Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and sixty-two three-dimensional roulette

The reward didn't say what it was based on. Maybe the rewards are the same after passing through the channel?

Ye Zhongming scanned one of the other forces. Except for the mechanical ghost who put the rewards into the battle partner and couldn't see them, the other forces should have been opened early. Now they are all looking at Yunding.

The King of Cloud Top didn't hide it, and opened the box directly.

There is no radiance, no lingering fragrance, and a man's top is placed inside.

If it weren't for the beautiful shape of the box and the tops inside, this box could easily be considered an organizer.

Ye Zhongming picked up the jacket in the box and got a reminder.

"The monk's cassock."

Because Ye Zhongming took his coat out of the box, people from several other forces also saw it, and many people made strange noises.

It's not that the top is too good, it's too bad.

Many people have seen that there is a gray light shining on it.

Gray scale? This is a piece of equipment that ranks at the penultimate level. Even if Yunding Villa is the last one to pass the test, is it necessary to only give one piece of gray-level equipment?

Naturally, the roulette space cannot be equipped with the gray level. This thing, Ye Zhongming has seen a similar thing before, that is, the bloody boots.

The blood treading boots that were opened from the treasure chest obtained from the gate of sacrifice at the beginning are a prototype equipment, and materials need to be added to it to complete the final shape.

It was Ye Zhongming who added the hoof of the cloud hoof, the tail of the lizard and the bugman, and the most valuable golden cloth. After that, the bloody boots turned into gold, and they still follow Ye Zhongming until now. Some of its abilities are still used by Ye Zhongming often of.

Compared to the uproar and disbelief of the people watching the excitement around, Ye Zhongming thinks that this thing is very good.

Ye Zhongming saw that there was no change in the surroundings, and he didn't know when this round of trials would start. He ordered his men to check the dome energy shield around to see if there was anything worth noting, and then retreated to the team Among them, find materials from equipment.

Even though all the teams that have passed the test are now in their own closed environment, a 'war' will inevitably follow, and Ye Zhongming is very willing to increase their strength a little bit.

After all, the fighting power shown by that mechanical ghost just now made the King of Genting very afraid.

The materials added to the bloody boots match the attributes of the equipment like shoes, so this time Ye Zhongming did not randomly add them.

He was prompted to put in five materials.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming still tried to put ghost gold and the few remaining diamond gold into it, but the prompt he got was that it did not meet the equipment attributes.

Ye Zhongming then gave up, he thought for a while, and took out a few things from the space.

The first is a piece of animal skin, which is pulled from the ninth-level human bear, and it is the most complete and most defensive part of its body, the center of the back.

This is a level nine material, which is much higher than the cloud hoof material or lizard worm material that was put into the blood treading boots.

The results also demonstrate the advantages of advanced materials. After putting in this human bear skin, the gray monk's cassock immediately increased from the lowest level of equipment to the green level!

Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up a little.

It wasn't because the level of green surprised him, but because the upper limit of this piece of equipment seemed to be a bit high.

He was a little impatient.

The second piece of equipment that was put in was Snow Wolf King's hair.

The number of these things is not too much. When this ninth-level life was killed, the battle was fierce and the loss was relatively large.

But this is something on the skin, and its defensive power is also very good. Presumably, it should meet the requirements of this piece of equipment.

Sure enough, after Ye Zhongming put in these beautiful long silver hairs, the equipment completely absorbed them.

The green halo slowly disappeared, but was replaced by blue light.

Ye Zhongming frowned. After putting in the two materials, the grade surprised him from the beginning, but turned into dissatisfaction.

Only raised one level?

Although only two pieces of equipment have been added now, they are all level nine, so blue?

Ye Zhongming calmed down a lot just now because of his excitement about the green level.

Since the two materials were upgraded to blue only at level nine, Ye Zhongming was more cautious when choosing the third material.

At this time, the Mountain King Disk in front of the seven teams suddenly started to rotate, and the faint mist covering it, which made it difficult for everyone to see its face, gradually dissipated.

Apparently the final test will begin.

"what is this?!"

Many people exclaimed after seeing the board clearly.

"Stereoscopic disk?!"

Wu Xiu couldn't even close her mouth.

Nearly six years after the end of the world, everyone has seen many types of roulettes, ordinary, professional, special, and this kind of test roulette with its own space.

But no matter what kind, it is flat and two-dimensional.

And the Mountain King Plate is actually three-dimensional. In other words, it completely breaks through everyone's imagination. The disk surface is a painting, a three-dimensional painting that seems to be an independent space.

From the perspective of everyone, there are dots of stars in the disk, like a starry sky, with a few not too big bubbles floating in it, visually far or near from everyone.

Among these bubbles are items, but they can't be seen clearly now.

In the deepest part, one thing is the most shining and eye-catching.

It was a beautifully shaped crown.

Needless to say, that one is the mountain crown.

"The final test begins now. According to the order of passing the death ladder, please choose a representative from the first team, Great America, and hit the Soaring Crystal."

The beep of the roulette appeared, and at the same time, there was another stone platform in front of the roulette. There were two things on it, one was a stone hammer with a curved handle, and the other was a pair of wings combined together. crystal.

The huge energy shield of the team that Great America was in opened an opening automatically, and a strong black man with a dreadlock came out.

The Governor of Spades obviously didn't intend to take action himself until he figured out the situation.

After all, the hints of the roulette wheel are not very clear, who knows what to do after playing this soaring crystal, what if sacrifices are needed?

The other forces watched nervously. Obviously, they will also encounter the current situation in a while. Someone will show them what to do, and they will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

Even Ye Zhongming temporarily gave up adding the third material to the Monk's cassock, and came to watch in front of the energy shield of the giant egg.

The black man was a little nervous and walked very slowly. When he came to the stone platform, he first looked back at the Governor of Spades, then carefully picked up the stone hammer, gritted his teeth, and swung it towards the flying crystal!

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