Roulette World

1562: Death of the Mouse King

This change stopped everyone in Genting who had already planned to do something.

The haze glaze was transplanted here from Black Dragon City, the root system originally carried soil, but after leaving the ground, it turned into powder.

Because he was afraid that this kind of life would have other characteristics, Ye Zhongming didn't plan to plant it on the top of the cloud when he was conducting the experiment.

He really didn't know if this thing was a blessing or a curse, Ye Zhongming didn't dare to let it take root in Yunding at will.

But now, whether he likes it or not, this thing has taken root in the soil here.

Whether it's the human evolutionary, those war beasts, or Ye Zhongming himself, they are all observing and feeling the changes after the accident.

The other lives don't know, but Ye Zhongming immediately felt that when the root system of Lanyou went underground, the absorption of his life became slow.

This is...absorbing the power from the soil to replace his own?

Ye Zhongming couldn't figure it out, so he could only guess like this.

The situation suddenly became stalemate, and Ye Zhongming's aging speed gradually slowed down, allowing him time to continue to observe what would happen next.

Ye Zhongming knew that if the blue glaze could grow by absorbing the energy in the soil, then it wouldn't only grow three centimeters every year in Black Dragon City. The current situation is very likely to be a temporary phenomenon.

It's no wonder Ye Zhongming thinks so, it's really because Lan Yao's performance in Black Dragon City was not very good before.

Perhaps because of Ye Zhongming's lack of vitality, the plundering power of Lanyu to it became smaller and smaller. At a certain moment, Ye Zhongming found that he could move, but his body was so weak that his body had no strength.

But being able to move your hands is enough.

From the space, he began to release fertile soil.

Now he doesn't know if the national specialties have any effect on Lanyu, but out of the fluke mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor, and Lanhuang's absorption of the energy of the earth, he made it so.

For the sake of hope, Ye Zhongming spilled all the fertile soil that has been accumulated in his hands for so long.

The national special product has a great effect on promoting the growth of plants. After so much fertile soil, there is an obvious change in the glaze.

It began to grow rapidly, faster than when it absorbed Ye Zhongming's vitality before. The branches became thicker, and there were many forks beside it, and green leaves emerged from it.

Ye Zhongming's hand didn't let go at all, and he kept his skills activated. Anyway, Lan glaze had stopped absorbing his energy just now.

Now, the haze glaze is growing rapidly, and it has grown by about half a meter in just a dozen seconds. The life fluctuation it emits is more intense, making the bodies of many war beasts tremble slightly.

In the outermost circle of the war beasts, there are some low-level war beasts, that is, three or four levels. They belong to the type that either has limited racial talent and only stays in the cloud because of certain aspects of ability, or is A type with special abilities but extremely difficult to evolve, or a type that has just arrived in Genting and has not been fed with the nutrient-rich feed here.

Although they were in the outermost circle, they still received enough energy to nourish them. When Lanyao entered the second crazy growth and the energy emitted became more intense, many of them directly fell into a deep sleep and entered the evolution process.

The owners or breeders of these war beasts were ecstatic to watch.

Some of these war beasts belonged to the red makeup guards. These guys were all auxiliary war beasts, and it was difficult to evolve. Now they suddenly started to evolve, which made these female warriors who are usually unsmiling feel happy.

Liu Zhenghong and her researchers immediately began to observe these war beasts, and carefully drew some blood from some unimportant war beasts.

Many evolutionaries saw this scene, and when they looked at Lanyu again, their eyes changed a bit.

The energy that can allow mutated life to evolve directly is...unheard of.

Things are strange, no one knows what's going on, but for Genting, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

Those who are also happy are not only the owners of those war beasts, but also Ye Zhongming, the person who suffered the most.

He found that when Lanyou grew wildly at this stage, some energy was fed back to himself.

This is not an illusion, but a real thing. Ye Zhongming saw that the skin of his hands had become much younger. The Genting fighters who had been following him all the time felt like weeping with joy at this moment, because their boss had changed from the seventy to eighty-year-old to a lot younger, and returned to the sixty-something-year-old appearance.

This shows that the life of the King of Genting has been fed back.

Ye Zhongming felt the return of life. He knew that he had made the right bet. The Fertile Soil could really have an effect on Lanya, and this violent catalytic effect prevented Lanya from fully absorbing it, and returned some life energy to it. ' Ye Zhongming said.

However, when Ye Zhongming thought that this situation would continue, that is, when he had recovered to his appearance in his forties after a few minutes, the feedback of this energy slowed down, slowed down together, and Lan The growth speed of the glaze, at this moment, it has grown to about five meters, and the diameter of the tree has become more than half a meter, and there is an obvious crown at the top. Both the branches and the leaves are green and green, like a jade carving. Comes out beautifully realistic sculpture.

But everyone could see that the growth of the 'big jade tree' that Lanyue had turned into had slowed down.

Ye Zhongming also felt that the feedback of energy gradually slowed down, and even showed signs of stopping.

This frightened Ye Zhongming, once it stopped, wouldn't this mysterious thing like Lanyu start to absorb his life force again?

But now Ye Zhongming has no more fertile soil, and it is impossible to satisfy Lanya's absorption like a bottomless pit, what should I do? Let go, end your gardener skills this time? But now Ye Zhongming is still in middle age, and there is still a lot of vitality that has not returned. It is a pity to give up at this time!

Ye Zhongming knows this truth, if things cannot be violated, he can only give up. The state of middle age is much better than the state of old age before.

So he planned to end the use of the skill immediately.

But in the underground where Ye Zhongming could not see, a complete accident happened, something no one thought of.

Under the nourishment of the fertile soil, the haze glaze grows rapidly, and it is not only the part above the ground that becomes thick, but also the part underground.

It can be seen from the seedlings of the blue glaze before that its root system is far more developed than its 'upper body'.

When the root system enters the ground, especially after the fertile soil becomes fertilizer, the growth of the root system can be much larger than the part on the ground.

They become bigger and longer and spread in all directions, and each root system is absorbing the energy in the soil.

Naturally, the energy contained in such a small amount of soil around cannot be compared with that of a high-level evolutionary like Ye Zhongming, so the huge root system is the guarantee for the continuous growth of Lanyu.

But in the underground of the test site where Lanyou is located, there is not only soil, but also a group of lives that don't know how many... mutated mice.

Before, Ye Zhongming didn't allow this guy to dig a hole under the villa to settle down, so the Shu Wang couple naturally didn't dare to be disobedient.

However, the fluctuations emitted by the blue glaze just now were too tempting for the mutated beings. They also ignored the ban and burrowed from the ground one after another.

Of course, the Mouse King and his rat army haven't lost their minds yet. They drilled deep holes to avoid damaging the cloud top's defense system. The ground caved in.

When they reached the place where Lanyu was, in fact, the war beasts on the ground had already arrived and had already absorbed energy for a while.

Being under the ground, there was very little energy seeping down. Naturally, Shu Wang and his wife were not reconciled. After trying mentally to communicate with Ye Zhongming to no avail, they waited for a while, but couldn't resist the temptation, and ordered their men to drill holes upwards, directly through the ground.

Shu Wang felt that even if Ye Zhongming knew about it, he would blame it too much. After all, it is also a part of Yunding now, and other war beasts are absorbing energy, so naturally they also have a part in it.

So the elites of the mutated mouse army brought by the mouse king began to dig holes upwards crazily.

What happened next made Shu King regretful.

Its subordinates did not open the hole leading to the ground, but encountered the root system of the blue glaze spreading downward.

The tragedy happened when the first mutated mouse accidentally touched a root system.

These roots seemed to come alive, frantically coming from all directions, piercing into the mutant rat's body, even a fifth-level mutant rat, could only persist for a few seconds before being sucked into a rat.

Those who can follow the mouse king are the elite of the rat army. There are many rats at the fifth, sixth and seventh levels. They quickly discovered the abnormality. At first, these guys wanted to escape and dig in other directions, but there were too many roots. It seems to be everywhere, and there is no escape at all.

The mutated mouse army could only be forced to fight back.

However, the horror is that their counterattacks are futile. Even if it is a seventh-level mutant mouse, even if they destroy the surrounding root system, there will be roots extending from other directions immediately, and even those destroyed It grows back in an instant.

These mouse legions, who dominate the underground world, have almost no ability to resist, and are absorbed by the crazily slaughtered by the root system of Lanya.

Even if the number of mutated rats came here was only one ten-thousandth, they were all elites, and the number exceeded 100,000. All of a sudden, because the fertile soil was absorbed with almost the same energy, it became rich again.

Ye Zhongming, who was about to give up on the ground, immediately felt that the energy fed back to him had increased again, and the thought of breaking up temporarily stopped.

He doesn't know the reason yet, but since he has energy again, he can't just let it go for nothing.

Seeing that Lanyu continued to grow wildly, the evolutionary on one side was completely relieved. At least judging from the current situation, his boss should be able to return to his original state.

Ye Zhongming is having a good time, but Shu Wang is not.

Its subordinates were being slaughtered crazily, and within a few minutes, most of the mutated mice were sucked out of life and turned into mummies.

At this moment, the Shu King couldn't care less about absorbing energy, so he took the remaining less than 10,000 men and started to escape.

Its evolution level is high, it runs very fast in the hole, and quickly escapes from the hole it just made.

Shu Wang and his wife felt relieved, and decided to return to Yunding from the ground after escaping. On the one hand, they would explain the reason to Ye Zhongming and tell him what happened to the release, and on the other hand, they also wanted to see what it was and put them away. The elites were wiped out.

But before they could feel at ease for more than ten seconds, those seemingly incomparably soft milky-white root systems suddenly protruded from the soil beside them, and attacked the last remaining mutated rat army.

Various skills were issued under the ground, causing a lot of movement, even Ye Zhongming and other war beasts on the ground were aware of it, but they thought it was caused by Lan glaze, before Ye Zhongming returned to his previous appearance Sometimes, they didn't bother to check.

The Mouse King couple's two eighth-levels were already red-eyed at the moment, while running, while attacking the surroundings frantically, the other mutant mice were gradually invisible around them.

Two powerful lives that have survived since the end of the world have encountered the biggest threat to their lives at this moment.

They handed in all their skills, and made big holes one by one. The powerful strength of the eighth-level life force made them escape from the range of Yunding Villa long ago, and even fled several kilometers away.

You must know that in the underground, being able to fight and escape while fighting in such a short period of time is enough to show the strength of the Shu King couple.

They found that there were fewer and fewer roots around them, and it was obvious that they were really out of range.

But at this moment, two red roots that were obviously much thicker than the other roots quietly approached them under the cover of other roots, and suddenly bit into their bodies like a poisonous snake lurking on the tree.

The Shu King couple began to struggle violently, trying to break free, but it was completely useless. Five minutes later, they followed in the footsteps of those subordinates and were absorbed into the mummy.

The powerful existence of the eighth level galloping underground died 'accidentally' just like that.

The energy of the two eighth-levels immediately made Lanyou usher in the growth peak again, and the height has reached nearly eight meters at this moment!

The energy it radiated made some five-level and six-level war beasts begin to evolve!

Of the nearly 20,000 war beasts that have come here, there are only a few at level seven or eight. That is to say, most of the battles now have entered the state of evolution.

This scene was so shocking that the people in Yunding were speechless.

Ye Zhongming also made up for all the lost life energy, and some of the excess even entered his body.

Originally, he wanted to end the skill at this point and no longer take risks, but it found that he couldn't end this skill activation state by himself!

Ye Zhongming immediately returned to hell from heaven.

Could it be that after tossing for a long time, I still can't get rid of the ending of being sucked into someone? !

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