Roulette World

Fifteen hundred distribution is a problem

The red hair jumped down from the air, those monsters and war beasts who were still following her didn't have any interest in her, they just looked at the undead fish and dragons still in the air.

Yangos even flew to its side and sniffed it with its huge dragon nose.

But what he got was the merciless tail-flicking attack of the undead fish Longhao.

The evil dragon dodged, his eyes full of disappointment.

Inheriting this kind of thing, it knows that different lives behave in different ways. The nine-winged crow turns into a bead, and other lives may be a ray of light or a drop of blood essence.

But no matter what form it is, inheritance will basically only play a role once. Once used, it cannot be plundered, unless the life that has accepted the inheritance sends out its own inheritance again after reaching a certain level.

The current situation is that the inheritance beads have been absorbed by the undead fish and dragons, and it is no longer possible to snatch them, even if this inherited life is killed, it will not help.

Dissatisfied with the red-haired growl, Yang Gesi turned back, it really did not dare to do anything to the red-haired and undead ichthyosaurs, in Yunding, it is sure that the list of unbeatable, red-haired and her mounts are ranked in second place.

"I just felt a very strange energy on the bead. I don't know if my judgment is correct, but it should have a great side effect on the existence of non-secret realms. It is very suitable."

The red hair stood beside Ye Zhongming and explained.

After all, this is an excellent thing. She needs to explain it to Ye Zhongming when she feeds the undead fish and dragons.

Ye Zhongming nodded.

Before, when he saw this bead, he had suspected that it was a trap set up by the Nine-winged Crow before he died. Otherwise, there would be so many monsters here, and even a few who were related to the Nine-winged Crow. Why didn't it pass the inheritance directly to them, but just put it in the air and let everyone fight for it?

The reason why it will die today is entirely because of these alien beings. If it is said that the Nine-Winged Crow does not hate death and fakes in its heart, then when it left the inheritance, whether it was intentional or unintentional, it did not explain clearly that this thing cannot It is said to be obtained by the figure from another world, so it is hard to say what it has on its mind.

Without the temptation of inheriting the beads, both monsters and war beasts regained their sanity, the commander also regained control over the monster army, and human evolutionaries also came to bring back their own war beasts. This time is completely over.

The monster commander took a deep look at Ye Zhongming, and led his men back a few kilometers away to set up camp. After a period of rectification, he would start looking for magic crystals and materials.

It has completely given up other thoughts.

In the moment just now, Yunding's large army didn't even make a move. Only relying on a few masters and three huge machines, they killed a large number of monsters, which once again proved their absolute strength.

In this case, cooperation is the only option.

The monster receded, and the rest was to deal with the aftermath.

In the previous battle against monsters, Yunding left two teams to clean up, but because there were too many corpses of monsters, it would probably take a few days to collect all the magic crystals and required materials.

Another team and Dihuang Wan were sent over to take charge of protection, and the rest was left to deal with the two ninth-level lives.

Water deacon Li Daqian, Commander Mu and others led the team over, and saw that the people in Yunding were already dealing with the corpse of the ninth level, with complicated expressions.

Guangyao came to find Ye Zhongming, and explained in detail what happened to him before.

Deacon Shui watched Liu Zhenghong and his men carefully put King Kai's body into an exquisite long metal coffin from a distance, creating an unreal feeling.

The number one mutated life in the country died just like that. When the news spread, I don’t know how big a sensation it will cause. I don’t know whether Yunding wants to let others know that King Kai’s death was caused by them. If They chose to keep it secret, which probably caused a lot of speculation.

However, besides the people from Genting, there are also people from three teams,

It is estimated that the news will still leak out.

After King Kai was put into the long metal coffin, he was quickly carried away and transported back to Yunding. It will be studied by Liu Zhenghong before it is called to Ye Zhongming to become a top material.

As for the Nine-Winged Crow... it must be dismembered before it can be transported away.

Li Daqianshui's deacon, Commander Mu, came over with different expressions, hesitant to speak.

Ye Zhongming smiled, knowing what they meant, he just wanted to see if he could get a share.

This is also normal, if it was Ye Zhongming, he would do the same.

"Zhong Ming, this..." It was Li Daqian who spoke first. There was no other way. Although the teams that came to the secret realm this time had their own injuries, Wanshou Manor suffered the most. Many war beasts died, and there were even more beast trainers. There are injuries, and it is not considered to be injured, but the heavy casualties can be described.

If there is a loss, he will naturally find a way to make up for it, and the best way is undoubtedly right in front of Ye Zhongming.

"I know that we didn't do much to help us here this time. I was grateful to you for using the stick of nature to help us avoid being affected. Normally, I shouldn't raise anything, but... this time my loss is a bit serious. You see, Can you give me a chance to buy the materials of the Nine-Winged Crow? Don't worry, the price will definitely satisfy you."

What is Li Daqian afraid of? From time to time, he is afraid of spending money. Nine-level materials are hard to come by. No matter how much money is spent, they are worth it. He is afraid that others will not sell them at all.

Ye Zhongming felt very comfortable listening to the old man's words. He didn't say at all that you let me come here, and that you should be responsible for the losses I have suffered. Instead, he directly requested the right to trade, and he also stated in advance that the price is not The question appeared to be full of sincerity.

Do you want to say that Genting is really not responsible? Obviously not, the reason for calling people here is to help them fight, and they adopted the "sharing" model in advance, and they are responsible for the loss, but the appearance fee is indispensable. More or less, he should also express something.

"I will pick out some good monster breeds, and there are three thousand catties of eighth-level monster meat, which can be regarded as thanks to Wanshou Manor for coming this time."

Li Daqian was a little anxious again, are these things not good? of course not! Not only good, but excellent. Excellent monster cubs can be cultivated by them into powerful war beasts, thousands of catties of eighth-level monster flesh and blood, and the existing war beasts can get a lot of energy through these foods.

But that's not what he wants.

Seeing Li Daqian's expression, Ye Zhongming waved his hand to stop Li Daqian who was about to speak again.

"This is just a thank you, and I can sell some parts of this nine-winged crow, and we will count separately."

Not only did Li Daqian look happy, but even Deacon Shui and Commander Mu were very happy.

Are they short of money? lack! This is the truth, otherwise just buy, buy, buy, make yourself and your subordinates extremely powerful, and directly dominate the world for generations to come.

But let them spend money to buy level nine materials, are they short of money? No shortage!

You have to scrape together money to sell iron.

Although they don't have a genetic life laboratory like Yunding, they always have craftsmen, alchemists, and other manufacturing professionals. Level 9 materials can't produce the same effect as Ye Zhongming in their hands, but they are definitely among the best. Boutique.

"Can I choose a part?" Concubine Mu Xin asked directly.

Ye Zhongming looked at this former nine-star powerhouse with great interest. In order to cooperate well with her father, she really did not hesitate to destroy her image.

"Zhong Ming, I know you killed many monsters on the other side of the mountain, can you sell me a batch of potions?"

Deacon Shui's question was much more tactful. She knew that Ye Zhongming had some kind of skill to increase the success rate of roulette rotation. It was impossible to get magic crystals from others, so buying potions directly was a good way .

At the level of Water Deacon Li Daqian and others, they are more willing to spend more than to gamble on luck, because that often means that when they are unlucky, the loss outweighs the gain.

Water Deacon is developing his power, which is the time when he needs a lot of medicine.

The trade of evolution potions was originally a lucrative business in Yunding, and the condition that Deacon Shui proposed was actually in line with Ye Zhongming's intentions.

However, Ye Zhongming cautiously said: "It is possible, but there must be a small number of high-level evolution potions. There are definitely no eight-stars, only a small amount of seven-stars, and more six-stars. The others are nothing."

Not to mention Li Daqian and Commander Mu, who were listening to before, even Deacon Shui herself, never thought that Ye Zhongming would be so generous and conscientious, she really never thought that Yunding could sell her the seven-star evolution potion, thinking that the six-star That's the limit. You know, among the current core members of Genting, more than half are just Seven Stars.

Ye Zhongming was just stunned for a moment, then understood why Deacon Shui was so surprised, he smiled and said: "You know, evolution potions, especially evolution potions that exceed five stars, we at Genting have always had to pay with magic crystals .”

"Understood, this is no problem!"

Water Deacon stretched out his hand and made a gesture. Ye Zhongming looked at it and shook his head, "Let's talk about the ratio. Each level of potion is different. The higher the potion is, the higher the ratio will be."

"Zhong Ming, you see we also have the same need, why don't we make a decision now? This way we can raise magic crystals earlier."

Commander Mu will naturally not let go of such an opportunity. There are not many forces that can sell high-level potions, but the ones that can sell a lot of seven-star evolution potions are probably only the Yunding family. can't do it.

Li Daqian on the side also nodded repeatedly, obviously wanting to participate.

Ye Zhongming understood why Commander Mu insisted on making a decision now, probably because he was afraid that the price he would give to Deacon Shui or Li Daqian would be different from his price. A thousand times later, Commander Mu shot at the end.

"You don't need low-level evolution potions, so let's do this. 20% off five-star evolution potions, 15% off six-star evolution potions, and 10% off seven-star evolution potions. The maximum purchase amount of five-star evolution potions is 3,000 bottles. There are 600 bottles of evolution potions and 30 bottles of seven-star evolution potions. The three of you should share these things equally, or you can discuss how to distribute them yourself."

All three of them wanted to talk, but they were blocked by Ye Zhongming's three words.

"Not counter-offer."

The three big brothers bowed their heads in thought.

The discount given by Ye Zhongming is not very high. If you are lucky, you can use the same amount to spin it out on the roulette wheel. What they have to consider is whether it is worth choosing such a safe way.

At this time, it can be seen whether there are Ye Zhongming in the background of each family who can improve the success rate of roulette rotation. If there is, is the probability of improvement higher than the discount given by Ye Zhongming!

Sure enough, Commander Mu said that he would not participate in the seven-star evolution potion, so he bought some five-star and six-star nine-star. He said that in the resistance area where he is, there is obviously an evolutionary who can increase the success rate by 10% by turning the roulette of all levels, because he also wants a 15% discount.

However, Deacon Shui and Li Daqian do not have such talents. After considering it, they all agreed to accept this price, especially the former. Ye Zhongming has seen this woman take it. Commander Mu and Li Daqian can only take about three evolution potions. More than a part of it, and the water deacon took care of the rest.

In fact, if Ye Zhongming didn't just want the magic crystal, but promised to barter, then the prices these three big bosses can offer are actually at a premium, and even the value of each bottle of potion, they will give The price is equivalent to two hundred corresponding magic crystals. After all, that way they don't need to hunt and kill mutant life forms, which saves a lot of cost and kills a lot of people.

After talking about the evolution potion, several people focused their eyes on the Nine-winged Crow again. They all felt that they had made a good start. Ye Zhongming also revealed that the materials of the Nine-winged Crow could be sold, and they were a little impatient. Ask for a price.

But when they made this proposal, and even started to consider which part they needed, they were unexpectedly rejected by Ye Zhongming.

"Zhong Ming, didn't you just say..." Li Daqian pointed at the Nine-Winged Crow, his consciousness was obvious, how could you go back on what you said.

Ye Zhongming didn't take it seriously, and gave the answer directly, "This time, I want to change the transaction method."

Several bigwigs listened intently.

"To be honest, after you get the nine-level material, even if you can use it when you go back, the effect it will exert is definitely not as good as in my hands."

The three of them nodded and said nothing, but they rolled their eyes in their hearts.

Is not this nonsensical? You have a genetic life laboratory in Yunding, and you, a senior craftsman like Ye Zhongming, naturally have no way to compare with others. Do you need to despise us for this aspect?

Ye Zhongming also………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………

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