Roulette World

One thousand five hundred and sixty-three and added reinforcements

"Two in One"

Ye Zhongming is not in the weak old state just now, but has returned to a normal state, and he began to try to get rid of control actively.

But what made him feel helpless was that he couldn't get rid of Lanhuang's branches no matter what, as if this guy needed his skills to absorb energy.

"Boss! The bell is ringing! Little Leaf!"

Some shouts came in from the outside, and the other people in Yunding saw that Ye Zhongming didn't seem to be moving, and they all reminded him to give up quickly.

What they didn't know was that Ye Zhongming couldn't get rid of it now.

Ye Zhongming felt for a moment that his hands seemed to grow together with Lanyu.

Forcing himself to calm down, Ye Zhongming knew that he hadn't reached the point of despair yet. The reason why he didn't get the red hair to come over and cut off the blue glaze through spiritual communication was because he found that it had jumped to a height of fifteen meters between some leaves of the blue glaze. , unexpectedly opened a small number of white flowers.

Green and snow white form a sharp contrast in color.


This is what Ye Zhongming cares about now.

Lan glaze flowering?

Ye Zhongming has already experienced the mystery of this plant. He is very curious about what will happen after it blooms.

Ye Zhongming knew that his guessing here would be fruitless, so he began to observe the reactions of the surrounding beasts. This is the most straightforward.

Ye Zhongming is usually familiar with Dihuangwan, Yangos, Three-nosed Elephant and Nine Treasures. He saw these guys lying there quietly with their eyes closed, breathing very rhythmically, as if they were asleep.

But compared to before, their breathing rhythm is faster.

This shows that these guys are absorbing more energy now than before.

It seems that the energy produced by the haze glaze has increased after it blooms.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming, who had returned to his peak state, also discovered the changes in the underground. The death of the Mouse King couple, and the spiritual communication they sent before, the red hair was passed on to the King of Cloud Top.

The root system of Lanyu can kill and absorb eighth-level life? !

Ye Zhongming was beyond shocked. It has just grown from a seedling to what it is now. How can it have such a powerful ability?

Even if the Shuwang couple are not considered to be powerful existences in the life of the Genting Department, they have a hundred thousand men. Together, even if it is Dihuangwan or Yangos, they must be cautious. How could he be killed so easily? Turned into the energy of a big tree?

Ye Zhongming began to feel a little worried.

Once the roots are under the ground and there is nothing to draw energy from, will they rush to the ground in one fell swoop?

Now, around Lanyu, there are more than 20,000 mutated beings. Most of Yunding's war beasts are already here. If these roots are all killed, then Yunding's power will be reduced by three points at once. one!

Also, Lanyu's root system is not only interested in mutated life, it should also be the same for evolutionaries. According to the clean energy it killed the Rat King and his wife just now, wouldn't the entire Genting be in danger?

Ye Zhongming couldn't tolerate this.

He decided to do something.

If Lanya only showed its ability to improve against war beasts, then Ye Zhongming would definitely choose to let Hongfa cut down the tree and burn it. Because this is a time bomb, maybe at some point, it will bring crisis to the entire Genting.

Compared with its function, the potential threat of the glaze made Ye Zhongming more afraid.

However, now that the tree has blossomed, will it bear fruit? Just the energy it emits can have such a great effect on the beast, so what about the fruit it bears?

Will it be a kind of divine fruit for mutated life?

With this guess, Ye Zhongming was not willing to kill the tree directly.

He chose another way.

Facing Lanyu, Ye Zhongming released a skill.

Mark of Wisdom!

This is one of the abilities given to Ye Zhongming by the natural spirit.

With this ability, Ye Zhongming can make a mutated plant possess medium intelligence, and... gain control over it.

The cooling time is very long, but Ye Zhongming didn't use it much.

This is also the reason why Ye Zhongming hadn't been too flustered before... He couldn't get rid of the attraction of the blue glaze to his hands, and he couldn't stop the gardener from cultivating skills. However, the ability of the mark of wisdom can be used together with other abilities of the gardener profession .

Ye Zhongming was a little nervous when the imprint of wisdom was used. He couldn't guarantee whether this skill would have an effect on the mysterious and powerful Lanya.

The change started, and Ye Zhongming found that his spiritual power began to pour into Lanyu's trunk crazily.

There are thousands of beasts galloping past in my heart.

Just now, he was absorbing his own life force, but now the object of absorption has become spiritual power?

Ye Zhongming's fighting power dare not be said to be the best in the world, but in terms of mental strength, the King of Cloud Top is definitely a monster.

His mental power rushed into Lanyu's body like a stormy wave. Whether it was Ye Zhongming or the other members of Yunding, they found that the mysterious tree was trembling slightly. After a while, the trembling began to become violent.

Ye Zhongming didn't know what was going on at first, he just thought that together with just now, Lanyu was simply absorbing life force to improve itself, and the same is true for absorbing spiritual power now.

But soon, he discovered that there was a slight connection between him and Lanyou.

Different from the feeling of oneness just now, in that situation, it is better to say that Ye Zhongming has a connection with his lost vitality. Now, it is really similar to the connection with war beasts such as red hair or Dihuang Wanyangos .

It's just that this feeling is very jerky, and there is great resistance.

Ye Zhongming even felt that Lanhuang was possessing his own wisdom!

This is not allowed!

Ye Zhongming knew that once this instinctively powerful plant had its own thoughts, then the war beasts and evolutionists in Yunding might be really dangerous.

He took the initiative to increase the output of mental power to attack those 'obstacles'.

Thanks to the Daqian Soul Refining Technique and the huge improvement in spiritual power several times before, the total spiritual power of the King of Cloud Top is as vast as the ocean.

Even when the madness was absorbed and he actively invested, it lasted for more than fifteen seconds. When Ye Zhongming's mental power was only one-tenth left, he clearly felt that those obstacles were absorbed He broke through!

Ye Zhongming and Lanyu, who had completed the opening of wisdom, became a kind of partnership.

Yes, even if Ye Zhongming had such a strong mental power, it didn't allow him to completely control Lanhuang, but the relationship between them became very close.

As long as it does not involve any interests between life and death, Ye Zhongming's words will basically be accepted by Lanhuang.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming also knew a lot of things.

First of all, he determined that Lanyu is not life on earth, but comes from a mysterious world full of colorful colors, just like the lights it emitted before.

It is still a seed, and it came to the earth together with those secret keys, and landed on the top of Changbai Mountain, where it took root and sprouted.

Secondly, it is not a carnivorous plant that absorbs mutated life force as its food. Just like the plants on the earth, it relies on absorbing water, sunlight and energy from the soil to grow itself. The reason why Ye Zhongming's vitality was absorbed just now, and the lives of more than 100,000 mutant mice, including the Shuwang couple, was absorbed because Ye Zhongming applied the gardener's cultivation skills to it.

Abnormal rapid growth will naturally have to pay an abnormal price. For the usual plants, Ye Zhongming can consume mental power, but Lanyao is too special, and the level of life is too high, so that he needs to pay vitality, and he can't get rid of it. Lose.

Now that the cultivation skills are over, Lanyou naturally doesn't need to absorb a lot of energy to ensure its own growth. It only needs to absorb nutrients normally.

Also, the colorful energies it emits do have a strong nourishing power for mutated animals, which is one of its characteristics, but this energy is not very strong when it grows normally, and its function is a bit Similar to insect emperor honey, it can promote and shorten the evolution of mutated life, but it cannot allow them to absorb a huge amount of energy and evolve directly. What happened today is entirely due to the special period.

This is actually not difficult to understand. In this way, Lanya attracts mutated life to live and inhabit near it. The excrement or secretions of these life enter the soil and turn into its fertilizer, which in turn can nourish it. In fact, this is a small biosphere of mutual assistance.

It's just amazing how special the energy is.

In the end, it is the blue glaze that is blooming now, and it can indeed bear fruit, but it cannot reproduce, because the current blue glaze has no similar species here, and it cannot reproduce through the matching of the root system.

If it can't find the same kind, then in the end it can only use the splitting ability to split itself into two when it evolves to its own limit. Although the strength is reduced, but the same kind is produced by itself, and then through different growth and absorption, Become brand new two individuals and prevent genocide.

The current Lan glaze is still a long way from its top state.

These flowers, and even the fruits produced after the flowering period, are actually just a sign that Lan glaze has grown to the peak of the first stage, and it doesn't have much substantive effect.

Of course, this is for itself. Flowers and fruits, like the energy it emits, are a means of attracting mutated life, but the energy provided by flowers and fruits is higher, which can attract higher-level creatures. Life came and inhabited the vicinity.

After understanding all this, Ye Zhongming put his hands down and was happy in his heart.

He knew that the big tree he had spent a lot of money on was worth more than it paid for.

In the future, in Yunding, human evolutionists will have the light pole training platform and insect emperor honey to improve their strength, and the beasts will have Lanyu to improve their strength. Yunding's overall combat level will undoubtedly usher in a leap, and it can be maintained forever.

Seeing Ye Zhongming's hand leave Lanhuang, everyone let go of their hearts. At the same time, those war beasts who were still awake, that is, the existences of the seventh and eighth levels, found that the energy that could be absorbed had become insignificant, They stood up one after another and looked at the small white flowers on the branches of the blue glaze.

"Little Yezi, can I eat these flowers?" Yanggos stood taller than Lanyu, looked down at those little flowers, and his saliva flowed out.

It feels that these flowers, which are too small for it, contain the energy that it longs for.

But Yangos is not stupid. It knows that this thing is unusual. Although it didn't see the strangulation of the Rat King and his wife in the underground before, but instinctively, the evil dragon knew that the tree was dangerous, so he didn't rush to pick off those little flowers.

At the same time, Yangos is very clear about the rules of Yunding Mountain Villa. This kind of thing is undoubtedly excellent. No one can occupy it without permission, otherwise they will be punished.

In the entire Genting, there is only one person who has this right, and that is the king here, Ye Zhongming.

At this moment, the King of Cloud Top also raised his head, looking at the crown of Lanyu, he was counting the number of flowers.

After absorbing almost all of Ye Zhongming's life energy, the life energy of one hundred thousand high-level mutated mice, and two eighth-level life energy, only... fifteen flowers bloomed?

Even if I know that this flower is very precious, but now it's 15 meters high and the canopy covers more than a thousand square meters, so it's embarrassing to have just a few flowers?

Is it proportional to height? Fifteen meters can only bloom fifteen flowers?

Not to mention, after communicating with Lanyou, Ye Zhongming could only stare blankly as to what was really going on.

After weighing it, Ye Zhongming jumped under the glaze and picked off five small white flowers.

When he got closer, he saw that each of these white flowers had only three leaves, and there were no stamens in the center, probably because these flowers had no ability to reproduce, so how did the fruits come out? Ye Zhongming didn't understand.

However, there are too many things that cannot be understood in the last days, let alone this kind of non-earth life.

"Little Yezi, give me two quickly!"

Yangos was already flickering his wings and wanted to talk.

Ye Zhongming ignored it.

Five flowers, three pieces each, only fifteen petals.

Ye Zhongming distributed them to many sober high-level war beasts, each with only one petal. For these beings who often need to use meters to calculate their body size, it is indeed a bit ridiculous to ignore the small petals when they are fed into their mouths.

But every war beast that ate the petals immediately felt a surge of power entering the body, and quickly got down on the body to absorb and accept it, even Yangos who was clamoring just now was like this.

Everyone was amazed at the power of this thing.

It's a pity that the red-haired and undead ichthyosaurs are not very interested in these petals, and the energy doesn't have much effect on them.

"Little leaf, is it very precious?"

Liu Zhenghong looked up at the remaining ten small flowers.

Ye Zhongming nodded, looked at the little flower and said, "I estimate that when they bear fruit, they may allow the sixth-level life to evolve directly. Three, maybe the seventh-level life can be evolved. As for whether the eighth-level life can be evolved or not It’s hard to say, after all, evolution to level nine is not just about having energy.”

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