Roulette World

1661 Don't force me to kill you

"If you think this can delay time, then you are wrong, I will not give you this chance."

The voice in the mechanical battle partner answered two seconds after Ye Zhongming finished speaking.

Following his words, his mechanical combat puppets began to move as a whole, and those aggressive combat puppets took their steps, obviously intending to join the battle.

"Actually, it's a pity. If your partner doesn't have instant contact with you, then you will be the one staying here today."

Ye Zhongming's tone at this time was very similar to his opponent's tone before, which made the man in the mechanical battle puppet a little hairy.

"You damned person, you..."

He didn't finish his words, and stopped abruptly at this moment.

Those moving machines... the iron chains that were still wrestling with the Genting fighters... the two weird war partners who were attacking Ye Zhongming, all stopped at this moment.

" are you..."

The man only asked half a sentence, and then stopped talking.

Because he thought of the reason, he really couldn't go on.

"You set up this game, I have to say, it's a genius, you can see the situation clearly in such a short period of time, first put yourself in an invincible position, and then challenge us with strong confidence, all of this, if To say it wasn't done by a genius, a confident genius, would be too much."

What Ye Zhongming said was the truth.

This force, this young man who only hears about it but doesn't see it, has been considering issues from a commanding height since the beginning of the test here. While others were still thinking about how to pass, he had already thought of how to control others to pass.

The roulette space has given four ways to pass, and this person has thought through everything at once. Others are desperately trying to advance through the first two ways, but he has already thought of everything and has become a player here. ' and 'Dealer'.

Also, this person is not only smart, but also has strong self-confidence. Since he monitors every move here, he will not be ignorant of Yunding's strength. Under such circumstances, he still dares to challenge Yunding Villa. does not have.

It's just that geniuses often have shortcomings of one kind or another, and this person is the same. It's just that Ye Zhongming doesn't know what his shortcomings are, but one thing is certain. This person is very confident, or rather self-confident. From what he said, it can be heard that he is very complacent.

Such a person is the one who is most likely to make mistakes, and also the one who is most likely to be overturned.

Now, this person has been turned over.

Because he ignored one of the most basic facts, that is... the ring mountain road is circular!

The young people are overconfident, thinking that they have taken the absolute initiative, and all they have to do is to play with the cloud top between applause, but forget the particularity of the terrain here.

He can think of everything well, he is a genius. And to forget the simplest things, he is a fool.

During the battle in Yunding, there was no sign of Dihuang Wan. When the two sides began to confront each other, when the young man boasted about his achievements and announced that Yunding had been played, Dahuang had quietly left for a while.

Perhaps Ye Zhongming was not as 'foresighted' as this young man showed today, but when he realized everything, the countermeasures had already been used.

Now, Dihuang Wan killed the first mechanical war partner sent by the young man, and also killed the evolver, and the young man lost his first card.

Immediately, Dihuang Wan will rush to the second step to resolve the second card of the mechanical battle partner team again.

Now that the young people wanted to send someone to rush over, it was too late.

"Are you going to kill him?" Ye Zhongming shrugged, looking at the captured evolutionary and said.

This sentence made the young man scream with anger.

He can indeed kill this person now and pass the test later, but he can no longer prevent Yunding from passing. He took Ye Zhongming's words as a mockery of him.

...and indeed a sarcasm.

"It's all the same, otherwise after we kill the person on the second passage,

We will be sent to the next round together! "

Ye Zhongming said, but his heart was not relaxed at all, because even though he had passed this test, he still had to meet this man and his mechanical combat puppet team when he got to the top of the mountain and the final round of tests. a rival.

The young man was silent for a while, and then said: "Yes, you are right, I can no longer prevent you from passing this test. But... I still have a little time, right?"

Thinking of something, the young man became a little brisk again.

"I will try to delay as long as possible, and then use this time to let you bear the consequences of angering me."

He obviously wanted to continue playing for a while.

"Don't force kill you."

Ye Zhongming said softly, his eyes focused on the mechanical battle puppet.

The scene was incomparably quiet, except for the hissing of sparks from some broken mechanical puppets from time to time.

The King of Genting said, don't force me to kill you, he is very serious.

Those who know Ye Zhongming also know that since he said so, he must have the ability to kill the person opposite.

But that young man didn't know, he could only judge for himself.

If he insists on continuing to attack Yunding, can Ye Zhongming kill him?

This is a seemingly simple bet that requires great courage.

If you win the bet, everything will be fine, if you lose the bet, your life will be gone.

"Very good, you are fine." The young man's voice seemed to be an order, and the mechanical puppets began to shrink their formation.

"You won this game, see you above."

After finishing speaking, this person killed the evolutionary under his control without hesitation, and achieved the condition of killing five thousand. The entire team slowly disappeared on the mountain road, becoming the fifth team that passed the test.

Seeing the disappearance of their opponents, Yunding Villa also got a reminder of the roulette space, and they became the sixth team to pass.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell into a brief darkness. When the light appeared again, they had already arrived in a huge hall. Ye Zhongming looked around and saw the other six teams.

Yes, a total of seven teams passed the test.

Yunding Mountain Villa, Ogre Chain, Great America, Mechanical Ghost, Women's Battalion, Mottled Crusade and... another team called Kamikaze, that team has only one person...

It was the one who was captured by the mechanical ghost and Dihuang Wan hadn't had time to kill him. He was lucky and unlucky, because he survived the last level, but he was destined to die in this level.

Seeing the appearance of Yunding Villa, Wu Xiu and Ruan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the situation is unknown, they really don't have much confidence.

"Look at your rewards, it's right up front."

Although everyone can see each other, the seven forces are inside the seven transparent dome energy shields. At the position where the energy shields face the front, that is, in the direction of the mountain king plate, there is an exquisite box with a square meter.

Thinking about it, it should be the reward for just getting off the death ladder.

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