Roulette World

1649th death ladder

Far away from the location of Shanwangpan, there is no ice, snow or cold wind, only the clear lake water with rippling blue waves, and the shady trees and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

However, amid such beautiful scenery, there is an extremely terrifying pit. Like a scabies, branded in this beautiful land.

Look carefully, at the bottom of the big pit, there is a person lying, a woman with her eyes open looking at the sky blankly.

The sound of small footsteps made the woman's eyes tremble, but she didn't make any other movements.

"Aimers, the time is up, the people from Treasure Island are here." A man in white armor knelt down beside the woman on one knee, and reached out to caress her beautiful face.

After a long time, the woman said softly, "Has Adam dealt with it?"

The man nodded, "Yes."

I don't know why, but when he was answering, there was an indescribable strangeness in the man's eyes besides sadness.

I can't see how the woman exerted herself, but she sat up so slowly and straight.

"I want to take revenge."

The woman's voice was faint, and she couldn't hear anything at all, but the man who knew his wife very well knew that his wife's heart was filled with hatred at this moment, and she needed a channel to release.

"I want to too, but I can't." The man stood up, "Ames, you know where our strength comes from, the murderer who killed our only son will not be our opponent, but we don't have time to go Looking for him."

"The source of our strength requires us to do other things, which is what we promised before."

Ames' expression moved, and she lowered her head to look at the bottom of the huge pit that she had made below, where there was still a terrifying energy left.

"Let's go, Ames." The man stretched out his hand, "The one who can kill Adam will definitely not be an ordinary person, we should believe that he will go there too, all we need to do is wait. "

"you sure?"

Ames raised his head and looked at his man.

"I'm sure." The man hugged the woman affectionately, "We are the first batch of people to use the admission ticket, and we will be stronger than now, we...wait for him in the arena, wait... Kill him!"


After Yunding entered the gate, he came to a place halfway up the mountain.

Everyone is sure that this is no longer the space of the roulette, at least, it is no longer the closed space before, because from here, you can see the whole picture of the mountain.

At the highest place, a huge roulette is shining.

"The ring mountain road is 20 meters wide and very regular. Every 500 meters, there is a stone ladder road leading to the top of the mountain. Each step is a square area of ​​two meters by two meters. At present, it is impossible to climb up. Our unseen power says hold back."

After listening to Xiao Min's report, Ye Zhongming nodded.

After the team rested and came here through the gate that appeared, everyone found out that they didn't know if it was not the opening time, and the team was currently trapped on this circular mountain road.

"Rest where you are, and be alert."

After Ye Zhongming gave the order, he went to look at the undead ichthyosaurs who fell into sleep after winning the battle, and the Yupo who was still comatose, waiting for the next step in this space.

However, after waiting for two hours, what was waiting was not the opening of the space, but another team.

Governor's team of spades.

Because of the special situation here, as soon as they met each other, they immediately put on a posture of mutual vigilance.

Governor Spade's hill-like body looked at this side for a full half a minute before waving his hands and leading the team back slowly, creating a safe enough distance.

Everyone knows that if the order of coming here is determined by the time of passing the test, then the team that arrives here first, even if it is not the strongest team, is definitely one of the strongest teams.

It is the most unwise choice to act rashly when you have not figured out what you will face next.

So Governor Spades withdrew, and Ye Zhongming did not take the initiative to provoke a war.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the following 'how to play'.

Soon, the third team appeared, which turned out to be an all-mechanical puppet team. Ye Zhongming observed for a long time, but he couldn't find any traces of evolutionists from it. He couldn't help but become wary of this team.

As before, the all-mechanical puppet troop that appeared on the other side of Yunding Mountain Villa faced off for a while, then retreated to the side of the Huanshan Road.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth...

The Ogre Chain, Gyanendra, and the Mottled Crusaders from the foreign area all appeared here successively, ranking fifth, eighth, and tenth respectively.

Seeing more and more forces appearing on the road around the mountain, Ye Zhongming suddenly asked Xiao Min, "How many stone steps leading to the mountain?"

Xiao Min was taken aback for a moment, then immediately replied: "Seven things."

Even if Ye Zhongming didn't make it clear, the others knew why the King of Genting asked.

Now there are more than fifteen teams here, and I don't know if there are any coming, but there are only seven roads leading to it, so...

Who's on?

Everyone wants to go up, and no one will be humble enough to let others go first, so...

Sure enough, when the number of teams that came here reached twenty, the roulette prompt appeared.

"Let's enter the battle for the ladder of death."

Just one sentence made all the forces on the ring mountain road restless.

Battle! die!

These two words let everyone know that the surrounding forces are the enemies they will face!

The two giants of the ogre chain who were standing with Ye Zhongming were taken aback for a moment, then they all smiled wryly.

They thought they could cooperate with Genting, but now it seems that it would be good if they can keep from attacking each other.

However, because the rules of roulette have not been announced yet, the two still have some expectations. What if they can cooperate?

"There are not many roads to victory. Here, there are only seven."

"If you want to reach the final peak, you can only pass through these steps. Each step can only accommodate one team. Obtaining the right to pass is the only way."

"The way to obtain the right of passage needs to meet one of the following conditions."

"1. Occupy a ladder without any other teams competing for it within five minutes."

"2. Defeat five other contests."

"3. Kill more than 5,000 people competing for evolution."

"4, there are only seven teams left."

As soon as the rules were announced, all forces fell into thinking. Because there are many places that can be used in these seemingly simple rules, and if they are used well, the next battle will be much easier.

"The 30-second countdown to the Death Staircase battle begins, and the seven teams that have finally obtained the right to pass will receive pass rewards when they reach the peak."


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