Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and fifty-seven, the future can be expected

The Shu King and his wife left. Due to communication problems, they didn't make it clear in the end what they were giving to Ye Zhongming War Beast.

But Ye Zhongming knew it after a little thought.

One thing that is certain is that this little mouse is the biological offspring of the Mouse King couple, not the third and fourth generations, but the real second generation!

And Ye Zhongming also learned of a situation, the mother of the little mouse, that is, the spouse of the mouse king, will not be able to bear children in the future, and this is its last child.

As for the reason, Ye Zhongming heard something from Liu Zhenghong before, which probably means that some life forms with extremely fast reproduction also have a limit, and when this limit is reached, they will lose the ability to reproduce.

Just like the house mouse before the end of the world, it matured very quickly, and then began to reproduce. The number of each litter increased from small to large, and reached the peak after a certain period of time. After that, the fertility began to decline, until it completely lost this aspect to a certain extent. function.

The mouse king will naturally have other offspring, but that female mouse is the last to breed.

Don't look at this situation as if this little mouse is not the last child of the Mouse King, but it is actually a real prince!

Because although its mother is not the mouse king, nor is it the only spouse of the mouse king, but she is the second in command in the whole group of mice, and her status is second only to the mouse king. Just look at their ranks.

Because of its own strength and very stable status, its children are much stronger than the offspring of those 'wildflowers'. (fastest update)

Such a biological son, or the youngest son, was given to Ye Zhongming as a war beast, which seemed a bit proton.

And the time when they send their sons is also critical.

The Shu King couple are about to evolve, maybe they will evolve to the eighth level when they go back this time.

This is very intriguing.

The Shu King and its population are currently doing things for Yunding, but the Shu King is actually very clear that it is not a part of Yunding, unless it is willing to become Ye Zhongming's war beast.

But is it willing? Obviously not!

It is used to the life of a king, it can do things for Ye Zhongming, but it will not become a servant.

But the Mouse King knows very well that it is not irreplaceable. It is the work done by it and its mutated mouse army in today's increasingly powerful Yunding, which can be replaced and completed by other beings.

Especially when it met the army of rats cultivated by Yunding, the rat king's feeling was even stronger.

It knows that Genting has bred a more obedient kind. Even if it is not possible to breed more for the time being, as long as they are given some time, the size of this war mouse army will expand dramatically. And the value of the Shu King will decrease accordingly, until Genting no longer needs it.

After being eliminated, the Shu King has only two ways out, one is to go far away and migrate. (uu novel is updated the fastest) The other one is naturally to become the hunting target of Yunding and contribute magic crystals and materials to others.

And does the first one work? No matter what Shu Wang thinks, he feels that it is impossible for him to escape Yunding's pursuit.

In this case, it has to consider the way out in the future.

It didn't even dare to evolve to the eighth level, for fear that Ye Zhongming would kill it, and used the eighth-level magic crystal on its forehead to turn the roulette.

The current Yunding is frantically attacking and killing eighth-level life forms! Shu Wang took part in several times with his subordinates, and his two main battle teams can kill a single level 8 with almost zero casualties. Even a group of life, plus a Yangos or Dihuang Wan, can easily win, In fact, if he encounters a stronger one, the red hair will take action.

Shu Wang knew that if someone killed him, he probably wouldn't even have to dispatch the redhead.

Just at the time of getting angry and worrying, its son was born, and a way of life was presented in front of it.

War beasts and evolutionaries are undoubtedly very close. Although they are masters and servants in essence, they basically regard each other as partners.

If its son becomes Ye Zhongming's war beast, then based on the relationship between them,

Ye Zhongming naturally wouldn't touch it, the mouse king.

Coincidentally, its son is extremely excellent, with huge energy contained in his body, he has shown excellent talent since he was born, and it is the best 'product' after genetic modification so far!

So there is today's scene.

When the Mouse King left, he was assured by Ye Zhongming that it was safe.

"Boss, are you really planning to accept a mouse as a war beast?"

Ayang scratched his head, always feeling that it was not very pleasant to say it.

Ye Zhongming smiled without hesitation.

"This is not an ordinary mouse." Putting this little guy in his hand and observing it over and over again, and even poking his mental power into his body to check, Ye Zhongming became happier the more he looked at it.

"When it grows up, well, I guess, that evil dragon is no match for it. The only one who can compare with it is probably the red-haired one."

so powerful? !

Everyone was a little stunned, not knowing where the confidence of the boss came from.

Although Yangos is annoying, everyone admits that in the whole Genting, except for the boss, Xia Bai and Hongfa who can stabilize one of its heads, Dihuangwan can probably fight it, and the rest of the people and beasts are not him opponent.

This little mouse will be at the same level as the red hair in the future?

Ye Zhongming was very happy, and took it to Liu Zhenghong's place. Sister Hong was also very interested after seeing it, and stayed to study it.

I stayed in the laboratory for a while, visited the currently top-secret highest-level genetic life project, and had a meal with Sister Hong in the laboratory before Ye Zhongming left.

Another day of making weapons and equipment, when he came out to rest, Ye Zhongming saw Xia Lei, Guangyao, and Mo Ye who had been staying at home in charge of the united front and logistics outside the door, all frowning and discussing something in a low voice. It seems that he wants to find Ye Zhongming, but he has not made up his mind.

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhongming knew that these three were decisive people, and there was nothing difficult about it, so he would never behave like this.

Seeing that the other two people turned their gazes to her face, Xia Lei had no choice but to say, "It's Hatsune."

Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows, "What happened to her?"

"The plan of the jurisdiction did not go well, especially the Guancheng side that Shasha was in charge of. Not only was it ambushed when it was recruiting to surrender, but the surrounding organizations even joined forces to form a coalition to fight against Shasha's team. The two sides fought almost every day. lost heavily."

When Xia Lei mentioned the reason, her voice was a little cold. She was already very angry in her heart for such a blatant and large-scale confrontation with Yunding.

"After you ordered Genting to make a move, Hatsune's team was in charge of assisting Sasha, but they encountered an attack before the support reached the place. The loss was not heavy, but hundreds of people died. You know, we haven't had such a situation for a long time. Fortunately, when Hatsune found out, she became even more furious, and took two people to join her team, but... the news just came back that Hatsune's team had already joined Sasha's team, but Hatsune, who should have arrived long ago, unexpectedly ...still missing."

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