Roulette World

1483rd The Sea of ​​Trap.

Ye Zhongming kept drawing huge knife marks on the ground in front of the ten rows of weapon positions, and every time he cut, he went all out. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

No way, only the life of the undead summoned in this way is stronger, at least in terms of level, it is only slightly worse than this group of monsters.

After a while, Ye Zhongming retreated, leaving hundreds of huge traces, which were shining brightly, and various undead lives were continuously drilled out of them.

Most of the people saw this ability of their boss for the first time, and they were surprised from ear to ear.

After taking a dose of stamina recovery potion, Ye Zhongming sat on the ground.

After swiping more than a hundred knives at full strength one after another, a monster like him will feel tired, and he must maintain his best condition for the upcoming battle.

"Three minutes of contact!"

A voice echoed on the battlefield, and the army of monsters had already appeared in the field of vision of the Genting soldiers, stepping into the green swamp.

Various voices of preparations came and went.

At this time, the core members have all returned to their own teams, and they are in contact with each other through military merit medals.

"Two minutes of contact!"

With this sound, the annihilation ultimate magic crystal cannon behind the position started a new round of shooting, and those monsters within the range found the most violent blow again.

The undead beings summoned by Ye Zhongming will not be afraid. Hundreds of them have already appeared at this time. Under Ye Zhongming's order, they moved forward and stopped at the junction of the grassland and the gravel.

Later, Ye Zhongming stood up, and drew more than two hundred knife marks on the left and right sides of the Yunding battle formation, and then had to rest again.

He found that this ability was fine when he started using it, but later on, the more energy he consumed with each cut, and even after two hundred cuts, his mental power began to decline, not a decrease, but the total Reduced capacity.

This startled Ye Zhongming. If the total amount of spiritual power was reduced because of summoning some undead lives, the gain would not be worth the loss. Spiritual power is almost the foundation of Ye Zhongming's strength.

But after feeling it carefully, he no longer worried, because he found that it wasn't that the total amount became smaller, but was 'occupied' by these cracks, and when these cracks gradually lost their effect, the mental power would return to its original level , Of course, although the upper limit is restored, the consumed ones are still consumed and need to be restored by themselves.

During the period when Ye Zhongming recovered, the command was handed over to Xia Lei. The ten rows of weapons had already fired one after another, taking away the life of the monsters. Li Qiang and his shooters were also cleaning up the monsters in the sky.

However, the number of monsters this time is not more than 70,000 as in the previous vanguard, but more than 800,000. The level of monsters inside has increased significantly, and their temperament is also more brave. The large number of casualties not only did not make them feel afraid, but fierce Sexual explosion, even more crazy impact, at this time has crossed the swamp and entered the gravel land. (fastest update)

Yunding's established long-range attack strategy this time is not to adjust the shooting target, and those that rush over will be handed over to the Yunding Evolution behind.

The gravel is a very special terrain. The ground is covered with rocks of different sizes and shapes. The small ones are like sand and fingernails, and the big ones are as high as several floors. They are piled up like a hill.

After the monsters rushed in, they encountered an attack trap that they had never imagined!

This kind of trap is not as simple as digging a hole and putting some sharp wooden thorns in it or pulling a line, and a few bows and arrows will fly out when you stumble over it.

The traps set here are all high-quality products produced by Le Dayuan Laboratory, and there are also professional traps set by hunters and assassins.

For example, after a monster rushes in, it will step on a magic crystal mine. This kind of weapon originally designed to defend the cloud top is extremely powerful, even if it is not as good as the ordinary city defense magic crystal cannon. The monsters inside are almost cut into pieces. Such as a bed of nails trap, the activation switch of this trap is a sensing device,

As long as there is an object with a moving speed exceeding a certain value, the trap will be fired, and the bed of nails disguised as the ground will turn up, revealing the pit below, and after turning around the shaft driven by the machine, it will start to continuously strike and fall into the pit The life within, and the cycle continues, as long as the machine can still move, it will always be in an attacking state. And if the bed of nails gets stuck, or the machine driving it breaks down for any reason, a self-destruct mechanism inside the bed of nails will activate, causing the entire bed of nails to explode and attack the surroundings indiscriminately.

There is also a trap with an area of ​​thousands of square meters. The activation device is at the end of the trap. Once activated, it will open up to hundreds of shooting holes in the covered area, and emit arc-shaped cutting pieces from the inside. In order to make this kind of trap more powerful, the cutting pieces were made by Ye Zhongming himself, and each one has a silver grade. After it is released, it will make a wave-like attack with a height of no more than five meters until it is exhausted.

Hundreds of such cutting pieces can be emitted from each shooting hole. Because the power is driven by magic crystals, the power is very powerful. In addition to its sharpness, after the cutting pieces are emitted, they can continuously cause damage to the surroundings. The level is a little worse. Or monsters with average defensive power will be directly cut open.

There are even more piranha arrays hidden in the gravel field where the boulders are most concentrated. Behind almost every stone, or even on the stone, there are gold-plated piranhas from the earth. They form a sea of ​​piranhas. The soil is connected, and Ye Zhongming also invested a lot of money, planting tens of thousands of seeds in that piece, consuming a lot of fertile soil.

In the sea of ​​piranhas, there are various other offensive plants, and some other small traps, which may not be well-known, but can make it difficult for monsters to move forward, and are constantly attacked by piranhas.

You must know that such a huge sea of ​​piranhas not only has a common defense, they are connected together, and even digestion is integrated. One piranha swallows its prey, and 10,000 piranhas digest together through the rotten soil. , low-level monsters will turn into nutrients in the rotten soil in less than a second, improving the ability of piranhas or repairing damaged piranhas.

This sea of ​​cannibal flowers has almost become an insurmountable place for monsters.

In addition, there is a highly poisonous land, where almost all the poisons that can be found in Yunding are gathered here, those that can rot flesh and blood, coagulate blood, numb limbs, and make feelings disappear... All kinds of incredible poisons They all appeared, and even Liu Zhenghong contributed his gene disorder agent to this poisonous land!

Once this kind of potion is contaminated by monsters, it will disrupt their genes in a short period of time, causing them to have various physical symptoms, infection, high fever, tumors, rot, etc., which directly affect their combat effectiveness and even lose their combat effectiveness.

There is also a piece of glare grenade, after they are stepped on and exploded, they will not produce any effect immediately, they will only become powder, which will be stained on the monster's body, but once it encounters liquid, body fluid, blood, etc., it will immediately burst into an extremely dazzling light , Let the monster's visual system be damaged, the better ones will be blinded for a while, and the ones who are close will be blinded directly.

Those monsters who rushed past the cloud top's long-range weapons fell into a sea of ​​traps that they would never understand.

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