It's the Mouse King couple. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

There is also a little mouse that they bring with them, which is currently only one level.

Ye Zhongming also looked puzzled when he saw the Mutant Mouse King, whose body was bigger than an elephant.

The current mutant rat king and its main consort (this guy is not a dedicated rat) have both reached the seventh level of mutation and are evolving to eighth level. Ye Zhongming even felt the majestic power on them. strength.

They should be able to evolve to the eighth level at any time. The reason why they don't evolve is because they are deliberately suppressed!

This made Ye Zhongming a little puzzled. Mutant life's desire for evolution and power is no less than that of evolutionists. Even in their more severe living environment than evolutionaries, these are the foundation of their survival. Humans still have This and that, but for mutated beings, there are only two meanings of living, evolution and reproduction, and there are only two things to do every day, eating and loving.

In this case, what made these two big rats suppress the level?

When Ye Zhongming was manufacturing equipment, he suddenly received a mental signal from the Shu King from outside the villa. He thought it was a problem with their expansion and asked for help, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The Mouse King and his wife lay in front of Ye Zhongming, without any guards except for the first-class little mouse beside them. This is undoubtedly an attitude, for a cowardly race like them who go to shit and are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of younger brothers , is already very rare.

The Shu King lay there, his small, almost invisible eyes looked at the expressionless Ye Zhongming from time to time, trembling all over.

Ye Zhongming was also amused. The mutated mice inherited some of the original species' personality traits, such as timidity, but they were only relative, especially at the level of the Mouse King. I don't know how many fights they have gone through to reach their current position. To say that they are afraid, Ye Zhongming believes that after all, whether it is himself or Xia Bai, or the Dihuang Wan on the ground of Yangos in the sky, they can easily kill them without protection. But to say that he was so afraid that his body was trembling, Ye Zhongming really didn't believe it.

It was pretended to show him.

"This... is dedicated to you."

A vague mental communication entered Ye Zhongming's consciousness, causing his gaze to fall on the little mouse who was pushed in front of him by the Mouse King and was looking at the surroundings with his small eyes in a useless manner.


At first, he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that this was just another special offspring of the mouse king couple population, but after a closer look, Ye Zhongming could see the difference.

He put the little mouse, which is now only the size of a palm, in his palm, observed it carefully, and felt a little surprised.

Ye Zhongming unexpectedly discovered at least three life characteristics in this little mouse. ()

One is from the dragon clan, which Ye Zhongming is most familiar with. He spends all day with Yangos, who has repeatedly evolved to level eight, and he knows the aura and characteristics of the dragon clan. It reached the dragon wings under the skin on both sides of the body!

That's definitely the shape of a dragon's wing, almost exactly the same as Yangos's!

A mouse with dragon genes?

No matter how it mutates, it is impossible, so there is only one explanation, or the offspring of Liu Zhenghong's experimental body, or these mice somehow absorbed the genes of Yangos or other dragon life.

Either way, Ye Zhongming had to pay respect to these mice.

Their integration and openness to change their origin are not possessed by other beings.

Nobody wants to be 'something else'.

This is especially true for human beings. Although there are still many people who make themselves look like humans and ghosts, the vast majority of people still have considerable resistance to this.

In addition to the characteristics of the dragon family, Ye Zhongming also found human characteristics in this little mouse.

its limbs.

Although they are still too small now, it is obvious that the hind limbs are human legs,

The forelimbs are human hands, but now they are too thin and look deformed.

Ye Zhongming glanced at Shu Wang, and some inexplicable expressions flashed across his face.

Shu Wang immediately sent a fragment of chaotic and anxious consciousness, presumably explaining this matter.

Ye Zhongming waved his hand.

He actually doesn't mind how the Shu King obtained these human genes, he only cares about whether it will affect Genting.

At least for now, these rats have not shown any signs of threatening Genting.

The last feature, Ye Zhongming can't say what it is, it's not a mouse anyway, on both sides of its neck, there are three thin white lines similar to scars, where there is no white hair covering the whole body, only skin. And its tail, which is also bare, is white similar to the six marks on both sides of the neck, and its proportion to the body is a little out of sync, very thick.

Of course, what surprised Ye Zhongming even more was the energy contained in this little thing's body, which is not what a first-level mutated life should have, and it is almost the same as a third-level life.

"Very, promising, growing, strong, I want to give it to you."

The mouse king came up with this idea again, and then called twice to the female mouse on the side. The female mouse of the same seventh level first made a similar request to Ye Zhongming, and then straightened up after getting permission. I just saw that the lower abdomen of this female rat had a pouch-like body structure similar to that of a kangaroo. The forelimbs dug inside it twice, and an adult-sized pouch made of unknown animal skin was taken. He came out and placed it respectfully in front of Ye Zhongming.

Many evolutionaries present looked at the baby pouch suspiciously, and thought that it could really hold it in it. With such a big pouch, wouldn’t it take much effort to walk?

The red makeup guard soldier on the side came over and opened it cautiously, and the contents inside were immediately exposed.

It turned out to be a whole bag of scrolls.

Ye Zhongming put the little mouse who was still close to him aside, approached and flipped through the scrolls, he found that they were all spiritual scrolls, there were hundreds of them!

Most of them are spiritual skill scrolls, and a small part are spiritual professional scrolls. When Ye Zhongming discovered that there was a contract scroll inside, he probably understood what the Shu King meant.

"You gave it to me as a war beast?"

Pointing to the little mouse, Ye Zhongming asked the mouse king.

This guy has extremely high intelligence, but he is not a human after all. He cannot fully understand the meaning of the scrolls that are only applicable to humans. He only knows that the contract scrolls of war beasts are spiritual. Ye Zhongming.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming understood what it meant, Shu Wang was very excited. He danced and danced, and stood up. It was more than four meters long. It looked like a giant beast. Seeing Ye Zhongming looking up at him , immediately calmed down, and quickly lay down on the ground again, showing a flattering expression.

"But, why?" Ye Zhongming asked with narrowed eyes.

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