Roulette World

One thousand four hundred and eighty-four shadows

7fb1e5e87176a176d9a4e329a54dce70 "Two in One"

Deacon Li Daqian and others now want to scold Ye Zhongming to death. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

Let them come here without knowing why, but let them be so close to the battlefield of two ninth-level beings, isn't this cheating them?

In fact, Ye Zhongming really didn't have this idea. The Guangyao War Department was with them. Even if he cheated, he couldn't cheat his own people.

It is really an underestimation of the battle between the ninth-level beings.

He bases himself on the Father's standard.

But obviously, the only ninth-level life form in Blue Secret Realm met a being of the same level from a different world, so he didn't have the concerns of the Holy Father. He only knew that if he killed the existence of this different world, he could enter the new In the world, it has already smelled its own clone from the space gate.

Facing King Kai's provocation, the Nine-Winged Crow responded with an all-out attack.

The power of the ninth-level life can change the color of the world. Even if the water deacon and others are far away, they are still affected by the monstrous power. They are better as eight-star evolutionaries, but other evolutionaries and war beasts, It's just too uncomfortable.

But Guangyao is like a rock, he disagrees with his life and death, saying that this is the best place to ambush and he cannot leave.

The three big bosses were furious but helpless.

There is no way, it is easy to get on a thief ship, but it is difficult to get off a thief ship. Now they can't leave here, they can only bear it.

On the battlefield in the distance, I don't know what skills the two sides used. There was a bang, and then a large wave of air mixed with mud, gravel, etc. came towards this side, passing four teams in an instant. They have already used their own tricks to resist, and there are also many fighters with lower levels or poor defensive equipment who can't bear it and suffered serious injuries.

"Guangyao, if you still insist on what you said before, forgive us for not being with you."

Commander Mu knew about Guangyao a long time ago, and they didn't meet each other because they didn't belong to the same theater, but their statuses were different. Cheng Ye Zhongming's spokesperson.

Before the words were finished, another shock wave hit. The people in the team couldn't talk about their backs, but they also became very chaotic.

Guangyao thought for a while, took out a piece of equipment, inserted it in front of the team, and installed a crystal light blue gemstone on it.

"Stand of Nature?!"

Shui Deacon, who knew Ye Zhongming very well, recognized this piece of blue-level defensive equipment at a glance. When ranking the equipment in the national area, the ranking of the Nature Staff is not low. If it is not limited by the level, it is still A higher ranking can be obtained. (uu novels are updated the fastest)

"Natural gemstone?" Commander Mu's focus was obviously different. When he saw that gemstone, his heart skipped a beat.

That is not an ordinary natural gemstone, but the top super gemstone. Such a piece, not to mention priceless, is also extremely precious.

Guangyao activated the stick of nature, and the water body guard appeared, protecting several teams in it.

Different from other grades of water-type gems, the water body protection of super-water-type gems is almost completely transparent, and the beautiful phantom also disappears from time to time. Although it covers a wide area, it gives people a very fragile feeling.

"I used a concealed prop before, which can weaken the aura on us, so that even if the two ninth-level beings find us, they will dismiss us, but this is different." Something like that blocked the water body protection outside, "The protection it can give us, even a full-strength blow of a ninth-level life can block it, even if it is broken, it is enough to save our lives. But... it may cause Nine-winged Crow and King Kai's attention."

"You!" Concubine Mu Xin glared at Guangyao. Why didn't she say such a big thing in advance? Compared with attracting the attention of the ninth-level beings and even attracting their attacks, it's nothing to suffer some broken stones and energy aftermath like before.

"I just mentioned a possibility so that you can be prepared. Unsurprisingly, even if the two of them found us, they wouldn't be interested here."

Sure enough, when the water body shield was stretched, everyone obviously felt that the Nine-Winged Crow and King Kai paused, but they immediately fought together again.

This made several big bosses breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that we can persist until they decide the winner." Guangyao felt relieved a lot, he was really afraid that things would not go as the boss expected.

But before Guangyao could relax completely, he suddenly became alert and looked towards the front that was already full of smoke and dust.

That is, a few seconds later, a black light hit the water shield. The originally extremely strong passport shook violently at this moment, and the light on it became bright. .

This is the reaction that will happen when the Super Water Body Guard is attacked by an attack that causes its energy to drop too quickly.

Water Deacon Li Daqian and Commander Mu discovered something was wrong almost at the same time as Guangyao, and seeing the change in the water body's protection, their expressions turned pale.

"What's going on?" An elder in Wanshou Manor asked anxiously.

With a dark face, Guang Yao looked at the shadow that flashed by just now, and squeezed out two words: "Clone."

He saw the true face of that shadow just now, and it was another avatar very similar to the avatar that the Nine-Winged Crow went to the earth before. () In other words, the boss's judgment was not completely accurate, and the Nine-Winged Crow was still interested in them, and sent a clone to attack them.

Guangyao thought again, does this mean that the Nine Winged Crow still has strength to face the King Kai of the same level?

And on this point, the boss is right here!

Guangyao didn't move at the back of the water body guard. He knew in his heart that the reason why the boss didn't let Mr. Mu accompany them to direct them was because he needed his excellent judgment to point out the timing of the attack.

Until now, Guangyao felt that his responsibility was heavy.

It turned out that the Nine-Winged Crow was really as powerful as the boss but Xin, and had an absolute advantage against King Kai. It turns out that without the help of human beings, King Kai is really no match for the Jiuchiwu, and even seriously injured others would not be able to do it.


Guangyao suddenly felt something, he stopped hesitating, and pressed a small instrument on his body hard.

As if he had just experienced a fierce battle, a sense of detachment filled his whole body, Guangyao knew that what he could do had already been done, and he didn't know whether the timing was right, he just hoped that everything was fine.

Deacon Shui and the others looked suspiciously at Guang Yao, who suddenly seemed a little sluggish, and thought that this person was really strange.

On the battlefield they couldn't see, in the door of time and space that had been open all the time, a black shadow suddenly appeared, very similar to the black cloud of the Nine-Winged Crow, appearing on the chaotic and messy battlefield, there was no sense of disobedience.

This black shadow didn't pause at all, and after appearing, it turned into a dark halo, floating towards the huge shadow in the sky, which was the body of the Nine-Winged Crow.

The Nine-Winged Crow who was fighting immediately noticed it, but didn't take any action right away, just glanced suspiciously.

In such an instant, the black figure rushed to the side, ripped off his clothes, revealing an extremely special device on his chest.

Like Iron Man's chest, but even bigger, bright crystals suddenly lit up, and then, an explosion occurred.

Very violent, very violent one-way explosion.

The target is the Nine-Winged Crow.

After the explosion, the black shadow disappeared without a trace, and the nine-winged crow in the sky uttered the most mournful cry after the battle, and its body rose towards the sky.

On the ground, King Kai, who had fought for a period of time just now, was completely suppressed. The old ninth-level existence in the secret realm is much stronger than it. In addition, it is not a flying life, which makes the weaker earth the weakest. Strongly mutated life forms are passive everywhere.

It was already injured, and it was the powerful fighting spirit and bloodthirsty instinct that kept King Kai from retreating.

But it doesn't mean that it feels that it is better than others.

When the black shadow appeared just now, King Kai almost made a move because it smelled of the nine-winged crow on top of the black shadow. However, it smelled more of an evolutionary that it hated on the earth.

At that moment, it instinctively realized that the target of this black shadow was not it, but the Nine-Winged Crow.

For King Kai, reckless, ferocious, aggressive, and bloodthirsty are all its labels, but it does not mean that it has no wisdom. On the contrary, it has reached the ninth level and has all the necessary conditions for a high-level life.

It judges the situation and makes choices, but relies entirely on instinct.

It didn't move, and neither did the Nine-winged Crow. Although it smelled human beings, it also smelled 'self'.

Yes, that was the smell of Six Wings, the clone that entered another world.

At that moment, Jiuchiwu felt that his avatar came back with the smell of other lives, maybe it was just because he stayed there for a long time and ate too much food.

Whether it was the Nine-winged Crow or the King of Kai, the first time they discovered the black shadow, they thought it was beneficial to them. It turned out that the judgment of the King of Kai was right, and the judgment of the Nine-winged Crow was wrong.

Of course, if the Nine-Winged Crow is given even a second or two more, it can tell what this shapeless black shadow body is, but it is in the middle of a battle between beings of the same level, and its energy is impossible. All put in this aspect, so there is this black shadow, which is the success of the sneak attack by the evolutionary who Ye Zhongming called the shadow.

It was a self-disclosure.

Ying was originally a soldier in Genting, but was injured in the battle, lost his limbs, and lost his eyes.

The evolutionary system allowed him to survive in this situation, but he became a useless person.

He believed that Yunding and Ye Laohui had been supporting him, and there was a special area in the villa for such people to recuperate. But he is not willing to become such a useless person from now on, and someone has to take care of his face and toilet every day.

So he proposed to see the boss and sister Hong. After the two came, he proposed to become a test subject voluntarily.

In Genting, this kind of thing is not surprising. Many people with severe disabilities will continue to live and end their lives in this way.

He has nothing to worry about in this world, his wish is all his wishes, he hopes to live like an ordinary person, even if it is only for one day, it is better than this kind of days lying in bed every day.

He didn't know what experiment Liu Zhenghong was doing on him. At first, he had two legs. Although he couldn't touch them, they were not human, but they allowed him to walk. Later, he had hands, which were still not human. Same function as human hand. In the end, he also saw the world again, with a pair of tawny eyeballs.

He saw Liu Zhenghong who greeted him, Guancheng Village with four legs, and many researchers serving him.

When the boss showed up and proposed an optional task, he agreed without hesitation.

Between the gloomy rest of his life and the bright moment, he chose the latter.

So he learned a strange card found by the boss, which can turn himself into a shadow with extremely fast speed, but it can only be used once, after which all abilities will disappear. He also became a life bomb. Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan teamed up to put a bomb combining magic crystal and nuclear energy at the cost of life energy in his body.

It is said that this is the highest technology in Genting.

Soon, his task was issued.

He was brought into the legendary dark organization of Yunding by the boss, avoided military service, and became the first minister of a very special department. This department is full of dead soldiers. The number of people is very small, but it is extremely terrifying.

This department is called Ying, the minister is called Ying, and he is the first generation of Ying.

The boss said that each generation of shadows can only perform one task. A must-do mission.

He was not afraid, but determined to be honorable.

On the Heroic Monument, his name may be ranked among the top five.

How powerful it is to help Yunding and Boss kill nine-level beings.

At the moment when he detonated himself, Ying completed the most brilliant sacrifice in his life.

Naturally, this self-exposure bomb with the smell of the Nine-Winged Crow clone could not kill the Nine-Winged Crow. Ye Zhongming's purpose was to injure it and bring its strength back to a level that King Kai could handle.

It was realized through the shadow who has a madman worship for it and is extremely loyal to Genting.

The Nine-Winged Crow was injured, and King Kai rushed into the sky like a cannonball. Using a certain ability, he could stay in the air for a short time, entangled the Nine-Winged Crow to fight, and prevented it from avoiding adjustments.

The two existences that were almost gods turned the world upside down in an instant.

Arriving here, what Yunding can do has been done, and it has been done. The rest depends on the result of the battle between the two nine-level beings.

When the battle here was heating up, Genting's main team also encountered the biggest crisis since the war started.

The 'Sky Knight' among the monsters broke into the sky above the cloud tops.

They are made up of flying monsters, riding land monsters on their backs, flying to the vicinity of the cloud top square, and then throwing these land monsters down.

At the same time, some strange species among the monsters began to show their power. The first to launch were the earth walkers. They drilled from the ground to the top of the cloud formation, frantically expanding the passage, opening up a new attack route for their companions!

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