Roulette World

1634th Explosion (Part 1)

"When these poisonous poles grow up, that woman in Yunding Villa will die quickly!"

Xiao Zhengtai came to this conclusion after seeing the poisonous pole the size of a grain of rice.

Life-devouring poisonous poles can absorb the strength and blood essence of professionals in a short period of time and grow rapidly. Although even the largest is not as big as a rice grain, it is already considered a poisonous insect. It is very difficult to get rid of it when it sticks to the body. It can quickly absorb the vitality of people. , people were tortured to death within a short and not long period of time.

Perhaps thinking of such a scene, Xiao Zhengtai licked his tongue excitedly.

Ye Zhongming frowned slightly, looking at the situation on the ring, he felt a little worried.

The king of cloud tops is not afraid of red hair being confronted by strong opponents.

This is the same as his status in the country. In the national area, Ye Zhongming is the first person. This ranking must be a compliment from Wu Huanqian, but it is basically in line with his strength.

In the huge country, Ye Zhongming is indeed one of the people with the strongest comprehensive strength, even number one! Not to mention anything else, just talking about Beasts, even Li Daqian, who was born in a "specialized class" like Wanshou Manor, would be willing to bow down.

Coupled with the addition of weapons and equipment brought by top craftsmen, Ye Zhongming said that he was the second, and no one dared to pat his chest and say that he was the first.

The same is true for the red hair, she may not be close to Ye Zhongming, but after thinking about it carefully, since she was created by Ye Zhongming, she has experienced countless battles, big and small, and basically the result of a total victory. Even when facing ninth-level beings, she is also admirably tenacious.

Especially after possessing the undead ichthyosaur, the strength of the red hair has been improved to a higher level. In the entire Yunding, Ye Zhongming has a rough measure of the strength of each person in his heart. Except for him, if he must choose No matter who is the second strongest existence, then Ye Zhongming will probably vote for the red hair.

After this puppet 'made' by himself gained a new life, even Ye Zhongming didn't quite know how far she could go.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the red hair is very strong, really strong.

This opponent named Ahan was a bit confused in terms of momentum, when Ye Zhongming felt that this should be an eight-star evolutionary. Since it is less than nine stars, with Hongfa's strength, the possibility of losing is very small.

The sudden change of the undead ichthyosaur made the red-haired strength drop a bit, but this Ahan is by no means a top eight-star evolutionary.

Ye Zhongming thought that he would win this match.

But when he saw this strange occupation of Ahan, the King of Genting also lost confidence.

He was not afraid that the red hair would not be able to win, but he was afraid that after winning, he would still be harmed by this kind of thing.

At this time, Ye Zhongming couldn't help but wonder if his decision to never bring Park Soo-young when he came out to fight was too conservative?

When the side of Hidden Snake Journey was complacent and the side of Yunding was worried, Hongfa started to fight back.

The light and shadow arena is very beautiful and very strong. Whether it is Ah Han's giant hand or the red-haired long spear, the result of hitting it is that they are completely motionless.

Ahan's bugs did a lot of damage to Hongfa. Even though Hongfa was dodging all the time, he had never been directly touched by the opponent, but there were too many of these bugs, and Ahan kept throwing them into the air to avoid Unable to be infected, now every second, the red hair's physical strength value will drop by as much as ten points! If this situation continues, without Ahan doing anything, Red Hair will basically fail by himself in ten minutes.

But the poisonous pole will not only encounter the red hair, but also encounter the light and shadow arena, which remains unmoved.

The red-haired, who was in a bit of a mess, suddenly chuckled, not knowing what was going on, Ah Han sounded suspicious, and immediately stopped attacking, and retreated towards the back.

In the case of taking the initiative, Ahan made this choice very carefully, and he was not in a hurry, because the poisonous pole was his capital, and he could slowly consume his opponent to death.

But something that made him panic happened at this time.

On the light and shadow arena that was so strong that it was unscathed no matter how hard it was attacked,

Suddenly some black plants appeared!

These plants grow rapidly, become longer, thicker, and sharp wood thorns appear on them!

"Red thorns?!"

Ahan's heart froze, he didn't care to explore why this kind of thing appeared in the light and shadow arena, he let out a loud roar, and the pants he was wearing on his lower body shattered with a bang, revealing a pair of furry thighs and a pair of bright red underpants.

The exploded trousers were broken into four pieces, and each piece turned into a cloth shield with black light shining on it, spinning rapidly.

Vitex drew on these cloth shields, but didn't do anything to them.

There was a little smile on Ahan's face, quite relieved.

After all, in such a narrow space, if he had no way to deal with this kind of long thorns, then he would have no chance of winning other than being passively beaten.

However, just as his smile appeared, it froze on his face. Ah Han saw that the woman jumped into the air at some point, stabbing him with a long spear.

When the spear was in the air, it instantly split and turned into thorns again. There were only a dozen of them in number. What made Ah Han feel chills from his back was that this woman's long hair also turned into this kind of thorns that he hated. s things.

All of a sudden, it seemed that the entire space was filled with thorns.

Countless thorns danced and launched a frenzied attack on Ahan from all directions and angles. The four cloth shields are really strong, but the number is too small, even if they can move very quickly, they are not perfect.

From time to time, streaks of blood were drawn out from Ahan's body by some thorns.

This strong man's defense is very good, as the little Zhengtai said, his skin is comparable to golden protective equipment, but who would have thought that this kind of plant that doesn't look so strong will break the defense.

On the light and shadow arena, Ahan's physical points were dropping rapidly. In a short period of time, he had already reached the early four thousand and was about to drop to more than three thousand.

But Ahan no longer has any fear, he is struggling to support, this strange red-haired woman is very long, he has already seen that this woman's physical points drop faster than his, because his poisonous pole is not satisfied The body and the four cloth shields will be stained every time the thorns touch it. Now, the opponent's points have reached more than 3,500, which is lower than him!

In this confrontation, Ahan has the upper hand.

The spectators on both sides below are watching nervously, they are all………………………………………………

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