Roulette World

1673rd card reward (below)

Just like the first time, everyone in Genting was moved to this brand new bright star.

Because of the special nature of the red hair, the evolutionary's treatment methods are not effective on her body, so although everyone saw that the red hair is not in a good condition, they can only rely on her to recover by herself and choose recovery supplies.

Ye Zhongming made eye contact with the red hair, and relaxed a little.

The red hair is really much stronger. Although she is injured now and consumes a lot of physical strength, the overall situation is fine.

Thinking of the 'manufacturing' of her from the pool of blood back then, the King of Cloud Top couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This bright star is already in the middle of the chaotic area, and what is different from before is that this is another scene.

It has been said that people's imagination is infinite.

This sentence is correct to a certain extent, there is nothing that cannot be produced by human phenomena.

However, things like imagination, after all, rely on people's cognition, knowledge, experience, life, etc., and have a certain foundation.

Just like the various lives seen after the end of the world, most of them are also named by people based on the "resemblance" to a certain life form on the earth.

Seeing this brand new bright star now, everyone in Genting knows that the imagination is also limitless. Some things cannot be imagined out of thin air. They have never imagined that a planet can be like this.

Vegetation, soil, breath, sky, color...

Everything is very different from the earth.

When many people look at all this, they will have an idea-it turns out that the world can also be like this.

"Let's go, there."

Ye Zhongming pointed, and everyone looked in the direction, and saw a building that was the same as the bright star before.

Everyone walked in, and they saw the familiar crystal plate, but compared with the previous one, there was one more thing here.

star map.

The entire star map in the Shanwangpan space that everyone saw from the entire space before.

"Look, here, here, it seems that people can be seen."

"There are also here!"

Although many young soldiers are considered qualified fighters, they still haven't learned to calm down because of their age, and they still feel a little impatient when they see novel things.

Ye Zhongming and others naturally saw it too.

On this star map, some bright stars are lit up, and it is not difficult to find that these lit up bright stars are occupied.

And on the bright star that each brother is occupied, as long as you look carefully, you can see that some pictures are slowly flowing on the unprinted patterns.

Observe carefully, there are people and beasts in the picture, it shows the people who challenged or bought the bright star when they occupied the bright star, besides, there are some mutant lives.

For evolutionists with excellent memory, they naturally recognize that those are all evolutionary beings that were previously available for everyone to choose from on the crystal disk.

For example, the speed-type life on the bright star that was occupied by Yunding Villa just now appeared on the screen together with Xia Bai's figure.

"This is to let everyone know what they chose and how many bright stars they have?"

Xiao Min smiled mockingly, feeling hateful and helpless at the virtue of Roulette Space.

It is always at a certain point, teasing your nerves.

Isn't it impossible to see other places on bright stars? It doesn't matter, I will make a star map for you, so that you can see what other people have done and what results they have.

Invisibly, great pressure was placed on every team.

In the space challenge of walking on thin ice, this kind of pressure may become a kind of motivation, a necessary condition to stimulate the potential, and it may also become the last straw that crushes the Evolutionary team.

Ye Zhongming took a look, the situation on the star map is not complicated, now basically every faction has a bright star, individual, such as the team of mechanical ghosts, already has two, and they are all in his own Inside the tunnel, obviously, that guy chose to occupy as many bright stars as possible.

In addition, Ye Zhongming also saw that, for example, the Ogre Chain, which promised him to assist Yunding in obtaining the Mountain King Plate, chose to rush to the center as soon as possible.

It's understandable when you think about it. They do this with the least effort. When they move forward together in the last ten rounds, they just need to choose the strength to hit the flying crystal according to the situation. Let others fight, as long as they don't fight Even if the promise is fulfilled.

Of course, if given the chance, Ye Zhongming believes that the Ogre Chain will take a decisive move to take down the Mountain King Disk, and he also believes that this commercial organization will sell this master equipment to him at that time.

However, that must be a sky-high price that made both Yunding and Ye Zhongming feel pain.

Of course, there are also those who chose the same as Ye Zhongming. Such teams all entered the chaotic star area in the middle, but they didn't go very far, and they were all near one or two bright stars.

All that needs to be done now is to choose the guardian beast here.

Before that, Ye Zhongming took out the card he got.

"Multifunctional discount card."

The name was ordinary, but Ye Zhongming was a little shocked.

It feels like the roulette space is going to play tricks again.

Sure enough, after reading the explanation, Ye Zhongming knew that he had guessed right.

Just like the name, this is a discount card.

There are two discounts for this card. The first one is that you can use it to get a certain degree of discount when you buy Bright Star. The second is that you can also get a discount when buying a guardian beast.

But the difference is that the discount for guardian beasts has always existed, that is to say, as long as you reach a new bright star, you can use this card to buy guardian beasts at a discount.

However, the discount for purchasing bright stars can only be used once.

Obviously, this needs to be considered by the owner, which bright star to use and the node to use are very important.

Since it is a discount card, it naturally has a discount.

The 8.6 written on Ye Zhongming's photo should mean 14% off.

Are discounts the same for every team? Ye Zhongming thought about it, and felt that it should not be the case. It is very likely that the team that gets this card first will get a bigger discount.

It's just that this question can only be verified when we see the ogre chain.

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