Roulette World

1,648 S-level rewards

Ye Zhongming acted immediately when he came up. Naturally, he had the idea of ​​getting better rewards, and also meant that Xiao Zhengtai couldn't react and couldn't use his hole cards.

From the analysis of Adam's clothes and personality, Ye Zhongming felt that Xiao Zhengtai probably had a backer, otherwise his age and his temper would make it impossible for him to become the leader of the team who can get here.

Well, since it was given by someone else, probably a close relative, he will definitely give this little guy some life-saving things. Although Ye Zhongming is not afraid, it will be troublesome to kill. Once it is that kind of turtle shell, not only will he not be able to get the best Rewards, and possibly even a tie.

The King of Genting chose to play an extra game, but he took risks to win high-quality rewards, not to play you attack and defend.

So when he came up, he chose a quick attack and used a long-range weapon in order to kill the little Zhengtai Adam in one blow.

But what worried Ye Zhongming still happened.

The bullet he fired retreated strangely.

Little Adam's body fell backwards and fell into a coma due to the transition from the attack and fear, but in front of him, there appeared a colorful energy whirlpool.

Inside, a voice appeared.

"I don't know who you are. If you are an evolutionary, I hope you can listen to me."

Ye Zhongming's raised gun drooped slightly.

He discovered that this energy whirlpool was not only making sound, but also enveloping Xiao Zhengtai in it.

"Adam is my child, maybe he offended you, or you took a fancy to something in him that made you want to kill him, but these are not problems, as long as you can let him go, his body You can take away your equipment and weapons, and you can also come to Lake Superior to find us Hawkins and his wife, and you will get unimaginable wealth. I swear on the honor of the King of Naka."

"If you still want to attack my child, then you will also be cursed by the King of Naka. My wife and I, the great Valkyrie Ames, will hunt you down to the ends of the earth, and let you taste the world All the suffering, trust me."

The sound ended at this point, and the colorful energy vortex also began to gradually disappear. Obviously, the comatose little Zhengtai Adam was losing the protective measures that blocked him from the fatal blow just now.

The expression on Ye Zhongming's face did not change, his body teleported over, and the twins of Fenglei directly cut off Adam's head.

A high-pitched female scream came from the energy vortex that was about to disappear, and then it stopped abruptly. A second later, at the moment the energy vortex disappeared, the same voice came over.

"I will find you and kill you!"

Then, everything disappeared, only the light and shadow arena remained.

Ye Zhongming looked down, feeling turbulent in his heart.

Because he discovered that the body of Xiao Zhengtai who was killed by him was gone!

In this special space, this person called the King of Naka, or that Ames Valkyrie who screamed and then fell silent, has the ability to take people away? !

Ye Zhongming suddenly remembered that when he was waiting for the opening of the mountain crown space, he heard some news from the people in the North American continent that there was a very powerful organization on the side of Lake Superior that belonged to the United States. Could it be Xiao Zhengtai's backer?

However, Ye Zhongming was horrified by this ability to take away Zhengtai's corpse from a special space, but he was not afraid of them. With his current strength, there was no one on earth that he had the right to be afraid of.

The prompt sound for the space reward came, and at the same time as the others from Hidden Snake Journey were sent out, Yunding cheered.

There is no way, because the reward Ye Zhongming got this time is S rank.

He killed Xiao Zhengtai within one minute, and the reward he should have received was originally S-level, but because of the extra match, Ye Zhongming chose to improve the quality of the reward, so the reward level was changed to S-level.

When the light cluster appeared, it was different from the other times. This light cluster had a larger area and higher brightness.

Ye Zhongming reached in,

What came out of it was a jade ruyi.

The whole body of this piece of jade Ruyi is snow white, only the top part shows a kind of translucent emerald green, like jadeite made of glass.

"Good luck."

Seeing this name, Ye Zhongming's eyebrows twitched.

Roulette Have you studied the culture of the country?

"Auspicious Ruyi (Purple), ability 1, wishing as you wish. Every three thousand hours, this Ruyi can bless the target once, and the blessed evolutionary will get a certain ability improvement that can be selected, and the initial improvement rate is 100% Twenty percent, as the energy storage time increases, the improvement rate will also increase, up to 30%."

"2, the bath of nectar. Every 3,000 hours, Jixiang Ruyi can help the evolutionary infested by the abnormal state to get rid of the state by consuming its own stored energy. Ruyi energy and negative energy are neutralized. If the former has more energy For the latter, the negative state is completely eliminated, and if the latter has more energy than the former, the corresponding negative state is alleviated."

"3. Breed all things. Auspicious Ruyi can apply this ability to life at any time, allowing life to grow in a span. The growth rate is proportional to the energy that Auspicious Ruyi has given."

"4, Calmness and Concentration. Auspiciousness can make the evolutionary obtain a state of calmness and concentration. When engaging in manufacturing skills, you can get a success rate of 1% to 10%. How much energy is consumed and the success rate is obtained It is directly proportional. The storage period of the initial energy is 5,000 days, and the success rate increases by 1% for every 1,000 days of stored energy."

"5, the soul bestowed by the gods. Auspicious Ruyi can emit the emerald soul on the top, so that a piece of equipment has a spirit that communicates with the user, making the piece of equipment have infinite possibilities. This ability is a one-time ability. After use , Auspicious Ruyi will be reduced to blue level equipment, random two of the first four energies will disappear, and the effects of the remaining two will be halved."

This is the S-level reward? !

Ye Zhongming didn't know how to describe his mood, it wasn't bad, but great!

Although the number of abilities of this purple equipment is a few less than that of equipment of the same level, the effects are very heaven-defying.

Improve certain combat abilities, remove negative status, let life grow and increase the success rate of manufacturing, take out any one, as long as it is equipment with these skills, it will definitely cause looting, but now it is concentrated on the same piece of equipment.

Of course, these abilities are very good, but they all need Jixiang Ruyi to accumulate energy on his own, and the time is not short, which is a huge limitation.

What Ye Zhongming is most optimistic about is the last one, the soul bestowed by God.

The King of Cloud Top thought of a certain piece of equipment he owns, but until now he has not figured out what it is or what it is for. If he uses the God-bestowed soul on this piece of equipment, he will get the answer he wants.

However, once this ability is used, Jixiang Ruyi will lose most of its effects at once, and the King of Cloud Top will have a hard time choosing between choices.

At this time, the light and shadow arena disappeared, and in that place, a door opened in a blink of an eye.

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