Roulette World

1635th Explosion (below)

Ahan was sweating profusely all over his body. This was not real sweat, but a kind of stimulation of potential.

His profession predestined that Ahan's combat effectiveness is above the virus he cultivated.

In the past, when his professional level had not been upgraded, he was a meat shield. Every time he fought or hunted, he had to rush to the front to absorb the firepower and attacks of the enemy or mutated life.

This situation continued for several years.

If it wasn't for Ahan's fate, he would have died long ago.

Virus carrier, this profession is very special and weird, but before the upgrade, when he only had explosive fungus and onychomycosis, he and his profession were not favored by others.

Every team likes him, and every team doesn't regard him as a human being.

The so-called vanguards, machos, tanks, arrows, sharp knives... In fact, they are cannon fodder.

Looking at the shadows of thorns and whips all over the sky, Ahan's mind echoed the days when he walked on thin ice and lived on the verge of death every day after the end of the world began.

His eyes quickly turned red.

After acquiring the ability to eat poisonous poles, Ahan's status rose sharply. At the beginning, he was very satisfied. He felt that everything had changed, and the god of fate began to favor him.

But, gradually, he found that nothing had changed in essence, he just changed from a low-level master to a high-level thug.

The person who ordered him, from a second-rate figure to a first-rate figure, has now become a master-level figure.

He's still a punk.

Just like now, even if he became the number two person in Hidden Snake Journey, he would still be sent out to fight a life-and-death battle.

It's his pleasure? Yes, so to speak. But more, he is still required to charge forward.

In Ahan's heart, when Xiao Zhengtai arrogantly instructed him to play in the battle just now, for the first time, he wanted to stand on his own.

Therefore, he wants to win this battle, get rewards, and constantly improve his own strength until... he becomes a big boss himself!

Until... watching others work hard for him!

This time, he must win.

In the sweat flowing from his body, amidst Ahan's unwilling roar, the virus carrier activated his fourth skill.

No one knows that Ahan has a fourth skill.

Sixtieth pus!

A dreadful virus that rapidly rots where the target is touched.

This is the first time he has shown this kind of virus in front of everyone that every little bit of cultivation will make him miserable.

Mrs. Xiaozheng once said that Ahan cultivated one gram of life-eating poisonous poles every day. But what he didn't know was that if Ahan only cultivated life-devouring poisonous poles every day, he could grow five grams! The reason why he only bred one gram is because he spent all his energy and painstaking efforts on the sixty-year-old Hertz pus, in addition to a small amount of fungi that increased the first two physical attributes!

This is his trump card, this is his stepping stone on the road to the top powerhouse!

Ah Han has already made up his mind, kill this woman, get rewards, strengthen himself, and then say goodbye to this little bastard that he hates so much!

This fledgling guy is not qualified to order himself, even if he takes off that golden equipment, he will not be his opponent now!

In this kind of fantasy, Ahan released his own trick, pressing the bottom of the box.

These sweat-like inconspicuous horrors turned into water droplets all over the sky, splashing on the densely covered thorns around them.

No matter how tight the protection is, it cannot stop the pervasive liquid.

The sixtieth pus stained the thorns, and shot towards Hong from the gaps in the thorns.

All the twigs that were splashed emitted green smoke, and the location expanded rapidly, directly corroding this tough and terrifying weapon.

The thorns fell to the ground section by section, covering the ground in an instant. Ahan stood there, the broken thorns reaching his ankles.

He looked ferociously at the red hair falling in the sky that could not be dodged, and watched the liquid he emitted pounce on the woman.

near, and then without any surprise,

The sixtieth pus stained the red-haired body.

Although there are still thorns flying around in the space, at this time, whether it is Ah Han or the others in Hidden Snake Journey, they are sure that Yunding Villa lost this competition.

Because in terms of physical fitness values ​​displayed on the light and shadow arena, the red-haired ones are dropping rapidly!


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