Roulette World

1674th surprise at the first resource point

Can you still explore bright stars?

It's not that no one has thought about this, but before the last bright star, everyone really didn't see anything worth exploring around? All that can be seen are flowers and plants.

"It's a multiple-choice question again."

Ye Zhongming sighed, but his eyes fell outside the building.

Roulette space regulations say that there is no time limit, but it depends on how you choose.

The team can explore on the bright star. This is a planet. How long does it take to explore? Maybe, this place may not be a complete ecological planet like the earth, but it will never be too small. How long will it take to explore a circle?

The team that chooses not to explore can quickly use the time of others to explore and occupy as many bright stars as possible. When the time comes, failure is inevitable.

But if you don't explore, if there are really good things on the bright star, or the kind of good things that can greatly improve the team, or even good things that can be used as equivalents to buy bright stars and guardian beasts, then, again It will be a different scene.

Just when Ye Zhongming was tangled, maybe everyone else was tangled, the voice of the space like a devil's temptation sounded again.

"For the equivalent, you can buy a navigation map, which marks the location of valuable items on the bright star."

Ye Zhongming couldn't help smiling wryly, the roulette space is clearly seductive.

At this moment, Ye Zhongming knew that many vacillating people were looking for some extra gains on Bright Star.

Because the space almost clearly reminds you - not enough money? It doesn't matter, as long as you buy the navigation map, you can have a chance to earn money to buy bright stars and guardian beasts.

This made the teams who came here ambitious to get the mountain crown, how could they not be tempted.

In the public star field in the middle area, there are many bright stars, and no one can buy them all. But once there is this kind of navigation map for finding bright star specialties, there will undoubtedly be such a chance of winning.

Sighing again, Ye Zhongming chose to buy.

An exquisite slender cylinder appeared in his hand, with a red button on it, with a light touch, a virtual holographic bright star map appeared in front of his eyes.

There are at least hundreds of bright spots on it, all of which are obviously valuable things. The only green spot is the location of the building you are in now.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the nearest place."

On the star map, the situation of each team has not changed, and they are obviously attracted by the special products on Liangxing, which makes Ye Zhongming feel a little relieved. After all, the purpose of his trip is to win the crown of the mountain. With extremely high and excellent bonuses, for him who already has the Sea Crown, this trip is bound to win.

If there is a team that does not look for special products, but directly and quickly occupies Liangxing, then Ye Zhongming has to do the same, otherwise, once the opportunity is occupied by others, no matter how many special products they find, the gain will not be worth the loss.

The King of Genting will never believe that the combined value of these special products exceeds the crown of the mountain, otherwise all the tests here are just a joke.

The nearest resource point to everyone in Yunding was not too far away, and at the speed of an evolutionary, it took only 20 minutes to arrive.

It was a small was really a 'small forest', because there were only five or six trees alone, but because each one was quite tall, like the trees that had grown on the earth for decades, it looked spectacular. Not shabby, but at least not shabby.

"It seems to be... Jinyu Oak?"

The main task of the red makeup guards is to protect Ye Zhongming. They don't know much about various materials. Seeing these big trees, Xiao Min is a little uncertain.

"It's the Jinyu oak tree!"

Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up a little.

This thing is also found on Earth, but it is very rare, only found in tropical areas.

Not to mention that Jinyu Oak is full of treasures, it’s almost the same. Their branches are soft and can’t be used for anything, but when the materials are burned, they can emit a special fragrance.

Under this aroma, the evolutionary's physical and mental recovery speed will be accelerated. The higher the level of Jinyu oak branches, the better the fragrance effect after being lit. Basically, the Jinyu oak tree over level six The oak tree can double the recovery speed of the evolutionary's physical and mental strength, and if it is eighth level, it is already more than three times.

For this alone, the value of this thing is very high. Before rebirth, the price of an incense stick made from a golden oak tree that can burn for an hour is about the same as an ordinary piece of silver equipment.

The branches are not hard enough, but the leaves of the Jinyu oak tree are extremely tough. It is an excellent blueprint material for making protective equipment, and its value goes without saying.

And the most exciting thing for evolution is the fruit of the Jinyu oak tree, which is a fruit with magical effects. This kind of fruit has to go through four stages from fruiting to maturity. The first stage is when the fruit just bears fruit. At this time, they are red and the size of a cherry. At this time, they have the ability to be inlaid, which can make people with Equipment with sockets produces special abilities. The second stage is when the fruit expands a bit. At this time, they are blue in color and extremely hard. After being processed, after being shot out by the launcher equipment, they are extremely powerful and will produce some special attack effects.

The third stage is before ripening, when the fruits are off-white. At this time, they can be used as medicine, and they are the main material for making some instant recovery medicines. The last stage is the mature fruit. At this time, they are yellow and are a very good food. After the evolutionary eats them, according to the level of the Jinyu oak tree, the overall strength of the evolutionary will increase within a certain period of time. A mature fruit of the Jinyu Oak tree at about level 6 can increase the strength of an evolutionary by about 10%, and a mature fruit of the Jinyu Oak tree of about level 8 can increase the strength of the evolutionary by about 20%. Individual circumstances are different, about ten to fifteen days or so.

This is equivalent to an evolution potion that lasts for a long time without any side effects.

If it is just like this, it cannot be said that it is extremely precious. What is precious is that after the effect of the medicine lasts, the effect of this fruit will remain according to the level and the condition of the evolver. Ye Zhongming knows that, Up to 50% of them are left at one time!

That is to say, if an evolutionary takes a mature fruit of the eighth-level Jinyu oak tree, his own strength may be increased by 20% in half a month, and after half a month, there will still be 10% of the remaining fruit. Raise the speed!

A permanent 'residue'!

Of course, the remaining Jinyu oak fruit of each level will only produce one effect, but it’s okay to calculate carefully, not counting the mutant plant fruits of the ninth level, if the first eight levels have fruits that are killed by the same Taking it personally, it is estimated that there is no problem in increasing the strength by 20% in total!

Ye Zhongming didn't expect that the first resource point on this bright star would give him such a big surprise!

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