Roulette World

One thousand five hundred and one evolution frenzy

【Two in one~】

Li Daqian had sold the materials of the ninth-level life before, so he gave everyone an illusion that this is how this thing should be traded.

But it overlooked why Li Daqian traded materials directly.

Because...he couldn't handle it.

Wanshou Manor is strong in the cultivation and utilization of their war beasts. Their core lies in the large-scale beast pool equipment, and they are much worse in other aspects. After all, energy and money are limited, and it is impossible to do everything.

So the corpse of a ninth-level life is in their hands, and they will think about splitting and selling it to ensure the maximum benefit.

But Yunding is different. Let’s not talk about Liu Zhenghong’s genetic life laboratory’s demand for the most precious experimental materials. Let’s talk about Ye Zhongming, a top craftsman. A corpse of a ninth-level life in his hands can play a role. Function, that is definitely not something that non-manufacturing professionals can understand and understand.

This is the same as the relationship between countries before the end of the world. For a long period of time, countries and regions have been the world's raw material suppliers. The vast land and abundant resources have brought abundant natural resources and human resources. The country, with low prices, relies entirely on quantity to obtain meager profits.

But when this thing arrives in those countries, it is processed into a finished product, and then exported to our country, the price has increased by an unknown number of times.

There is no way, the gap in technology determines that the backward party must be exploited.

This situation did not improve until before the end of the world, but in the high-tech field, it was still controlled by others.

Ye Zhongming and Li Daqian are just the opposite. Ye Zhongming is the one who has mastered the 'high technology', so he will naturally sell finished equipment with higher added value, and the profit must be much higher than selling materials.

However, it was the turn of Deacon Li Daqian and Commander Mu to be depressed.

You want to lose your temper with Ye Zhongming, but there is no reason. If they were replaced, they would probably do the same, but there are too many uncertainties in this transaction method. What kind of equipment did Ye Zhongming make, what abilities did they have, what level was it, and whether it was suitable for him, these were all questions.

Most importantly, what is the price like? They don't doubt that Ye Zhongming will deceive them by pretending to be made of level 9 materials with equipment that is not made of level 9 materials, but the equipment made of level 9 materials must be excellent. Gold is probably the first, and it will basically be purple. Ye Zhongming will definitely not sell the equipment cheaply, so can they afford it?

This kind of situation beyond their control is very uncomfortable for these big shots.

"There will be three pieces of equipment. The level cannot be guaranteed, but the quality is certain. When the time comes, you will choose whichever you like. The price will be discussed, depending on the quality of the equipment."

Ye Zhongming put this matter into a sentence.

The three giants had no choice but to admit it.

However, Li Daqian made another request, that is, he hoped to buy the flesh and blood of the Nine-winged Crow.

Ye Zhongming thought about it and agreed.

If what Li Daqian wanted to buy was the flesh and blood of King Kai, he would definitely refuse it. King Kai is small and doesn't have much flesh and blood, and every catty is very precious. But the Nine-Winged Crow is different. It is too huge. Ye Zhongming estimates that it weighs more than tens of tons, and most of it is flesh and blood. In this case, it is not impossible to sell some to partners who have suffered heavy losses.

After some bargaining between the last two, Li Daqian got a ton of nine-winged black flesh. The domestication of war beasts.

The former will enrich Xiaohu's Bingfeng team, while the latter will enter the newly formed War Beast Battalion.

In addition to Li Daqian, Commander Mu and Deacon Shui also discussed some cooperation and transactions with Ye Zhongming, and everyone got what they needed.

Basically, they were satisfied with the harvest, and the three teams left one after another. When Ye Zhongming made the equipment, they will come to Yunding again. Now, the four forces have formed an alliance,

Ye Zhongming will be responsible for establishing a teleportation array between each other to facilitate communication.

For the rest, clean up the battlefield in time, and deal with the harassment of some monsters.

Not all monsters will obey that elk-like commander, especially those high-level and flying monsters. After the death of the Nine-Winged Crow, the number of monsters it can actually control has been greatly reduced.

The abundant blood here attracts monsters all the time. Yunding had to collect magic crystals and materials while fighting against these uninvited guests. The two battlefields pinned down the four teams of Genting,

Some of these moments are no longer sporadic combat power. In the largest one, more than 100,000 monsters came to look for food. The two teams of Yunding fought with all their strength, and it took almost a day to defeat them. Another eighth-level flying monster arrived, and it was killed after two hours of fierce fighting with Yangos in the air. Wu's meat was only smiling, and he ate almost two tons in one go, which made Ye Zhongming raise his eyebrows.

In the end, the dragon couldn't even fly, and lay on the ground humming.

The undead ichthyosaur that ate the Nine-winged Crow's inheritance beads has been hovering above the valley. It didn't lose consciousness like the Yama tree. On the contrary, it was the same as before. It kept in touch with the red hair, but everyone knew that It is changing.

The most obvious one is the body of the undead ichthyosaur.

It didn't come back to life, but its body was twice as big as before, and brand new bony wings appeared, two on each side. The bones turned black, red and white, making it look weird and far less attractive than before.

But the aura emanating from his body let all living beings know that it was too powerful.

It wasn't until Yunding finished cleaning the battlefield that the undead ichthyosaurs could move slowly. Obviously, the power to receive the inheritance has come to an end, and it is estimated that it will be completely completed after a while.

Yanggos, who also digested the nine-winged black flesh and blood for a few days, felt that his strength had improved a lot. After they all withdrew from the cloud top, they found the undead ichthyosaur who had completed the inheritance, and expressed that they wanted to learn from each other. meddle.

Two guys who could also fly ran to the mountain behind Yunding and had a fight, the sound could be heard in the villa. A few hours later, the dragon's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the undead were flying around and a little unstable.

As for the result, Yangos is talking about a tie, but anyone who knows it knows that this guy must have lost, otherwise even if it is a tie, it will spread it everywhere. It's not that I can't help Grandpa Long... It just bullies the undead fish and dragons and can't speak.

Everyone in Yunding who guessed the result was stunned. The red hair itself is second only to Ye Zhongming in Yunding. Before cooperating with the undead fish and dragons, even Ye Zhongming and Ye couldn't help them. Now they have the inheritance Ichthyosaur is stronger than Yangos, so combined with red hair, wouldn't it be able to challenge the boss?

Everyone is interested in this question, but they also know that the redhead has been loyal to Ye Zhongming since he became almost human, and would never do such a thing, but there are leather children everywhere, and Yunding also No exception, such as Xiaohu, he kept encouraging the red hair to take the undead fish and dragon to fight Ye Zhongming.

The red hair was not annoyed, just asked Xiaohu with a smile, if I bring the undead ichthyosaur, can the master also bring Dihuangwan and Yangos? If you bring it, then the fish dragon and I will definitely lose. If you don't bring it, it also means that the fish dragon and I have to join forces to fight against the master, so isn't it clear at a glance who is stronger? Still need to compare? What's more, have you ever seen a master who goes all out? The master in that state can face dozens of eighth-level monsters alone without losing the wind. There is no doubt about his strength.

Xiaohu shrunk his neck when he heard this, and finally had a clear understanding of Ye Zhongming's strength—invincible at the same level, and his strength was infinitely close to level nine.

When the battle is won, it is naturally the moment of harvest.

This battle can be said to be the one that won the most spoils at one time since the establishment of Genting.

According to statistics, this time Yunding obtained a total of two corpses of level nine beings. After processing, they obtained two level nine magic crystals, 35 tons of flesh and blood, and thousands of pieces of various materials. The hundreds of feathers left on Wu's body.

Secondly, the Genting team killed a total of sixty-two eighth-level monsters, obtained the same number of eighth-level magic crystals, and 5,000 pieces of materials from them. As for the flesh and blood, there are more. They are all huge, naturally meaty, and those given to Li Daqian are only a very small part of the total.

And the number of level seven monsters is even more, reaching 1,906, and the number of level six monsters is an astonishing 270,000! As for Level 5 and Level 4, there are millions of them.

Faced with these gains, radicals like Xiaohu Yunshao copper pot even think that the subordinates of the monster commander should be cleaned up. You must know that after this battle, those who survived are the real elites. There is no shadow of level 5, at least level 6, and the number of lives at level 7 even exceeds what Yunding has harvested this time, no wonder Xiaohu and the others are tempted.

At the same time, even those relatively conservative people, such as Sister Guangyao Mo Yerong and the others, were very moved.

Start a war and make so much money! Among other things, after this time, basically most of the evolutionists in Yunding can complete the six-star evolution, which is already two levels higher than the average evolution level in the last days! ! !


They don't believe it, the Retail Chamber of Commerce that treats people as pigs, or the superpower Rebellion Zone and Yao Shijun, or even the Shentang that is said to be as technologically advanced as Genting, this time it can be compared!

And the number of those seventh-level magic crystals, apart from being distributed to those at the captain level, can already allow all members of the Red Makeup Guard to evolve.

An all-seven-star team, thinking about it, even Genting's own people feel a little shuddering!

Those who ranked after the 30th in the national area are basically seven-star evolutionists. If the red makeup guards are counted, it is Yunding who is going to dominate the list!

As for the eight-star evolutionary, this time Yunding will definitely blow out again, and all the core members will definitely get a bottle of potion, even those with outstanding strength or special status, such as Xiao Min, will definitely get it.

At that time, the number of eight-star evolutionists in Yunding is enough to scare half the people in the country to death!

A word came to many people's mind at the same time - invincible!

Perhaps, when everyone has completed the evolution, Genting will really surpass the country, and there will be no rivals anymore.

This is just a crushing on the evolutionary level. What if Ye Zhongming turned all the materials into equipment? An all-green team?

Core members have stopped thinking about it because it feels unreal to them.

Of course, with gains, there will naturally be losses.

In this battle, Yunding consumed a total of 20,000 magic crystal grenades, and almost emptied all the miniature bullets, special bullets, and consumables such as various shells, rockets, arrows, etc. The use of magic crystal weapons also made dozens Thousands of magic crystals turned into useless powder. All kinds of war machines have been damaged by more than 20%, and they can probably be recovered after repairs, but the difference will not be too much. Tens of thousands of pieces of various equipment have been scrapped, and war beasts have lost more than 2,000...

There are also those personal one-time equipment and items, most of which have been used up, and they are all cards and backhands.

In addition, there are casualties.

Regardless of the fact that the two sides only fought for a short time in the last battle, Yunding also suffered a lot of casualties. More than 5,000 evolutionaries died in the battle, and nearly 1,000 evolutionaries were disabled and must withdraw from the battle sequence. For the evolutionary in his early 10,000s, the loss has already exceeded one-twentieth.

This is the biggest loss since Genting was established.

Among them, high-level evolutionists also suffered casualties. Three seven-star captain-level evolutionists died in battle, and more than a hundred six-star fighters were killed and disabled.

Fortunately, the core members were not injured, and Tonghu and Xiaohu, who were the most injured, recovered after lying down for two days.

The list of losses looks uncomfortable, but on the whole, this is a big victory after all. The overall atmosphere in Genting is still immersed in joy, and various spontaneous celebrations abound.

But some people are still very busy. One is the genetic life laboratory. There are a lot of monster corpses and materials, and they are given enough test subjects. These researchers are completely immersed in the experiment, and basically have not rested for days and nights. The other one is the logistics department. They not only need to count the harvest, file it into the warehouse, but also deal with the funeral of the comrades who died in battle.

The other one is Ye Zhongming, who wants to turn the magic crystals he harvested into evolution potions.

Turning back and forth between several high-level roulette wheels, Ye Zhongming spent three full days to spend all these magic crystals.

In the end, he got fifteen bottles of eight-star evolution potions, five hundred and ninety-two bottles of seven-star evolution potions, six-star evolution potions... so many that he didn't even count them.

When he returned to Yunding, the villa ushered in the biggest evolution frenzy since its establishment!

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