Roulette World

1499th to whom the beads

(two and one~)

How is Six Wing doing on Earth? It can be good or it can be bad.

Although it lives in Yingcheng and is protected by Yunding, it does not belong to Yunding, and even the people of Yunding have natural hostility towards it.

No way, who told this guy to kill people in Genting at the beginning.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming's attitude also determined that Six Wings could not be accepted, because Ye Zhongming himself did not accept it.

Ye Zhongming has always regarded this clone as an existence that can be used, and he is doing the same now.

In this case, it is impossible for Six Wings to live well.

But Yunding just monitors it, but doesn't care much about what it does.

Six Wings went to hunt by himself, and the prey was much more than in the secret realm, and the overall strength was also weak.

It found that as long as it didn't do anything harmful to Yunding and Yingcheng, Ye Zhongming would basically not interfere in whatever it did.

During this period of time, Six Wings has made rapid progress, and its strength has improved rapidly.

But it is only a clone after all, even if it is separated from the main body by the entire time and space, it cannot completely eliminate this blood connection. It can't fulfill its dream of becoming a nine-level.

At that time, it knew that one day, it would need to return to the secret realm and find a way to obtain the inheritance of the main body.

So when it was learned that Yunding was finally going to take action against the Nine-winged Crow, it was actually the happiest.

Now, a chance to get inheritance is in front of you, and it can even be said that the best chance is much easier than killing the main body yourself!

Six Wings made a move, and it had to do so, because it already felt that once it could not obtain the inheritance of its body in a short time, it would eventually die.

After all, it is part of the Nine-Winged Crow.

The main body is dead, how can it live alone.

It didn't even expect that the process of the competition would be so smooth. Not only did it fail to discover it in time due to serious injuries, but it also shot around, giving it a chance.

The opportunity seems to be at your fingertips.

But a bullet ruined its dream.

The body seemed to be hit by a huge hammer, and it deviated to one side. The fingertips rubbed the inheritance beads and passed. Life that has not experienced it cannot understand this kind of despair.

Liu Chi howled, and gave Ye Zhongming a vicious look.

That shot was naturally fired by Ye Zhongming. Seeing Liu Chi's eyes, he was not afraid at all, but turned his eyes back.

The meaning is very clear, you can't move things that I don't let you move.

Six Wings missed the opportunity, but gave other lives a chance. Whether it was Yangos, monsters, or the war beasts from Wanshou Manor, they all rushed towards the inheritance beads.

Now, there are no ninth-level beings to stop them.

The scuffle started immediately.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. At this moment, inheritance beads are their best 'food'.

"Human, are you going to destroy our agreement?"

The monster commander doesn't have any advantage at this time. At this moment for the ninth-level inheritance, its orders are weak and no monsters obey.

It can naturally launch a mental attack, but the effect will be greatly reduced. Instinct is the most powerful force at this moment, and it will reject all external forces. If it forcibly activates the control ability, it is better for low-level monsters. Instinct completes the defense. At that time, it is the enemy and will be attacked. For a spiritual life without men, it is almost a certain death situation.

The monster commander can only hope in Ye Zhongming, intimidation, or request.

Ye Zhongming didn't look away from the beads floating in the air at all, as if he didn't hear the words of the monster commander.

how? Still want my people to stop? Do you use your oath? I'm sorry, it's about letting you pass through the gate of time and space, not about helping you snatch the inheritance beads, threatening me with this? Thinking too much?

Zhong Ming's response to the monster commander with this attitude is already giving it a lot of face.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming remained unmoved, the monster commander immediately changed his strategy.

"If you can help me get this bead, then I can promise to help you make one more shot, or make a full shot when I am at level nine. You know, that will bring you a lot of benefits!"

Ye Zhongming finally shifted his gaze to this guy, but he was still indifferent.

Clearly, there was little interest in the proposal.

At the same time, he also made a cryptic gesture that only Xia Lei and the others could understand.

"I can also double the number of magic crystals and various materials that I promised you!"

In order to pass on the beads, the monster commander has already worked hard.

But Ye Zhongming didn't believe it at all.

Are the magic crystals and materials so easy to find in the current secret realm? This is not the time to just develop the secret realm. Magic crystals can be found everywhere to find materials. Whether it is people from Yunding Villa or Yingcheng, they have searched this place, and the remaining virgin lands are all in very bad environments or A place where there are many and powerful monsters.

After investigating those places, Ye Zhongming knew how many materials there were.

The monster commander opened his mouth twice as much. This is completely rushing to the doctor in a hurry and writing a bad promise. He probably wants to get the inheritance beads first anyway.

Ye Zhongming smiled: "Actually, I got the inheritance beads and cultivated my war beasts into a ninth-level existence. Isn't it easier for me to get what you said."

At this time, the monster commander realized the despair of the six wings.

Ye Zhongming also stopped talking to the helpless monster commander, but gave an order to his team.

The three big guys behind the team rumbled forward for a certain distance, and then aimed at the airspace where the inheritance beads were located.

These are three war bastions!

One was used to defend against flying monsters. It was a simplified one, and its main function was air defense.

The other two are truly improved types, with extremely terrifying attack power. Even when Yunding was in a full-scale battle before, they have not been used. They are specially prepared for ninth-level monsters.

Of course, there are more than these means to prepare for the ninth-level existence, such as the war machine produced by Le Dayuan's laboratory, such as the genetic soldier army and so on.

Apparently it's no longer available.

The three war fortresses only slightly prepared and opened fire.

One is attacking the flying monsters on the side of the cloud top, the other is 'cleaning up' the land-walking monsters on the back of the nine-winged black that have tried every means to jump up, and the last one is attacking the ones that entangled the red-haired monsters. The bombardment was going on.

The participation of the three war fortresses immediately changed the situation here. Their attacks are extremely terrifying and fast. These are not enough to stop their firepower from pouring out.

And the purpose of the three war fortresses is also very clear, two are to prevent the monsters in the air and the ground from snatching the beads, and the other is to escort the red hair so that she can get it quickly.

Deacon Li Daqian, Commander Mu and others who were watching from a distance sighed in their hearts when they saw this scene, knowing that the matter was over.

They had already learned about what happened just now from Guangyao, who probably knew the situation after the communication was restored. Apart from being shocked and unbelievable by Yunding's daring plan, they were once again moved by the extraordinary strength of the force under the leadership of Ye Zhongming. conquer.

A faction not only wants to kill two ninth-level monsters, but also dares to face nearly six million monsters alone. How much courage and self-confidence does this require?

Everyone knows that failure means death, but they not only won, but at this moment, after a great battle, they can still maintain such terrifying firepower. What does that mean?

It means that in the battle just now, there was no force at all!

Facing the attack of six million monsters, there is still room for strength. This kind of strength is too terrifying.

They were far away, so their reaction was naturally slow, but now, they already knew what was going on and what that bead was.

But they didn't have the slightest thought of competing. Is something bad? Obviously not like this, Li Daqian was even eager to get that thing, so that a ninth-level life would definitely appear in Wanshou Manor, which was his biggest dream since the end of the world.

But now that Genting has made a move, they know that when the dust settles, no one can compete with them. To put it bluntly, as long as Genting thinks now, after the war, they still have the ability to kill their three teams.

This is the gap! Don’t compare to not knowing, compare to be surprised!

Although the power here is definitely not all of them, but the Yunding people are not in a complete state, they have just experienced a big battle.

Whether they are willing or not, they all admit at this time that Yunding Villa already has a complete strategic advantage over them. It is not an exaggeration to say that one can pick three.

"Let's go. This time, it's a waste of time. I hope Zhong Ming can take pity on our situation and sell us a little bit of level nine materials."

Li Qian sighed and said to the other two giants.

Originally, it was agreed that after killing the seriously injured ninth-level monsters together, the materials would be divided according to the contribution rate, but now that the two ninth-level beings were dead, it was useless for them to make a move, so naturally there was nothing to be said.

If you want to say that Yunding didn't take action against Level 9, then it's a bit of a strong argument. From the introduction of King Kai, to the serious injury of the Nine-Winged Crow, to blocking the support of the army of monsters, all this is the credit of Yunding. .

Only Concubine Mu Xin was a little unwilling, "Even if there is no credit, there is hard work. We have eaten the power of two ninth-level lives here, how much have we lost? Shouldn't Ye Zhongming be responsible?"

"When the time comes!" After speaking, I probably knew that this matter was beyond Ye Zhongming's control, otherwise he would not have informed them at all, and he would have solved the two problems by himself, so he gave his good best friend to him very unjustly. betrayed.

Bai Shishi could only shake her head and smile wryly.

On the other side, the red hair had already reached the red inheritance bead, and she could touch it with her hand, but out of caution, she didn't take it right away.

This made the other lives anxious, and Yangos handed over all his skills, just to get rid of the entanglement of the two eighth-level flying monsters. He was very dissatisfied with his master's eccentric approach.

They are all your younger brothers, why is there such a big gap? Is there any discrimination against the Dragon Clan? Or is it because he is not as pretty as red hair?

Besides, what's the use of you wanting a monster's inheritance beads for a humanoid life? It's a waste to use it up, why don't you give it to me, Grandpa Long.

The redhead finished the test and grabbed the bead in his hand.

Those monsters and war beasts immediately chased after the red hair, moving with her movement.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zhongming frowned.

Is this to kill all monsters and war beasts by oneself?

It’s okay for the monsters to say that if they are killed, they will be killed. At worst, the commander will re-select some to go to the earth, and they will find less materials.

But those war beasts, most of them belonged to Wanshou Manor, if they were all killed, Li Daqian would have no way to explain it.

But the current situation is that as long as this inheritance bead is still there, these mutated beings will never let it go.

"Rhubarb, do you want that bead?" Ye Zhongming suddenly asked Dihuang Wan beside him. Among his war beasts, Rhubarb was undoubtedly the closest. If there is a good thing, it is natural to give it first.

But Dihuang Wan is also very smart, with high wisdom, except that it can't speak human language, it is actually similar to human beings in other aspects.

It has a mind of its own and is able to analyze pros and cons.

Out of instinct, Rhubarb naturally hopes to get the beads, but reason and Ye Zhongming's worries remind it that those things are extremely risky for a terrestrial mutant life on Earth, and after taking them, everything will be destroyed. will become uncontrollable.

Dihuangwan chose not to.

This is also Ye Zhongming's opinion.

Relying on Yunding and Dihuangwan, it is only a matter of time before they advance to level nine.

So to Jangos?

This is Ye Zhongming's second choice. This is not impossible, but Yangos also does not belong here. Compared with Dihuangwan, it has an additional advantage that it is a flying life like the nine-winged crow.

Maybe there is a problem, and the side effects will be smaller?

If possible, Ye Zhongming really wanted to take this bead back for Liu Zhenghong to study, but it is obviously not allowed now.

At this time, Ye Zhongming suddenly remembered that the red hair had also shown great interest in this bead before, could she take it? But the problem is that Ye Zhongming also doesn't want the red hair to have problems.

Just when he was having a headache, the red hair did something unexpected... She stuffed this inheritance bead into the mouth of her mount, the undead fish dragon!

The violent monsters and war beasts below, even Yangos stopped in place, and the whole valley became quiet again.

All eyes are on the red hair in the air, and... that undead ichthyosaurus!

Originally, the majestic energy contained in the inheritance bead could be clearly felt even by evolutionaries who do not belong to the same kind, but now, whether monsters or humans, they have completely lost the sense of that bead.

There is only one explanation.

The undead ichthyosaur digested the swallowed beads...

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