Roulette World

One thousand five hundred and two national shocks

【Two in one~~】

The battle in the secret realm is not well known. Although it is inevitable that news will spread in the end, at least for now, as allies, Water Deacon Commander Mu and Li Daqian still strictly order their subordinates to keep it secret.

However, when they came, Yingcheng saw too many people, and those who are interested will definitely know that something big has happened. In addition, everyone knows that Yunding has a secret realm. After the three forces went up the mountain, they left without doing anything. There is only one explanation, this time the action is in a secret realm.

Genting has a history of launching large-scale battles on its own initiative. Among many speculations, this must be an option.

Gradually, some inaccurate information spread, and many forces probably knew from various clues that Yunding had once again completed a large-scale hunting operation.

Just don't know how big it is.

When Yunding was silently evolving in batches, when Ye Zhongming was still immersed in the manufacture of equipment, and when the two major laboratories were silently working hard to prepare for the results.

The occurrence of one incident put Yunding Villa on fire.

The new ranking of the country was released. Although there was only one list, which was the ranking of the comprehensive power of the country, Yunding suddenly appeared in the first place!

You know, since the country ranking list was established, other lists have changed a lot, but the first place in the country's comprehensive power ranking has never changed!

The resistance zone is the resistance zone!

They are always number one!

Yao Shijun is the most qualified to challenge them, but he has been firmly under the pressure.

Others, such as Retail Chamber of Commerce, Wuhuanqian, Ogre Chain, Pingong, Yunding, etc., have no chance.

Yes, the resistance area has four parts, and it is basically divided now. The C area and the T area can be regarded as maintaining the structure of the resistance area. Zhang Hetai in the G area is self-contained, and the S area is Mu Xinfei. The father and daughter are already enemies with District G, and because District C and T adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards their request for help before, District G has invaded a lot of territory in District S, and even they have taken a lot of advantage , so they have gone further and further away from each other, like passers-by.

But when counting, they are combined, and their strength is naturally superior.

Now, for the first time, the resistance zone has lost the throne of number one in the country.

In front of them is Yunding Villa.

In the previous ranking, Genting was only ranked fifth. How did it become the number one this time?

Due to the increasing authority of the Wuhuanqian list, ordinary evolutionists may still doubt it, but the forces that can be on the list believe it. Since the five-ring money can be arranged in this way, there must be a reason.

But, what's the point? Could it be that Ye Zhongming has evolved into a nine star?

impossible! Everyone knows the strength of the ninth level. Except for the killing of one by the Wanshou Manor, I have not heard of any other force that can do it, and what is the use of killing a ninth-level life, at least ten of them must be killed. It is only with the luck against the sky that it is possible to turn to the nine-star potion.

Didn't it evolve into a nine-star beast, then it has a nine-level beast?

This is possible, who could it be? That fire dragon, or Dihuang Wan?

Many people naturally thought of Yunding's mysterious action this time, so gradually, everyone came to a common opinion, it should be Yunding's big move in the secret realm, and he gained a lot of money.

On the ranking list of comprehensive forces in the country, Genting ranks first, Resistance Zone ranks second, Yaoshi Army ranks third, Wanshou Manor ranks fourth, Pin Palace ranks fifth, Shentang ranks sixth, Zero Chamber of Commerce ranks seventh, and Ogre Chain ranks eighth. , fifth ring money ninth, black star tenth.

The top nine are all regulars on the list. They have been on the list since the first issue. Black Star came up after the destruction of no man's land, and they are considered emerging forces.

It is precisely because this list has the least change among all the rankings, so the sudden change is so surprising.

No matter how it was blocked, after the announcement of the second list, the news of the Battle of Genting Secret Realm leaked out.

The second announced list is the list of mutated life in the country.

The number one... is no longer King Kai! It completely disappeared from the list.

There was news that it was Ye Zhongming who brought King Kai into the secret realm to kill him, and at the same time killed another ninth-level life in the secret realm, and gained huge benefits, so he became the number one in the country!

This naturally led to a new round of speculation.

At this time, Wuhuanqian commented on the list as usual. This is how they summed up Genting.

In the Battle of the Secret Realm, Yunding united the three major forces to make a lot of profits and obtained unimaginable benefits. After this battle, both Ye Zhongming himself and other members of Yunding will take a leap forward on the road of evolution sexual step.

At the same time, congratulations to the Red Makeup Guards for becoming an all-seven-star team! However, we have decided not to include a separate ranking of members of the Red Makeup Guard in the list of personal strength.

The explanation is very short, but it is enough to explain many problems. Only then did everyone know that Yunding and the three major forces really went to the secret realm. It turns out that they really killed the ninth-level life, or two!

This news is undoubtedly explosive. The all-seven-star team of the Red Makeup Guard is even more explosive. At least other people know that this time Ye Zhongming has obtained a large number of seven-star evolution potions.

Today, when the average evolutionary level of an evolutionary is only four stars, the appearance of an all-seven-star team is shocking to everyone.

Genting naturally also got these two rankings. Even before the rankings were announced, Wuhuanqian explained through the water deacon that because the news had already leaked, it was unavoidable to announce it first to ensure its authority. I hope Ye Zhongming understands What.

Deacon Shui also explained this matter in private. The matter of her forming her own power has been exposed because of this action, and the right to speak in Wuhuanqian is decreasing. If it is not because of the extraordinary relationship between her and Deacon Tong, it is estimated that Has been squeezed out of the ranks of giants.

Ye Zhongming doesn't care too much about these things. Yunding has passed the time when people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If you rank first, you should be number one. If you know that Yunding has such strength, you will know it. It's nothing.

He is very indifferent, but the forces in other countries are not indifferent.

Through the news from the avoidance of the service and the water deacon Commander Mu, the entire country has made a big move because of Yunding's successful hunting.

The resistance area, which was already on the verge of splitting, cooperated again. Zhang Hetai and Wen Zhongji Ruiguang met at Jianfeng Mountain Pass and decided to continue to keep the resistance area intact. They also sent a message to Commander Mu, hoping that he could put aside the past and make the four divisions merge into one again.

After being rejected by the troubled Commander Mu, he immediately announced that Area S would be kicked out of the resistance zone sequence. Commander Mu also simply changed the name of his force to the Daily Resistance Army the next day.

This is not the end. After excluding Commander-in-Chief Mu, the brand new resistance area announced that it will form a strategic alliance with Yao Shijun and Black Star, including more than a dozen forces on the national area ranking list.

The country trembled again.

Many people regard this as a response to the combination of the Genting Beast Manor Daily Rebel Army and Water Deacon, the second, third, and tenth alliances in the country, against the first, fourth, and fifteenth alliances in the country!

The Daily Resistance Army commanded by General Mu was ranked fifteenth.

This reaction is chained.

In order to ensure its own independence, Wuhuanqian announced that Deacon Shui left the organization, and that her alliance with Yunding was a private act and had nothing to do with Wuhuanqian.

Water Deacon was kicked out of Wuhuan Qian.

But Ye Zhongming knew that this was just a helpless move, and it was a means for commercial organizations to ensure the trust of customers. At least for a long period of time in the future, Water Deacon would still maintain a close relationship with Wuhuanqian.

When people's emotions have not yet recovered from this series of expulsions and alliances, another explosive news hits.

Shentang, Pingong, and Retail Chamber of Commerce have also united!

The fifth, sixth and seventh in the country's comprehensive power rankings stand together!

So far, the top ten superpowers in terms of comprehensive strength, except for Wuhuanqian and Ogre Chain, which started out as businesses, have all formed their own alliances.

After Ye Zhongming found out, he also shook his head and smiled wryly. He didn't expect that he found some friends with contacts to help, but it caused an alliance movement in the country to form gangs.

But looking at the phenomenon of these alliances, it is really a bit like fish looking for fish and shrimp looking for shrimp, especially Pingong, Shentang and Retail Chamber of Commerce, which are not good things.

The forces in the national area have appeared in this state, and the world is divided into three parts. Whether it is the alliance of the resistance area or the alliance of the Retail Chamber of Commerce, the relationship with the Genting Alliance is not very good. Obviously, we must be careful in the future.

However, the worries of Yunding and Ye Zhongming did not become a reality. They did take action, and the target was not Yunding.

I don't know if it was because they were stimulated by Genting, but these two alliances carried out a large-scale operation in a short period of time, and their target of the operation was directly at the ninth-level life.

The alliance against the Black Star of Yaoshi Army in the resistance area is strong. It is said that the number of evolutionaries included under the alliance exceeds three million. They chose a third-tier city with a ninth-level life in the north-central part of the country to launch an attack.

The specific situation is unknown to anyone except the people who participated, but the result is very clear, that is, the resistance zone alliance won. They successfully killed the ninth-level life and cleared all the mutant life in a city.

Successive news revealed that the resistance zone, Yaoshi Army Black Star and other forces dispatched a total of one million troops and fought for three days to complete the above goals.

Because of the large number of forces involved, the secrecy work will naturally not be done very well, and the results will soon be known to the country. They obtained more than three million magic crystals of various levels, as well as the corpse of a ninth-level life.

As for the city that was cleared out, it was also used as a stronghold for the joint management of the alliance.

Of course, the loss was also huge. Gossip said that the battle damage of the million-strong army exceeded 30%, among which were the commanders of the resistance zone and the commander-level figures of the Yaoshi Army branch.

Li Daqian's Wanshou Manor killed level 9 because it was a pregnant life, which was a big deal. The reason why Yunding Villa kills the ninth-level life is because it makes the two lives kill each other.

Strictly speaking, they don't really challenge the ninth-level life.

But this time, the Resistance Zone Alliance really faced the existence of the highest level, and succeeded.

Another alliance, that is, the alliance of Shentang Retail Chamber of Commerce, also carried out a large-scale battle. According to the news, they did not dispatch so many evolutionaries, but they launched a lot of mutant lives. Obviously, Shentang With their own handwriting, they raided a resource-rich Jedi, and among the Jedi, there was a level nine monster.

The operation was also successful, after paying a high price.

There are rumors that the Holy See Branch President and other experts died in battle, but it is impossible to determine whether it is true or not.

Faced with the successful actions of the two alliances to challenge the nine-level life one after another, Ye Zhongming didn't feel much on the surface, but he was extremely emotional in his heart.

After all, these forces are too powerful, and they all have cards to survive in the apocalypse. If they don't make a move at ordinary times, they are afraid that they won't be able to bear the huge loss. daunting.

Ye Zhongming never imagined that a large-scale hunting that he completely aimed at the development of Yunding would bring such a big chain reaction, which not only contributed to the three-legged pattern of the country and the region, but also made the human evolution finally show the ferociousness to the ninth-level existence tusks.

Human beings, on the road of evolution to Nine Stars, have sped up...

This time, although the two alliances have suffered heavy losses, there is no doubt that this is also a disguised concentration of resources, and the benefits obtained will be dominated by a few people. Each force may cause a decline in strength due to losses, but These people will undoubtedly become more and more powerful in such actions.

The advantage of Yunding is still obvious, that is on the whole, but on the top of the pyramid, other forces are catching up, forming a kind of competition between each other, let's see who will be the first to evolve to Nine Stars!

Seeing the large-scale migration of these two alliances from the intelligence, each occupying a part of the country, and embracing each other, Ye Zhongming knew that his rebirth had brought drastic changes to the entire apocalypse, and these things that happened now had never happened in his previous life It happened, he didn't know whether it was good or bad, and he didn't want to know, he only knew that he stood at the pinnacle of the country, what he had to do was to keep it going, and when the time was right, wipe out all the monsters.

Facing the turbulent winds and clouds in the country, Ye Zhongming was ready to face the wind and rain.

The country has undergone drastic changes, and the Blue Secret Realm has come to an end. The already broken world has entered the most unstable time. The space is shaking every moment, and destruction is in sight.

The monster commander found Ye Zhongming, and he was coming with his men.

Ye Zhongming's eyes fell on the newly created country map, and he patrolled back and forth on the territory of the two major alliances...

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